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Hey all, here is my current update in terms of plans going forward. I am still working on getting refunds to all you that requested them, but I hope to have that process done today. With the post above, that means my current plans are to have the next upload for you guys over here on Patreon ready by Saturday.

I would love to continue the discussion we were having on the last post about how to better improve benefits for you guys, so feel free to leave suggestions down below.

While I do not plan on doing the timer/uncut idea that was proposed for Naruto: Shippuden, I definitely see it as a possibility for Patreon-exclusive shows.

Believe it,

Jack aka iShinobi




We support you no matter what and we know that these guidelines suck so I think everyone agrees that it will take you time to fix and change how you do content for us as long as your making videos that you enjoy you know we will enjoy as well


Thank you


I feel really bad , regardless I’m gonna continue to support your Patreon but please don’t stress yourself out with this stuff.


Its ok Jack don't stress yourself I'm still gonna support you ^_^ and you deserve some break so make sure to rest well!!


Will you be reversing the video and adding a filter here on patreon as well, like you do on YouTube? Also could I suggest fixed upload of 2 episodes to Patreon and 1 episode to YouTube?


just wondering why I can't watch ep 80-80 something?


Will you have a poll for what series you will be reacting to?


While I'll miss the uncut, the main reason I came to patreon was to avoid watching with the filter


I'm sure you've already got this suggestion, but I'm adding my vote for it. I'm okay with the full reactions where we have to sync up our own copy of the show. If you give a verbal warning when you're about to pause and unpause, I think it it would work well. But of course you've got my support with your current plan too. You're doing good work either way man


I hope uncut timer reactions can also be a thing for shippuden? For those of us who have access to the episodes. I really like the idea, because then you don't have to worry about any copyright things.


Or alternatively, don't pause, and have a segment after the show ends to give more thoughts. It would be easier to sync up that way.