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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KlSfu8njZRcB0o4rZsyqe2hsViBhVSO_/view?usp=drivesdk




I knew youd hate this 😂 Moffat is still the showrunner at this point. Chris takes over for the start of series 11. A lot of peoples issues that ive seen with Chris' run are to do with what he chooses to do with the show rather than the writing, but thats for later. This episode really gets worse over time imo. At the time it was supposed to be a corny (to the point of it being funny) superhero christmas episode.. i mean how do you tell this sort of story on doctor who without making it intentionally bad 😂 even with the stupid music ques whenever the Ghost spoke, you could tell they were being silly on purpose.. this was very much aimed at kids; telling them to be themselves ect. Theres actually a reason Lois doesnt know who Clark is 😅 Supermans glasses are made from Kryptonion tech, sort of like the Tardis they have a perception filter that make you just not notice the wearer. Id still argue 9 and 10's run had a few episodes like this but theyre forgotten because theyre so long ago and people dont talk about them.. the Slitheen, Abzorbaloff and the Wire, flying stingrays🤦‍♂️ I really think this next series youll enjoy quite a bit better than the last 2. Series 9 was my favorite of 12s run because of Clara and the Doctors relationship, Gallifrey returning only for the Doctor to take over just to run away again, nearly the whole thing being two parters so it gave the stories more time.


There were a few silly episodes in 9 and 10 but it shouldn’t be this bad this far along into the series. The Slitheen episodes at least had Annette Badland to save them😂


Honestly I have a soft spot for how silly this one is! It's hardly a good episode, but the sheer mindless superhero parodying is something I find quite charming.. But yeah; Not Doctor Who's strongest work, lmao

Daniel Reynolds

I think this may be my new favourite video purely for your reaction, it was more entertaining than the actual episode 😂


I see this as Moffat takes a stab at superheroes in his last (So he thought) Xmas Doctor Who like a writing challenge and man does he have fun with it. You can see Moffat's sitcom writer coming out in this episode as The Doctor has never been this funny it's a farce!! Behind the scenes there was a convenient break between Xmas specials & finding a schedule of continuous Doctor Who was hard to find. In the UK we prioritise sport and as a public service broadcaster in the year of 2016 we had Live Wimbledon, Live Euro 2016 football championships & The Olympics in Rio it was a busy busy summer. At the time it was decided that this was a scheduling nightmare and it was decided to rest Doctor Who until this episode, at the time it made sense imo. No one really knows when Chris was asked to take over but he made it clear that he was finishing Broadchurch first and wouldn't be rushed

silor nedercott

This is my least favourite episode of Doctor Who. It isn't the worst ever it just deeply irritates me

Toby Harmon

I don't think it's the acting that's the problem. Peter is an incredible actor but he's sometimes given silly material to work with - like this episode. I think you'll probably like S10 more... most people do.


This was a disappointing episode after the extended break. At the time I wasn't impressed much. Marvel was full into it's stride and it just felt like superhero was the lazy choice. The villian plot was bizarre and didn't seem very creative or inventive. But then a vast number of seasonal specials have had exactly the same issue. I do find it fun now though, in its poking fun at the tropes. But it's hardly up there with the best the show has been. I had mixed feelings with series 10 at first. But actually I now think the vast majority is a really good series. Chibs takes over for series 11 onwards. I think you might like his influence. That will be an interesting time to exchange view points.

Mark Ward

I don't hate this episode (though I watched it very late, like only a couple of years ago). I think it's partly because you've watched two specials in a row that you're seeing a bad run... :D Season 10 for me is overall quite good, Season 11 is... probably my least favourite season of modern who, and Season 12 is a marked improvement. I have a feeling you won't hate Chibnall's time though.

Mark Ward

Oh and REALLY surprised at your strong reaction to there being a male nanny!! Like... you strike me as a bit more liberal minded usually!!


Not sure what being liberal has to do with having a male nanny. I wouldn’t hire a man to watch my children unless I knew him. Men are just more likely to molest children it has nothing to do with masculinity. I didn’t know Lucy knew him at the time. But if she didn’t know him I’m pretty sure she would’ve hired a woman instead.

Mark Ward

I think people are people and the idea that because some men are molesters that all men should be denied a particular job is a bit crazy to me. If we went down that route then men shouldn’t be elementary school teachers (and I know a lot of them get stick for doing THAT job too which is also unfair, as someone that works with children myself).


