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Hay all,

I wanted to post some updates as I have been working on very exciting things, this is going to be quite a long post and will be segregated into different segments just to explain what is going on.

Things to cover in the progress update:

  • Creation of Futa Version of Merin.
  • Creation of Futa Version of Jorogumo.
  • Creation of the new addition to this fantasy Manara the BloodElf.

These progressions have a range of things attached to each, so some will be simple while others will be more grand, let us start!


Futa Merin:

For Merin, we could summaries the progression into 3 segments:

  • Texture Conversion - Done

Texture conversion was quite straight forward, problem was the penis to make normal maps. currently for testing purposes. I used one of the available morphs for a horses... It did kind of work lol. 


Which brings us to problem 2:

  • Creation of Horse Penis - 20%

Honestly, I have never attempted this, current progress on this front is mainly getting my hands on a horse penis, this really sound weird now I have to read it lol.

The challenge would be wrapping it after sculpting? I'm not sure if I would use it as a reference and model my own or use an existing to wrap. The issue is having the Penis bones from the G2M align with whatever I'm making, this is a new front for me so going to take a bit of tinkering to manage.

Afterword, making the details so I could extract a Normal/Bump map to use. As the current example above showcases a Normal that is not done by me, which is an issue to release, as my texturing is based on it. So I need to make my own Normal which again needs me to model the damn thing.

  • Transforming Clothing - 0%

Yeah, this means I need to readjust all the clothing to fit the G2M model too. This honestly very painful. But we will see if I will create my own this time or just convert the existing done, who knows as I'm yet to tackle this.


Futa Jorogumo:

Oh boy, where to start? If I'm to say she is getting a complete overhaul would probably be an understatement 😅, let us summorise her points into the following:

  • A creation of a new environment for Jorogumo - Done

As the point explains, I went ahead an made a new unique environment for our lovely spider mistress. It had to be dark and damp, with some webs thrown in there for good measures lol.

Let us look at the progress for that shall we?

Starting with the Base shape

After cutting it, I could finally start to play around with the insides to simulate bumps.

after I'm satisfied with the details, I went ahead and re-topologized the model to make it "Performance Friendly" 👍.

Throwing it in to Substance, I had different Ideas on how to get this textured, but had to make sure that the AO actually works, this was painful...

This is the first texture Idea I had, more murky and greenish as it was in a jungle settings or something along these lines, I honestly leave lore to the last as it can be quite restrictive at times.

So after getting it inside Unity, It was okay, probably can use it if there is more interest in it.

But alas, I opted to go for a more sinister or something akin to abandonment in a cove somewhere in the shores... See? No lore, less restrictions 😁

Once I got it into Unity, I felt it was better suited to the overall theme, as also the colors are within range of the character too.

The rest from there is just creating a bunch of assets blocks/bricks/planks and such, so we can skip but provide some insights.

Then assembly begins from here on after.

Last touches was adding webs.

And here she is in her new Environment  😍

With this conclusion of her environment, now we can touch base on what comes next for her.

  • Re-Doing Jorogumo's Spider Limbs - Done

Naturally, an overhaul will not be complete without re-animating her limbs, it was quite a challenge though, as unlike tails, there are 8 limbs to work with. so frustrating to get right, specially when 4 of them are mirrored and when doing this on 0.0.0 plane. This means If an X is going on + on Right Limb Number 2 for example, then I have to make Left Limb goes - value. I might be just venting out at this point, but hay... That is progress report lol.

Limbs Remade in unity.

And they work beautifully inside VaM

So, this means moving forward to the next 2 steps.

  • Futa Texture Conversion - 80%
  • Futa Penis Creation - 20%

I have combined these 2 together as the one has to go with the other. Just like Merin prior, In order to create the normal maps and the diffuse for the G2M gentiles. I have to have the model to base off the Normals and Colors.

I'm not even sure what type of penis it should have? I'm reckoning something more akin to or referencing one of the "Bad Dragon" dildoes. If you do not know what that is, just google that lol.



Last but not least, we have Manara the Blood Elf, she will be the new release this month and hopefully soon.

  • Morphs Creation - Done

I managed to clean up her morphs and get hear ears looking quite awesome. It was quite the challange as her figure is thin and voluptuous at the same time. Never worked with something like this before, sparing you the details but it managed to work out 😅

Morphs closeup

Body Sculpt

This is the rough version, which eventually you have to smooth out, like:

I think it can show more around the breast area!

