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Dropbox LINK:https://www.dropbox.com/s/pp9rise3vckgp3s/Shameless%208x2%20full.mp4?dl=0

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jZEN46sGjC6ckE4WYg28dxplfdL6oj5S/view?usp=drivesdk




I'm so appreciative of your commentary on systemic racism and how the Gallaghers are privileged because they benefit from that system. Although I've done a lot of work to be an anti racism ally my lens is one of a white person so I'm grateful to hear yours. I can absolutely see the themes of the characters coming across opportunities easier than any person of color would, but it's not something I'd thought about before when watching this show so I thank you for that. I would also like to challenge the tone of dismissal about other potential causes of poverty. The things you mentioned, like growing up with neglectful/abusive parents, substance misuse and addiction, mental illness, disability, are extremely difficult things to have to experience and there is extensive research on how these types of childhood traumas can impact a person's ability to function in major life areas like work and relationships. I think the statement that people can overcome these challenges just by "putting their mind to it" invalidates these very valid struggles.

Timothy Wiley

I think Shameless's appeal is it's exaggerated realism, because alot of these things happen irl, but they stretch how much white people can get away with, and it can be kinda difficult to see, because our black asses COULD NEVA!