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Hey guys. Got some bad news.

Overnight both my Patreon and merch were copyright claimed. The merch has been taken down by Viz media and then same will go for Patreon. Basically every single reference to Naruto was claimed (i.e my logo since I have a headband, any gif I ever used for an update post, potentially every single video, etc.).

I’m not sure if this means the YouTube channel is next or not, but I am looking into it. I had a video ready today for both platforms but may hold off for the time being. Will hopefully have another update for you later today.

I’m very sorry.


Bryan Cartagena

Yup happened to 2 other people who react to Naruto on Patreon.


Damn that sucks 😣


Oh my god I’m so sorry jack 😩😩😞😞


Viz media is cracking down i guess which sucks


omg what that's horrible...I hope there's a solution for this somehow...


Dang dude😮 That really sucks.

Bryan Cartagena

^ Yay timer reactions it is!!!! (Sarcasm)


damn that’s wack as hell. chin up g. everything happens for a reason. hopefully you can get this resolved


This sucksss! I hope you can get this resolved 😢 Good luck Jack


I was hoping you wouldn’t run into this issue 😞 Another reactor had the same issue with Patreon and YouTube. Hopefully things work out Jack!

Fred João

NOOOO! MY "WHAT MUST NOT BEEN SEEN" EP!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 (the disrespect 😤 )


I'm sorry about that jack :( i know how hard you worked on this


hopefully it gets resolved soon! would really love to cop that hoodie


I wish you so much fortune in this issue Jack😭 I was so excited to see the ending of the Indra and Ashura arc. Even if you can’t do naruto vids anymore, I will still support on patreon💯

Jeremy Rivera

It’s gonna be alright Jack, sorry this is happening to you 😢


Same happened last week to another reactor I follow. she ended up going with timer reactions


Another one of my patreon people have the same thing going on . She is taking down her site here and starting her own web page


Sorry to hear this! Take your time to sort everything out. I imagine it will be a lot of work. We know how much effort you've put into your videos. Hang in there!


Maybe share reactions like Animaechan, through Discord/google docs links. Copyright law sucks.


I feel like so many reactors are having trouble with reacting to anime. The quarantine has probably made it worse because now companies are desperate for their content being streamed officially. It's probably going to take one rich reactor to sue for fair use to get any sort of clear indication on what reactors can do since timers aren't helping, but I don't think anybody wants to take the risk with a court giving a definitive answer that could not go their way.

Dontrell Durant

Hate to say it, however I blame Suzy and the drama channels.


I'm sorry to hear that Jack. Just hang in there and we will be patient with you! I'm assuming this will affect today's FMAB reaction?

Phalanx Fury

This may be a bad time to ask, but do I still get the merch since I ordered it before the strike?


So sorry Jack. Hope you can find a way to get this resolved, it's clear you put so much effort into your videos. I'll definitely continue supporting via Patreon.


Well, of course you can't sell merch that has something Naruto related on it. This was just a matter of time. Just keep strong, the worst thing will be that you have to delete all the videos to have your patreon back and do timer reactions. Sounds awful but it is what it is.


If you received confirmation it had been shipped more than Likely yes. I think 33 orders managed to ship before


Don't worry about it man. We can wait. You have a lot going on right now. Good luck with this.


If nothing works Timer reaction are always an option, even so most people dont enjoy them nearly as much, but better than nothing. Hope you find a way ✌🏻


Your videos are always a treat i look foward to, i hope you keep making videos


I noticed you had pics of like itachi and sauske over the video box. that should help also. your headband should be ok, its like cos playing. but those pics definitely. have you reached out to any other people that do reactions to get tips? you are doing great btw and look forward to your videos all the time. keep up the great work.


btw im sorry this happened to you. it really sucks, keep your head up.


For the headband, if thats something you want to keep, You can get a custom made one with your own symbol!


I hope it gets resolved but it’s def not the end of everything you’ve worked for. There are ways around copyright and still putting out quality videos. I’m with you to the end buddy

Justin Moore

Get a handband with a bus engraved in it!


doesnt make sense. so many people react to naruto without problems. also why now... u been doing these reactions for months


dis dumb


Just saw this 😭 We’re behind you bud, 💚

David Poe

I feel like you putting naruto on your merch is what did it 🤷‍♂️ hope all gets worked out tho


They fucked over the weebly girls too . Their entire patreon is down for the past few days now they have to make their own website