I guess we just think differently. Of course not all men are molesters but I personally would feel safer leaving my children with a woman. I have friends who have been molested as children by the men in their lives and I would want to minimize the chances of that happening. I wonder if you would judge a person who has experienced abuse or molestation if they felt uneasy about having a male nanny watch their own children? Are they supposed to give a man a chance just to prove they are open minded? There is a reason the majority of babysitters are women. Being a male elementary school teacher is completely different. They are in a public setting so the chances are very small of them being a threat. My best friend is a gay male kindergarten teacher. But leaving a child at home with a man who you just met is very different to me. But this wasn’t the case in this episode as Justin Chatwin’s character was a friend of Lucy so she felt safe with him. It’s a caution that I have and I feel anyone has the right to be cautious with their own children. It shouldn’t be about whether they are liberal or not. It’s a personal choice and shouldn’t be judged.


"What has happened to this show?" (Literally my mood when watching this episode. I knew you would hate it lmao) Do you remember when I told you that I didn't like the Moffat era? Yeah, now you might understand why I'm not a big fan of Moffat as showrunner for Doctor Who. It's episodes like these which are one of the reasons why I lost interest in Doctor Who. One of the reasons why I even fell behind with your reactions is because it's a real struggle for me to get invested with the Moffat era. There are some things that I appreciate on a rewatch but I still prefer the RTD era a lot more. I just really don't like the Moffat era of Doctor Who. I have so many issues with it. I'm not saying there aren't any good Moffat era episodes because there are but the highlights are nowhere near as strong as the RTD era. The quality is nowhere near as good or consistent as it was in the David Tennant's era which had a much stronger variety of episodes. Series 3 and 4 are still some of the highest heights of modern Doctor Who in my honest opinion. Series 4 is still my favourite series to this very day. Even the Slitheen and Love and Monsters stories had more depth to them compared to this episodes like this and the River song special. This episode is just really embarrassing to watch even as a Superhero parody. I feel like Doctor Who really lost a lot of substance, writing quality and grit once Steven took over as showrunner. I still think he wrote better stories back when Russell T Davies was showrunner. Moffat's era started off well with Series 5 but I feel like it lost its quality with the second half of Series 6 and then it went majorly downhill with Series 7 and onwards where the convoluted and overly complex story telling starts to increase tenfold to the point where it affected my enjoyment of the show. Also the power of love resolution still annoys me. I hate it so much lmao. Series 8 was a mixed bag for me with some good episodes but also a lot of really bad episodes. I didn't like Clara and Danny together and I wasn't a fan of The Doctor and Clara's relationship. The Dalek episodes aren't good either. Series 9 was very forgettable to me with the only highlights being Face The Raven and the lake two parter. Heaven Sent was fine but I don't consider it to be a masterpiece. I really didn't like Ashildr either. Most of it just fell really flat to me. I really hated Hell Bent. There were so many problems I had with that finale especially with Clara's exit and The Doctor shooting the general. I didn't care for the Hybrid stuff either. I like Capaldi as The Doctor but I still think he deserved better writing material (just like Matt Smith deserved better with Series 7). It was at this point where I was really done with Steven Moffat and I was ready for Doctor Who to get a new showrunner because Moffat's writing was getting really stale and draining. Chris Chibnall doesn't take over until Series 11. Chibnall has his own issues too but we'll discuss that later. We'll cross that bridge later when you eventually reach it. It wouldn't surprise me if you end up preferring Chibnall over Moffat but we'll see. Thankfully Series 10 is a huge improvement over Series 8 and 9. I consider Series 10 to be Capaldi's best series. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that Series 10 is Moffat's at his best in a long time. Hopefully you'll like it more. This is the point where I can finally stop complaining about Moffat (mostly) because he actually starts writing good and decent quality stories again (mostly likely because it was his last series). Hopefully you'll like the new companion too because I'm about to praise them a lot on your posts lol.


I really can't understand why this episode gets so much hate. It's not just one of the few Christmas specials I usually don't skip but also pretty much the only superhero story I like (besides The Boys and early Heroes). Yes, it's not realistic, but Dr. Who hardly ever is and this is clearly a parody of superhero stories in general even pointing out how stupid Superman/Spiderman are before doing the same thing in a satirical and entertaining way.