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*Was super tired when watching this (may be coming down with something) but the next one should hopefully be up tomorrow😄

Dropbox LINK:https://www.dropbox.com/s/15ytorpumawbsj3/Dr%20Who%209x10%20full.mp4?dl=0

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FN89wpFBMNInX0ritS4PWwwVhhUkohto/view?usp=drivesdk



Lloyd B

Ah, you missed tbe post credits scene. It's only a couple of seconds but worth checking. No next time trailer in this, which you can a.ways tell when you see that "to be continued". This was both tragic and beautiful, and Clara and the Doctor's final moments were heartbreaking. So looking forward to the next episode.

Daniel Reynolds

Amazing reaction as usual, Peter and jenna’s acting here always hits me hard. Like the person said above though there’s a really sweet post credits scene that you missed and it would be cool if you could watch that before getting into the next episode - kind of ties nicely into the final scene of the final episode too!


I like this one, not as good as the final 2 episodes. As you said, only the last 10 minutes or so are important to the overall story, the mystery was kinda okay. Fuck Mayor Me, young viking Ashildir wouldve kicked her ass let alone Arya 😂 About Clara, youre completely right about her downfall being her hubris and her arrogance.. something Danny always checked her on. If Danny hadnt died she definately wouldnt have kept travelling with the Doctor to fuel her adrenaline. Very sad ending, but lets be honest, how many of the Doctors companions in new who get a happy ending... just Martha maybe? 😅 most of them had their lives destroyed by travelling with him..Apart from Jack, Clara is the first companion who had an on screen death which was pretty shocking. Excited for the next episode! 100% my favourite of Capaldis run, his preformance is unmatched imo. I hope you feel better soon btw, sending well wishes💜

Mark Ward

OMG this episode... is a killer. But the main thing that entertained me was your post episode analysis and your comments about Me/Ashildr. It made me laugh hard multiple times. I don't think I've ever seen you so pissed off at one character. :D


I was kind of, um, in love with the character of Clara at the time, so this episode kind of devastated me for weeks. Very embarrassing. 🤣


Yeah Clara got way too reckless. I think she earned this death if I’m honest. Throughout she has been slowly trying to become the Doctor, thinking like him, acting like him, doing what she thinks he would do. It gives her an adrenaline boost to be his equal, to be so smart and clever. Once again brings up back to the s8 premiere with how Clara was described. She genuinely thought she had outsmarted the rules that what the man explained hadn’t clicked. As much as this trait of hers frustrates me it’s realistic. After travelling with the Doctor and being in these life and death experiences of course you’d feel unstoppable. And especially because she used to be the impossible girl. I just love her final moments with the Doctor and how strong she was. It makes so much sense that this is how she would go. I’m so excited for the next reaction!


Not the greatest episode overall, but Clara's goodbye is incredibly well written/acted. Hope the tiredness ain't anything else, keep well!


She could take it off Rigsy, but once Rigsy passed it to Clara he cut Mayor Me out of the deal..at that point Clara couldn't be saved. Like Rump told her, "You can pass it on but you can't cheat it", meaning once you pass it to someone it's final, no one can change it. 12 and Claras final scenes are some of the best Doctor/ companion interactions the show has done. I love their relationship so much. I was really sad to see it end. Next ep is "WOW". Can't wait! Thanks :) hope you're feeling better.


I think this is a really well written death scene/character arc that has a bit of rough plotting around it. It's also absolutely devasting and the scene between Clara and 12 is so good. Capaldi's "what about me?" Geeeeeez.

Henry from CO

This was an excellent episode with a return of Rigsy and Ashildur, the magnificent death of Clara, and the wrath of the Doctor. Now I'm very excited for Heaven's Sent. BTW .... there was a post credit scene for this episode. It's only about 10 seconds but worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q08eBdAT9C0