I really hate sculpting in low poly, so when you do major sculpting on High Poly and go to Low poly, you get these edges. So you have to clean them up on the Low body prior to using them in DaZ.

As usual, sometimes when you pull up the morphs to see them work for the first time, you get stuff like this lol


Round 2 managed to fix the whole tongue thing, but now have another problem with the lower inner gum poking out.

Lucky for me, I have the Gum fix I made for Khadija the Orc. As she had this same problem.

So next was the ears, I'm quite proud of this one, referenced many illustrations to get something I would call perfect 😁

Overall, I guess it is a success as you have to remember, I'm not wrapping morphs from somewhere and mostly these are interpretations of how I would see a Blood Elf in more realistic style.

Next on the list would be textures, this has many iterations honestly. As I was torn between making it authentic or for lack of better terms  "winging it" 😅

  • Texture Creation - 80%

So for textures, I went ahead and made something that used the same method I did for Qadr the Alien. It turned out good, but not super good as It did feel off...

But cannot judge until I managed to completed entirely. For these results...

👆 8k btw... So yeah, do not get me wrong. It looks amazing, but not something with the level I learned so far, so I had to scrap it and redo the whole thing...

The first issue I had with it was more or less, it was way to orange and dark, which basically stand's true to most BloodElf from the original game. But heck, I'm not doing something for the sake of copying others, but rather re-envision the style. So I had to make it more pickish then also add a hint of blue and redo the whole maps and redraw the overall texture, this obviously meant that I needed new maps, and new maps meant new model. New model meant new UDIM's...... Ugh.

So yeah, I'll spare you the hassle of x100 pictures and summaries my agony into this single image.

Yeap, that is my 3090 tanking... All for your amusement lmao

So this is the end results, with the new textures "Diffuse Only".

After making the most of it, I dressed her up with something that is available and shot this to simulate how she looks as an over all, she still lack most maps yea!

Which leaves us to the next item on the list 🙄...

  • Clothing Creation - 50%

I really struggled with this one, as clothing is one of my weak points, this does not mean that I cannot make clothing. It just means that what takes others a day might take me a week to do so.

So obviously first thing come to mind, is trying to get a reference from online somewhere. I'm honestly still in the process of deciding. This prompted me to say the following "Why not start from somewhere?" It is fine to say something like this, but can become quite a problem if you invest into a concept, let me show you what I mean 😅...

This is where it started. I was like, how hard is it to make Shoulder pads?

Next thing I know I made Gauntlets

Then I was like I might need shoulder and waist strap.

I have to make the armor now, for protection reasoning.

So far it looks bulky, but that is the whole point. You make the low poly and divide to infinity for details, the more the better. 

So I had to reduce it to base mesh again to continue the concept.

Now for the most important piece of the whole armor, the underware 👙

Extremely protective...

Any lady that wears this should feel safer now 😂

Now with that done I continued on to make the lower area too.

With base finished, now it's time to take one piece and trying it out for texturing plus seeing how the heck it will look eventually.

After a bunch of fiddling and detailing, I made this pattern.

It's time now to take it to substance, and I'm very excited to share with you guys the results 🥰

I was like naaaahhhh, need a damn render for this one.

Look, my first armor, now only if VaM can take it lol

Would you look at that! I can continue with more comfort now that it will "Work" I hope.

Welp, it's looking  peachy so far. even inside VaM.

So I went and continued detailing the armor pieces, this will take a while.

Now honestly, even if I manage to conclude the armor, I'm not sure it will fit the Blood Elf. But I started this so I might as well end it. We will see we can release it as separate or modify it to suit her? Cannot judge until I conclude this build.

So this takes us to the last item on the list.

  • Manara Unique Environment - 40%

For the environment, I pretty much know exactly what i want to do, as I have assets left over from when I created the Merin Environment. It's just I have not gotten around for that as of yet.


This should conclude the current progress update, these are pretty much fun projects that I'm currently tackling. I'm more focused on Manara first right now to see if I can release her soon, or even her human side counterpart. We will see how it looks.

Thank you all for taking the time to go through the long post, but felt comfortable to share with you these nuggets of progress to keep you posted on what's happening, as I know I do not post WIP's so often as I should, because they take so long to make even the WIP posts. 

As usual, please share your thoughts and ideas and look forward to the next release anytime soon.



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