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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/13_eai4mSj0JFHxH6eWSjvzJPGeHn5tPR/view?usp=drivesdk

Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/5vdoj9



Like you said, he explicitly asked about keeping it secret "at school" and Charlie checked their surroundings before going in with the kiss, but agreed that in real life it wouldn’t have been considerate of him to do. Which is funny cause a big part of Charlie's whole thing is his self-sacrificing nature. About the Ben and Nick situation being "exactly" the same except for the assault and verbal abuse, Idk if you were exaggerating but I'd disagree. With Ben, Charlie never even saw him outside of school, Ben never cared about getting to know him, ignored most of his messages and only used him to satisfy some urges. Plus, he pretended to not know Charlie in front of others. Nick has just started to question his sexuality some days ago, so it’s unrealistic for him to come out immediately, yet he doesn’t try to hide the fact that him and Charlie get along and they actually have a relationship outside of school. Rewatching season 1 with you, what you said about feeling uncomfortable definitely resonates! The combination of this all purposely being a rose colored view on life and them not trying to gloss over any teenage awkwardness, I often feel myself cringing through these scenes. I love the show for what it is, escapism in a way, but I definitely prefer season two overall.


Ben and Nick might not be exactly the same, but it was wrong of Nick to agree to go out on a date with Imogen. I feel like Ben didn’t start out being awful otherwise Charlie wouldn’t have been with him. It probably started off as just a secret like with Nick and then got worse and worse. Nick is starting down that path by agreeing to go out on a date with someone else just so no one suspects he likes guys. How far will he take it I don’t know. But this act alone was a jerk move. I don’t care how in the closet he is. That’s always the excuse for closeted people. “I’m still figuring it out, I’m confused, etc..” They use it as an excuse to treat their partners like crap whether they mean to or not. In that regard Nick has become like Ben. We’ll see.


I do believe there’s a big difference between demanding for Charlie to "keep this a secret" and pressuring him into it without ever considering his feelings about it, versus engaging in open communicating and at least expressing to the other person that you’re trying to figure yourself out. Ben is so high on the internalised homophobia scale, he wouldn’t even have acknowledged that there’s something to figure out. Communication between Ben and Charlie was almost nonexistent, even in the early stages. My understanding of it is that at least for the time being, it’s not so much about his boyfriend coming out or not but about the way he’s being treated by said boyfriend, which is overall quite different comparing Nick and Ben. But then again, yeah.. I really agree about the Imogen situation in that it’s a red flag and it definitely shouldn’t be excused just because of the group pressure or him being kinder than Ben.