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Hey all, sorry it’s been a full day since my last update. I have been sitting and waiting for support to email me back.

To summarize, my Patreon is basically being threatened with deletion unless even the Naruto reactions are deleted themselves. I have brought up the fact that I am legally protected under copyright laws for transformative content and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out a solution to all of this, so I’m very sorry for not posting anything in the meantime. I’m really trying my best to not let you guys down.

Hoping to have another update before the end of the day today.



Daniel Ayala

Take your time jack. Hopefully this will all get sorted out and you’ll be back to normal

Liam D

Sorry to hear this man. So many reactors have to deal with this copyright bs which isnt right since you do it the right way


Not to take away from the importance of this but do we still get full metal episodes?


weebly girls made their own website now they got copyrighted at the same moment like you 😢


Take your time Jack, we're here for you. Hope you're okay through all this.

Noah C

We all understand Jack and are with you on this. Never think you are alone and don't think that you have no choice, that's how companies like this get away with it. If you can get in contact with some other reactors and see how they've dealt with it before.

Jeremy Rivera

It’s all right jeck. Take all the the you need to figure it out.


This is happening to the other reaction Patreon time apart of also but also do Naruto it’s not just you.

Justin Moore

I wonder if you could create your own website.


You can try your own website. Or an easier solution would be links to a google drive from patreon.


Get them to report specific instances of a breach of copyright law. That's required for a valid claim under the law. Just saying all of isn't legit, sickening abuse of the law and fandoms.


Move to OnlyFans or SubscribeStar, idk. :(


I do not know if you have the resources to do this but Susie lu does reactions on naruto and other anime and she was going through the same thing. She ended up creating her own website and putting her reactions on the website I don't think she's had this problem since maybe that's something you can look into I don't know just floating the idea out there


The normies post their videos on Vimeo I think, and then post a link to the video on Patreon for Shippuden reactions.


Viz media ... ? I’ve heard of them but where 🤔


Appreciate the update Jack. Hopefully things work out. Not sure if creating your own website may be a solution 🤷🏻‍♀️

Daiza !

Man I’m sorry this is happening to you, a lot of my other patreons this is happening to them as well


It would take time but one of the big things would be things like, in your personal profile avatar, change the leaf symbol to something not copyrighted. Remove all copyrighted material from retail merchandise. And if that doesn't work then something like removing the characters that rotate through on top of your videos may be the last thing. Otherwise everything falls under free use and if they wont give you it back you can go take it to court or switch to another service like Super Fans.


This is the same issue that every single reaction channel runs into. Japan doesn’t give a fuck about US Copyright laws


Don't worry about us right now man. None of this is your fault. Just focus on trying to sort it out. We will be fine without reactions for a little while. Even if it doesn't work out and you have to delete the reactions, at least you tried.

Snubblesnow .

I can't really say all that much about anything, but I hope you have a better day than the one you've been having.

