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Hey all,

Today I must make an announcement that will be a drastic change in terms of this Patreon for the foreseeable future.

As of today, there will no longer be full, unedited, uncut reactions to Naruto: Shippuden here on the Patreon. I have made this decision due to a few factors:

- Ever since its creation, I was told by Patreon support that the uncut, unedited reactions were okay to go on this platform, as long as I credited the original creator.

- This has not sat well with me as I could never wrap my head around doing so. Alongside further advice from people much more knowledgeable about copyright law and fair use policy than myself, I decided that it was the best decision for the channel and myself in general to move away from uncut reactions.

What Now?: The Patreon is not going anywhere. I know that some of you are simply here to support me financially as a creator, and for that I thank you. I will be lowering the minimum cost of the Patreon to $3 a month and adding benefits ($4 or more will now be available for optional support if desired).

New Benefits: Although these are not final, a few of the benefits I would like to include in the new membership are as follows:

- NEW Anime watch-alongs in the future in which I record my reaction to a show, but include a link to it and sync it up so that you can still see my raw, uncut reaction while at the same time supporting the original platform the show is on!

- Exclusive livestreams

- Your name will STILL be at the end of videos!

- Special "Jounin" rank in Discord (with special community events there soon to come 👀)

- Early access to giveaways alongside Patreon-only giveaways

- NEW Your name will now be in the description of every video as well!

- NEW I'll follow you over on Twitter or Instagram!

- NEW Alongside these, I am more than happy to receive and talk about other possible benefits you would like to enjoy as a Patron of the channel and we can see if we can work it out! (Comment suggestions down below!)

Cancellations: If you are no longer interested in being a Patron due to losing this benefit, I totally understand. If you would like to simply unsubscribe and no longer be charged for future months, simply cancel your subscription in the "manage memberships" tab under your profile. If you need to inquire about requesting a refund for this month alone, see below.

Refunds: I am not sure of how many of you are Patrons due to the uncut reactions or just to support me as a creator in general, but I more than understand that some of you will want a refund for the rest of the month/to cancel your membership. Due to there still being one week left in the month of April, I thought that I should give any and all that do want a refund that opportunity.

If that is the case, please reach out to me via the messages system here on Patreon with the message "REFUND (Your Name)" and I will go about the process to get you your money paid for the month of April returned. Although I will not be able to refund some directly, I am willing to work out any possible way to refund your money whether that be through Paypal, etc. if necessary.

Old VOD's: All uncut reaction episodes will remain up until May 1st.

Thank you: Thank you guys for taking the time to read this update as this is a very important decision for me and the channel going forward. Again, I totally understand if this is the last I see of you on Patreon, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together talking all things Naruto! With that being said, videos should (if all things go according to plan) return on YouTube on Friday.

Best wishes,

Jack aka iShinobi



Truly appreciate the honesty Jack.


Oh this is so sad I just joined 😭. But I like the content and will continue to support you. Can you do uncut reaction on twitch?

Daiza !



Oh man .. I'm sad Hit me with 2 episodes reaction and the clouds will fade as soon as the sun shine upon me seeing you uploaded that reaction 💔


If ur not doing uncut I hope u consider this patreon and youtube pace It would be really nice if u can go further than youtube in ur patreon with anime episodes like most channels that’s a really good benefit for patreons


Yea i understand but would it be possible to upload to the patrion earlier like a day or 2 compared to YouTube. Not like '7 hours early streaming'


Well either way I will be supporting you always like I do other content creators that I enjoy watching and through this epidemic and I just hope that you keep up the good work 👍

Kay Cee

Hey Jack, just a few questions. 1. Is it possible to do a timed full length video so that we can watch with our own copy of Naruto? 2. What will be the difference between your reactions on Patreon versus your reactions on YouTube? 3. If you can’t give us a timed reaction, is it possible to receive the same video that you post on YouTube but without the transparency on the original content? I really enjoy your content! I’m sorry to see the uncut reactions go but it’s understandable.


Oh nooo and I was so looking forward to your reaction to the coming arc ! I am gonna keep supporting you anyhow since I really enjoy you as a person and creator ! Wherever your boat sails Jack, I shall follow ! :3


I have a feeling a lot of this is coming up because of the Suzy Lu situation (forgive me if I got the creator's name wrong) where she was abusing power to flag videos that said things that she didn't agree with about her channel. A lot of people began contacting the copyright owners of the content she was reacting too (TV Tokyo in particular) as a form of retaliation for what she was doing. I could be completely misrepresenting or misinterpreting the situation as I haven't done a great deal of research on the topic, but it all seems to have happened around the same time.


This was in response to the TOS change in Patreon and nothing to do with how jack is changing his formatting going forward. Just wanted to point that out :D


Yeah not going to lie super disappointed, cause that was the main reason I joined :/


Hey Kay Cee! The whole “timed episode” idea was kind of what I was thinking for future stuff. I had no plans to do reactions on Patreon anymore and keep them separately on YouTube. However, if this is an idea a lot of you are interested in, I could explore some ways to go about this an get back to you.


My sincerest apologies - I know there are some of you that are quite new. Again, I would be more than welcome to refunding you for the current month if so desired.


Unfortunately the same kind of rules apply no matter which platform you are on, so Twitch would more likely than not be a no go.


Super sorry for that :/ Reach out to me through DM’s if you’d like me to refund this month as I totally understand


UPDATE: Some of you have suggested two things: 1. Upload reactions here simply days early before YouTube or 2. Upload timed, uncut reactions here without the show. Both of these are good ideas, so I will put some thought into them.


I think it's not a great idea but I get you're watching your own ass. Unfortunately for me I wanted the unedited full lengths so this will be my last/only month subbed. Good luck with everythin moving forward hope it doesnt hit too hard.


I vote for 1. Upload o. Patrion days b4 yt


If you still have transparancy off on Patreon vids, i'll stay a Patron to you. If not, i'm afraid i don't find this worth it anymore. Sorry.


3-4 episodes ahead of youtube in patreon would be great benefit for us patreons


Will the anime watch-alongs be patreon only or will they be in YouTube as well?


Also, just a suggestion, but you could leave them uncut and instead use transparency and flip the video window instead. That might be a better way to go about it for your viewers, but I don't really know much about copyright, so don't take my word for it. Just a suggestion.


Why... 😩 just when we entering the war QQ


Ah man. Just when I had found a consistent and genuinely good reactor. Every other person I subbed to that did reactions uploaded a lot less consistently than they said they would or even just disappeared. It's ok though I get where you're coming from. Thanks for the genuine content and thanks for being honest, upfront, and consistent. I will hopefully stay subbed and see how it goes 😁


So, there will be no Naruto reactions at all? Not here or on Youtube?


What time do you post on YouTube


honestly just joined for the uncuts as it was getting annoying on youtube, but no need for refund. I wouldn't mind staying if you can set up a poll to your patreon users for a patreon exclusive reaction series. There are so much out there that I would like to see you react to.


I'm really bummed about this but I get it, I'm going to unsub for now, but depending oh the new changes I may be back, no refund needed here 😭


Honestly I’m fine with cuts, just hope there’s not gonna be the weird voice modifier or video filter on Patreon!


Will you be reversing the video and adding a filter here on patreon as well, like you do on YouTube?