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Dropbox LINK:https://www.dropbox.com/s/xr8ibmbx1eoways/The%20Originals%202x4%20full.mp4?dl=0

pCloud LINK:https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZtV6CXZfDdCYwb014uGrcTUgF1HNzrWg9uk

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-V3SOFX5OE7HK8_4WOuYHkeSAdABMMKA/view?usp=drivesdk



Léa Dos Santos

I want to see this episode so bad and I can't!!


Aiden and Davina are a couple in real life btw 😄


love the fact that you like (love) Cami. I love her too, but most fans hate her, and i never understood why... but it's probably because of "Klaroline" - I never liked them, that's why I didn't see "danger" in Cami, and yet most TVD and TO fans love Caroline and Klaus.

Kyla B.

I'm not gonna lie, I hated Cami (And Hayley) when it was airing on TV. But it had nothing to do with Klaroline, because I never liked them either. It ALL had to do without outside forces. With the fandom overreacting about everything. The writers and actors tweet-splaining half of the episodes, fighting with fans, and all the gaslighting that took place. But, getting to rewatch it now from a new and different perspective has me seeing JUST how poisoned it was to hate her (And Hayley) because she really is a fantastic character.

Kyla B.

I CANNOT wait for the next few episodes!!!!!!


I think point of davina learning from michael was less about learning how to physically fight but learning how to be mentally strong from learning how to fight. For example, her choosing to get up on a hurt ankle rather than staying down on the ground. Learning to push through the pain.


Yeah I think that cami is just brining a very human perspective to the situation. Obviously fighting in this situation is necessary but I did like the point she made about fighting for the right reasons - the good things in life like a cold beer, a slow dance, etc rather than for revenge. When cami asked “what do you fight for” and klaus stayed silent and stared at her - I think that he was thinking of his daughter but he couldn’t say that to her.


The scene between Davina and micheal serves a dual purpose. It doesn’t just develop davina but it explains how micheal can pull out the dagger. It has been explained that the dagger just causes intense pain. However, in the scene between davina and micheal, micheal tells davina that if she can overcome pain then nothing has power over you. So, he can conquer the pain of the dagger to function enough to remove it. -that’s my guess at least.


I love cami aswell lmaoo she is honestly just amazing and one of my faves in the originals after the mikaelsons