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Hey all! I have been receiving a TON of comments lately (some nice, some not) about the single episodes not being enough -- I tried to highlight before I started doing them that it was to focus on expanding the content (FMAB, UNS3, etc.) and to give me some breathing room to do so.

That being said, ever since I DID start doing single episodes again, they were not permanent in the slightest. I was and still am planning to do single episodes until around next Wednesday where we will go back to (mostly) doubles. Just wanted to provide a quick clarification on that as I know a lot of you have been asking about it.

With that being said, the episode 372 reaction will be up a bit later today! (Aiming for around 2-3 PM CST!)

Dattebayo! - Jack / iShinobi


Sean Dean

Here for it either way buddy. Keep doing you! 🤙


Do whatever your comfortable with jack. People are gonna watch regardless of how much they complain


People need to learn that other people actually have lives and don’t sit on their ass all day


I just wanna feel sumn again and watch some cod vids jack but I’m okay with whatever you upload I’m not impatient




You’re doing great Jack! I am grateful for all the content you provide for us and there is no need to push yourself! You have reasons for everything and I know most of us understand! You got this! Thank you for your amazing content :D


U do you, we are here for the long run. The squad got your back. Much love from Germany


Honestly a lot of people need to calm down. If we got nothing but doubles they wouldn’t be that special. Can’t wait to see your future content, keep it up!


You're doing amazing my guy. Whatever you decide it's cool 🙂


Ignore em man... Most of the ungrateful comments are from 12 year olds... Do things at your own pace cause those kids will keep begging non-stop... You do 2 they'll ask for 3 and so on and so forth.

Justin Moore

Like every comment has said. Just do you because i look forward to watching you FMAB and pray you do a one piece reaction too!


Hi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Don't let them get you down. I'm just grateful that you react to Naruto at all. Lol I am happy with any amount of videos. I ditto what everyone else said. You do you and what is most comfortable for you. I'm not new to your content, I mainly watched on YouTube but I did become a patron late last week. So I am kind of new to being a Patron and I can definitely say that I am not disappointed. Also looking forward to your reactions of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood!!! Another really great anime.

Liam D

Ignore them! People are so ungrateful sometimes. We got your back. You do you! Beyond hyped for FMA:B!!!


Some people are just fucked up bro! Like I'm sure you have a full load of work to do and people just think that you have all this extra time...i mean give this man a breather you don't want him to get brunt out on what he's doing...


Why not just once or twice a week film a double and the rest of the days film only single episodes

don’t call me lev

I totally understand wanting to expand your content. So sorry if you’re receiving hate because of that. Still appreciate the work you do 👍🏾. But tbh tho, you need to do double drop for Itachi Shinden (451-458)🙏🏾🤣. Love your content bro

Ruben T. Armstrong

No explanation needed you said what you said King keep doing you word up


You are our virtual friend . Do what you feel is best. And ignore the mean comments. Or we will hire ten ten to silence them


You are doing everything just fine don’t listen to the negativity. Sometimes you can’t please everybody.


I hope you’re not being affected by these comments mentally or emotionally. Just know that no matter what you do, you can’t please everybody. It’s crazy that you can even upload every day so if you want to go back to single episodes just do it


Man, it is awesome that we get episodes EVERY DAY. Keep going, bro. We love you)

Project Pachia

Jack it is totally fine. Most of those are just whiny entitled brats so that's why be trippin and bitchin. Just do what feels right. They only see the final stuff but never see the pain of editing and them uploading.


Ur good dog. They're just going through withdrawal from your content.


LOL anytime I go through content withdraw I just watch your old videos. Honestly I don’t mind the singles because it helps highlight episodes that might not get the love if it was pared with others.

Bryan Cartagena

Yeah thats why you don’t go that extra mile for people because there are some “bad apples” that get spoiled by that & start crap when you change it up. This double upload should be

Bryan Cartagena

Not saying you should go back to just doing singles from now on but just what Im getting at is just ignore them. Not all of us are ungrateful like that.

Jeremy Rivera

Don’t worry about what others have to say man. You do what you need to do or take all the time you need Jack.


Does anyone know where I can watch the dub for the whole show through a streaming service ?


I say f the haters. You do you boo. Good vibes ONLY


Really like the comments you make as well as your reactions. Keep up the good Jack


Do as many as you want!! I personally don't see anything wrong with single episodes.


Do you bro! cant believe people are mad. i get we're paying but you're also a human with a life outside of reactions so i understand. i wouldn't be mad if the rest of the episodes were 1 cause itll make the journey last longer


Please do what you want to do. It’s your channel. I love your content!! Keep up the good work and just do what’s best for you.


Don’t worry about them. It is your channel, so do whatever you want to do. I truly enjoy your channel and love the content!


all these rude comments forcing him to do stuff. let him do what he wants people.