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Mega LINK:https://mega.nz/#P!AgFONiTUMtACUu_bk3eShrYBN6gzt4WD0mn0SneLzHcODcpGD8QYuZY9MexYIui8nImRvQ5YgIBgTNGhl4WCzOS31H_zNdFvlvxnm_fv3w7pUEux54VB_PnOSTgIiF-OUPAY4zml3OU

Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sDgCDQqUlLJyJIrTNLUwiPdSWSY6Jv3l/view?usp=drivesdk




This is a surprise! Are you intending to do more of the classic content? 👀

Ian Smith

Certainly a darker,edgier story than 'Dr Mysterio' :) The First Doctor and The Twelfth share some similar characteristics, particularly at the start of their respective eras; and they likewise both have developing character arcs.

Mark Ward

I think this is the weakest overall story of Season 1 if you ignore the first episode which is really intriguing. But your reviews of Classic Who might even be more entertaining than New Who, because there's so much more to comment on, regarding the difference in how the show is then to now. William Hartnell DOES become more likeable (like Capaldi) - it just takes a while... he's actually in my top 3 doctors ever believe it or not. :D Jacqueline Hill as Barbara is the standout for me too - such a good actress and she and Hartnell have some incredible scenes later on in the season. I know you only want to do these intermittently, but might be a good idea to do a story at a time before having a gap? Classic stories are made up of an average of 4 episodes for a story, but some run as long as 7 or 8 (there are two even longer exceptions). Are you aware there are quite a few 'missing' episodes that will likely never be found? Worth knowing for as you progress through the first 6 seasons at least.

Mark Ward

Oh one thing I forgot to mention was when you commented on Hartnell fluffing his lines :D (One of my favourite things of early Who - it makes me smile every time and happens fairly frequently). But it comes from the fact that episodes were rehearsed from Mon-Thu each week then filmed on a Friday evening. The actors only had a 90 minute recording window, so they almost had to do it live - and if they fluffed their lines, they just had to get on with it, particularly if it doesn't affect the scene too much. So you'll see plenty more of those going forward.


This was definitely a much better episode than the awful Return of Doctor Mysterio. I loved your reaction to Ian, Barbara and Susan calling out The Doctor on his shit. You're starting to see how these companions will develop and change The Doctor. I love it. I'm glad you'll be continuing the Classic Who stories every now and then. I'm sure you're already aware that Classic Who has several lost and missing episodes from both The First Doctor and Second Doctor's eras so just be aware that you may have to skip episodes depending on the circumstances as some lost episodes have been recently animated while others have recovered audio but with lost footage. I love Ian and Barbara. I'm still going through Classic Who myself but those two are some of my favourite Classic Who companions that I've encountered so far.