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Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on my previous post, as our community keeps on growing, your feedback is always encouraged and most welcomed.

I went a head and drafted out some changes on how I will be releasing models moving forward, these changes are more targeted based on my experience so far on the hectic schedule of model releases including the current global crises and how it's effecting me personally to keep my schedule in check. 

There is a (Good) side effect to my current Patreon engagement though, in which creating new Monster Girl usually require a full look to be created including unique textures in some cases. Why not add them into the mix? This will keep a tight release scheduled if thrown in the mix as it will provide a buffer to complete a a full look for release.

Now, what will change? It's quite simple. The steps below explains the old track:

  • Week 1 Start: (Vote) Select Monster Girl for release.
  • Week 1 Progress: Showcase WIP on Concept Monster Girl I'm cooking.
  • Week 1 End : Conclude Monster Girl Concept finish and Post Hunt Posting (?????)
  • Week 1 End : Shoot a dancing video of the Vote winner for release the week after (Week 2)
  • Week 2 Start : (Vote) Select next research subject.
  • Week 2 Progress: WIP refining the Voted Monster Girl for release.
  • Week 2 End: Release Monster Girl 
  • Week 2 End: Reveal Hunt Monster of the weak.
  • Week 3 Start: Repeat from (Week 1)

There is an apparent problem from the formula above, the first can be described as momentum. It is good to have a shuffle every once in a while. But constant shuffle can break the build momentum, specially less desired Monster Girls, I faced this particularly with Demonica, I had no clue when I opened her files, how the hell did I draw on the textures, or the source material placement. (3 Month Gap from Concept to Release)

Consistency, Luckily for me I tried to keep a tight ship with scheduled releases. But this was straining as it became quite a challenge to provide consistent releases on technically challenging Monster Girls. Specially when I try to learn new techniques to apply for a release. Azure was the most guilty of that. 

Shelved Monsters, this one actually hurt me the most, as it was never intentional. But there are some Monster Girls on the backlog that never got to be released. To clarify, when I say it hurts me, I see the same people voting for the same Monster ever since we started the Voting when this Patreon community was created and their selection never got out there to be loved 😭


 Immediate changes 

  • Constant releases of backloged Monster Girls based on their Creation Timeline. (I'll be uploading a scheduler for each release in succession). We will target weekly release for that, possible shorter intervals depending on the complexity of the Monster Girl.
  • Change to Tier Picture and content provided for each Tier.
  • Limit the Tiers Patreon Limit on the (5$ and 7$)

Next Phase

  • Banner Change, update banner to reflect current creations.
  • Add new Tier (Normal Look).
  • Release will follow a 1 month release schedule, within it Patreon members will get what they voted for in the concept plus the following (Normal Look/Skin - Futa if Applicable - Monster Girl Look/Texture - Monster Futa if Applicable)
  • Voting will be done for each release once a Month, this will provide voters the right to cast names and bio for creatures created. (will work out a container system for this)


The current system was fine to work with but it was challenging to maintain as we grow, thus change has to be done in order to provide more constancy on release plus making sure that whatever concept is created is actually released on time.

As usual, your feedback and participation is what pushes me forward to reach newer heights, I'm quite lucky and appreciative of your constant support and transparency towards this content.

As Always,
What Would I Do Without You!



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