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Cross-posting this from YouTube. Very sorry for such a late notice on this one Patreon peeps. I am overjoyed that we hit 1500 of you (absolutely mindblowing), and am devastated to take time off at such a wonderful milestone, but it is more than necessary right now. Love you guys <3

(YouTube post): Hey all, really important update for you. As of late, I've neglected my mental health, and it has taken a bit of a toll. I don't take breaks very often from working/planning YouTube stuff, and eventually it always catches up to me. I know it is a late notice, but I will be taking the rest of the week off from uploading/streaming, and will be back January 1st, with my yearly goal video and then daily uploads resuming after that. I wish you all a wonderful New Years, and will see you soon. <3

- Jack



Take care broski

Eve Edena

Rest easy, Jack. Enjoy this week so you can come back happy and healthy!


Take care!!!!!


Take as much as you like jack , you know were always here for you ma boi ♥️


Love you and take of yourself Jack. You deserve it king


All good, take all the time you need to feel back up to speed and we’ll be here for you when you return ♥️


Take care Jack! Happy new years!!


take your time! we’ll be here waiting for you ❤️


Take care of yourself. Mental health is important❤️❤️


You deserve broski. I would be happy if you took off even longer than that bro.


Take care!


Take care Jack! Happy new year. Much love as always ❤️


Rest easy! Also, I’m sure you’ve gotten this a lot but if you are capable then I suggest you get an editor. That could help with your mental health a lot. And it gives you more time to do other stuff.

Kayla Jimenez

take care jack! happy new years ❤️

Nyan Krunex

Happy New Years!

Frankie Orona

Take all the time you need Jack! Remember health before wealth

Julia F

Thank you for the heads up and the reminder to take breaks. Keeping up with watching the daily releases can be difficult. I can't imagine how much more grueling it is to film, edit and post them. Wishing you good health and bright days of joy.


mental health is super important!!! Take all the time you need Jack and rest up! You honestly work so hard, you def need it : ) Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Years!!


You're absolutely amazing for doing all of that, making so many happy, But you're coming first! take a very well deserved rest and be better first and foremost ❤️ anything else is secondary


Take care of yourself.

Jiffy Lube

Happy new year! Enjoy your break.


Take care of yourself Jack! Enjoy a well deserved break.