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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vmowqn0hObZnCqumNl_mrg4YDPWpI-dy/view?usp=drivesdk

Streamable LINK: https://streamable.com/6o6u36


olivia m

Alaric being the headmaster just doesn't work for me either. He needs more supernatural teachers/advisors that he trusts, because as cool as Dorian is, he's also human. You're completely right that it just doesn't seem logical to have them running this school. Making his students lose on purpose so they aren't exposed is so silly. It's just Alaric showing that he has no confidence in them. Also not a fan of how they're presenting his relationship with his daughters. It seems like the girls feel like they’ll disappoint him at every turn if they disobey him. Very frustrating. Hope….just very vengeful in this episode. I did like that she was called out for acting like her father because going straight for the kill without even considering a less drastic option is insane. She has a lot of anger paired with her survivor's remorse, and she's also trying not to live up to the legacy of darkness her family has left behind. It's interesting. The “temptress” is Penelope. She's a witch.