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Embodiment Of Fear

To answer your question sociopaths are made through trauma and pcyclopaths are just born that way.


I was about to comment the same thing! Popular examples of sociopaths are Dexter, and joe from YOU. and the most known fictional psychopath I can think of is Hannibal Lecter.


So the terms psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference and it's not actually that one is born and one is made. I've done a fair amount of reading on this topic just because it's interesting to me and I have a psych background. Sociopathy is actually antisocial personality disorder, and both ASPD and psychopathy are thought to present in people due to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors, such as trauma or social learning. Both psychopaths and people with ASPD generally lack remorse, disregard the safety of others, and may be violent, but people with ASPD tend to act impulsively, be quick to rage, and aren't as able to "fit in" with society because of their erratic behavior - they're often in trouble with the law and before that, in school. Whereas psychopaths are much more controlled and meticulous in their behavior, and therefore able to hide in plain sight. For this reason I think Dexter shows more signs psychopathy that ASPD.