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This is Harpina – The Green Harpy Monster Girl.  

Green Harpies are intrinsic by nature. They seek shiny glowy things, preferably gold. They can become very docile when presented with gold. This is especially true when they are out and about flying in the mountains, as they use these shiny glowy (Gold) to decorate their nests, for when they are ready to attract a suitable male human for mating season.

Unlike most Monster Girls out there, their lust is usually in control. However, when mating season comes around, it’s suddenly a different story. In this period, they change into typical monsters. Assaulting human men, they try to milk semen and conceive an offspring. Their focus becomes all about having sex with men and it’s the driving force behind their behavior. Of course, once mating is concluded, the assaulted man is free to take all the gold as tribute.

Some say, this is an excellent way to get rich, do you agree?


-Harpina - Link 💖  
-Clothing By Hunting-Succcubus - EyeBall Shadow & EyeBall Refleciton
-Hair By Miki - Kate Tail 


-Inside you'll find Harpina's Look (Scene + Clothing)
-Troubleshooting - You need 1.9 Beta Opt In to access the AddonPackage.
-Troubleshooting - If your look does not look like mine in the screenshot, it is because your graphic settings is set on low. Image




Subscribed just for this item, certainly very high quality...but I'm having a teeny bit of a problem with it. I actually grabbed it because I was hoping to be able to use the various clothing bits on a male character, try to put together some kind of harpy-boy for a monster-male on regular-female scenario I had in mind (alas, no one in the entire VAM community seems to make male monsters of that kind) and for the most part I've been able to get the morphs to work, they just need some fiddling in the morphs panel to fit it all together. But the clothing is a lot more trouble, as it is sized for a female and I can't control enough of the scaling on my end to be able to resize them. I wouldn't say I need the whole set (I don't need the jewel parts and I was able to jerry rig something together for the chest), but if you have the time and it isn't much trouble, would you mind releasing a rescaled version for a male character? I don't mind if you can't, as the morphs have been a massive help already, but I just figured there'd be no trouble asking :P


Hello Boriskov, I'm glad you enjoyed this release, it's very interesting as this model was released 1 year ago exactly as you placed your comment. Time sure flies... You should never assume clothing for female will fit male figures straight out of the bat with VaM specifically. As I'm sure in Daz there are way to make this happen. VaM sadly does not have cross gender dedicated mesh, meaning you have to have clothing specifically designed "Fitted" to the specific sex you are designing clothing for. In Harpina's situation her clothing was designed for Female figure and it was never intended for male, thus you will find it very confusing and difficult to fit it or make it work easily. I'm sorry I cannot help you with this request, it seems very simple indeed but still require a huge amount of work. Sadly I have lost most of my older creation content in a hardware failure accident and could not recover it, this means original files "Figure Morph's in ZBrush / Clothing" are lost in the wind. Only thing left are the stuff I managed to get on VaM such as textures clothing and morphs as all that is on a separate hard drive. Again, thank you for showing support and I hope you enjoy the rest of the content 😄


Hey there, thanks for answering so soon! I actually managed to get most of the stuff working to a reasonable level - VAM was a massive help here, as I managed to use sim mode with a completely static frame to let me use distance scaling. That got pretty much everything I wanted working: the wings, the chest plumage, even the bits around the hands, with the only piece that I can't seem to get going right in this setup is the waist piece. I'm wondering if I might be able to get that to work in a roundabout way by using the features for it as a texture on another piece of clothing, but I'm happy as this has saved me a lot of time messing around with Daz3D, and I really don't want to have to touch that thing with a ten foot pole :P By the way, your environments are really useful, too. I'm trying to piece together a sort of scene where an adventuress gets caught by surprise, and the cave opens some pretty useful possibilities and saves me a ton of time having to construct one of my own in Unity/VAM. Only question I've got is if you're planning on any sort of male monster content, even if it is just put together from the scraps of the female/futa options? It's mega useful stuff, but so rare that I don't think anyone out there is making it at all :S


The answer would be in between, as probably I would not be dedicating specific time for Male figures as it does not really interest me, but there are Futa conversions in which it plays into the same thing generally. I'm glad you enjoyed the released environments. It's pretty far in between, but it's fun to create a habitat for the theme.