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Young Royals 2x1 “Episode 2” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 5
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 1
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 0
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2023-11-09
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'Young Royals 2x1 “Episode 2” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 9, 21, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/eetigl

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dFKOHWemibxfKT2mAMdxAZFuVeAyxydC/view?usp=drivesdk



Here we go Season 2! The drama really kicks up this season and I'm so here for it 😝 Wille is in his "revolutionary era" as his actor Edvin says and I absolutely love it! I will have a lot to say about Markus as we see more from him, and will be very curious to hear your thoughts - he's a pretty divisive character from what I've seen in reactions. "Oh great, it's the story line I didn't want to see" made me laugh 😂 We all feel this way about Sara and August!


You’re right that everyone at school understands that Wilhelm is gay and they don’t care. But if Wille came out it’d be so much bigger than that. Not only would the whole world know, but for all he knows his family could disown him and even though they’re very flawed, they’re the only support system he has because he lost Simon who was the only other person he’s had. He’s also still grieving his brother and (I think) trying very hard to live the life Erik would’ve wanted him to live and I also think he feels like if he gives up the crown he’d betray his brother. With all that being said, Simon obviously has a right to feel hurt. I think the reason Sara doesn’t talk about Simon and Wille to her friends is because Simon explicitly told her it’s a secret and that she can’t talk about it. It’s not that she’s bad at keeping secrets, it’s that she doesn’t understand what’s a secret or not if no one tells her because she doesn’t understand social cues/subtle hints which is why she told Felice’s parents about the horse situation. I’m from Sweden and it is very common to mix in English words or phrases in conversations nowadays. If you keep watching Skam you’ll hear they do it in Norway too. I’d assume it’s a very common thing in a lot of countries where English is very integrated into society, even though it’s not the native language. We start learning English when we’re 8-9 years old and with the exception of shows/movies for children, nothing is dubbed to Swedish so English is a big part of our life from a young age and of course even more so now since the internet became such a big part of life. BTW if you watch with English subtitles instead of English CC you’ll get the translation of texts and stuff


I watch it with English subtitles on Netflix so I see the translation of the texts but it’s a different version that shows up on the reaction.