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SUPER late schedule notice (I forgot it was Sunday LOL) -- Fell a bit behind on schedule so Monday will remain the day off for Shippuden. Stay tuned for merch news later this week! :D

Tomorrow (Monday): Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 #8, Twitch Stream

Tuesday: Shippuden 419 + 420, Patreon 424 + 425, Patreon Fullmetal Alchemist #6, Twitch Stream

Wednesday: Shippuden 421, Patreon 426, Twitch Stream

Thursday: Shippuden 424 + 425, Patreon 451 + 452, Twitch Stream

Friday: Shippuden 426, Patreon 453 + 454, Patreon Fullmetal Alchemist #7, Twitch Stream

Saturday: Shippuden 451 + 452, Patreon 455 + 456, Twitch Stream

Sunday: Shippuden 453 + 454, Patreon 457 + 458, Twitch Stream

Monday: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 #9, Twitch Stream


Cosmic Gaming

Damn we’re almost at the end already 🥺


I just wanna see his reaction to the Akatsuki filler episodes

Kanan Jarrus

460, 461, 462, and 464 are considered filler, but I’d say they’re worth a watch, especially given the arc they are in. 465-468 however, is filler best left to watch after you finish the main series.


It’s been a long enjoyable ride. Feeling a bit emotional 😭


I can't believe we're almost at the end 😭

Fred João

Jack please react to these episodes! *Episode 423, 424* - Konohamaru learning the Rasengan! *Episodes 464, 465, 465, 466, 467, 468* - I don´t know why they were categorised as fillers only and not as half canon/half fillers at least, since they show very important piece of history that has affected the present history. *Episode 469* - THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING TO SEE!...(just going to say that) *Episode 480, 481, 482, 483* - The last 4 remaining fillers (really heart-warming)

Fred João

Episodes 423 and 424 go together

Bryan Cartagena

^ 422 & 423 are fillers, I think you mean 424 & 425, even though he is watching those 2 together anyways.Lol


Man I was really looking forward to his reaction today


I disagree with you on most of this. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the weirdos who actually watched all the Naruto filler and I thoroughly enjoyed most of it, but none of those episodes contain any truly important information, and most people are really eager to see him react to the main story stuff, so watching all those would take WAY too long. I do think it would be awesome if he reacted to 469 though. That is pretty much my favorite episode ever despite being filler, and I'm pretty sure that just about anyone who has seen it would probably agree that it would be worth delaying the main story just for a day to see him react to it.


I’m hyped for itachi arc

Fred João

I also understand where you're coming drom, but I still disagree. Naruto was not a great just because of it's canon's episodes. There are so many great fillers and the only reason why Ihave sugested these fillers was because I believe that he would enjoy them and want to watch them (based on previous reactions). There would be around six days of delay and these would happen separately, not for whole six straight days. It is his choice whether or not to watch these. I do not think it will take from anyone's experience if he does. That's all.


NO why do you morons want him to react to filler, shit we've already seen


Remember when Jack said Madara got fisted by Hashirama's statue?


I strongly agree, he should at least watch 2 main fillers, which I don’t wanna call fillers that is Origin of Ninja fillers ( 100% canon stuff but it wasn’t in manga, so it’s considered fillers ) and a big reveal that is so important and gonna get more views on YouTube ( Ep469 ).


I understand that someone wants him to react to the main story only but it will finish so quickly and as his fan i want to see him react to pretty much every fillers because who cares ! I watched all the episodes or i want to see is his reaction, doesn’t matter if it’s fillers. He will miss a lot of things if he skipped the Origin of Ninja or Chakra those people in the fillers do exist in the canon which means it’s not really completely fillers.


Itachi arc isn’t filler and it’s character dev for sasuke, plus itachi my favorite character


It’s actually not fillers and it’s not the same shit we’ve seen either !! It’s how Itachi grows up and train and his mindset as a young boy obviously you didn’t watch it that’s why you said “Shit we’ve already seen” when nope no one has seen it except you watch that particular episodes.


He did though ! Still Madara is using Hashirama’s cells and 10 tails, that’s why he’s stronger now.


Madara uses: Hashirama’s cells Hashirama’s wood styles Hashirama’s healing technique Hashirama’s wood clones Hashirama’s armour Hashirama’s chakra ( he absorbed it from reanimated Hashirama ) I’m sure there’s more but I forget basically what makes Madara strong is still Hashirama.


Calling people "morons" is uncalled for. We're all patrons here, so everyone has the right to voice their opinions.