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Let me know if Dropbox Link works😄

Dropbox LINK:https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zi76n8x0h2axo4/TVD%206x4%20full.mp4?dl=0

pCloud LINK:https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZRV6CXZVqjwSte7THzeeAeeprApl4kc49o7

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-JJAkaCBCOhS1HGuuPVeJFf5tS0Osejw/view?usp=drivesdk




I can't access it.


Yeah for some reason it’s been limited due to high download traffic. The Google Drive link will be up in a bit


i love damon and bonnie together. its nice to see damon do something that isnt directly connected to elena. hes my favourite character but at some points in season 5 i felt the way u did towards him due to the writers not wanting him to grow without elena. so even tho i like delena i was so glad when they were seperated in season 6

Andrea Dcosta

Damm you said Bonnie is like Lexi to Damon this is so true. I feel the same she will not take crap from him but also make him do the right thing she’s the best influence on him. I just love them together so much. I love how protective he was of her with Kai that was very cute. Loved all the Paul and nina scenes in this one. I laugh so bad when he pulls that guys cheeks that was soo funny 🤣 I like Damon and Elena together but I was happy they didn’t make her get her memories of Damon in this episode it would have been too soon and wouldn’t have made sense.


When is the other link gonna be up

Kyla B.

Dropbox link works!!!!!!!!!


Yes it works

Connie Kay

I love that Damon was wearing the same blue flannel shirt that Stefan was wearing in the flashback of them cleaning the car. It is little things like that and that they have Damon looking at the pic of Stefan when Elena is reading the line about facing a life without your soulmate and it turning you into something you are not… a monster. I truly always thought the brothers were the one true soulmates of this whole show.


Bonnie can use her magic on Kai but they need him for information on how to use the ascendant and get home!


Totally agree. Putting Damon with Bonnie, with whom he has had a VERY ambivalent relationship, was such a breath of fresh air for his character and so needed. I feel like with Elena, he tried to change for her to be worthy of her and whenever something went wrong, he flew off the handle because she was his only motivation. But with Bonnie, I feel like she is making him change for himself, which I really appreciate. Their conversations this episode and him standing up for her? It gives us a different side of Damon! :)


Bonnie can use her magic on him, but he can siphon her magic when he touches her. But even than she could attack him ... But they need Kai alive for further information on how to come back ! I don' think they put him in Mystic Falls, I think he was originally placed at his home, but I don't know. He said he was at the Oval Office and took pictures and stuff so he can travel through the US at least. He probably sensed or what so ever that there were people in his prison and came for them ... I love Kai, he is my favorite villain ! No it would not belong to Sarah because she was adopted so she has not "rights" with this family and would not inherit the house or anything of the Salvatores. Stefan didn't knew Elena before, he said once that he saw her when he saved her but not before that. There must be an other reason why he was there, I think he said he was visiting from time to time ... Maybe to check up on Zach ? Damon was in town too ... I just checked it out .. The thing with Gale and Zach was on May 10th and the accident was on May 23rd, so that's probably why ? Stefan comes to the house around this time ? And maybe Damon too ?


Gail was killed 15 years before Stefan saves Elena from the accident. Why was he in Mystic Falls when he saves Elena?


Bonnie and Damon’s relationship is one that I think is truly interesting. Over the course of the show it’s been clear that Damon favours only Elena, and that he would do anything to protect her, even if it means sacrificing others. My biggest issue with s5 is that it proved Damon was just trying to be good for Elena, to appease her. His path to good was hinging on her satisfaction, love, and approval. Then comes s6, and the writers finally get it. They put Damon with Bonnie and force them both in a situation where they have to learn to tolerate each other. And with that comes a newfound appreciation for someone other than Elena. We see him protect Bonnie against Kai bc he actually cares about her well-being. We’ve evolved from “If it comes down to the witch and you again, I would gladly let Bonnie die” in season 2 (yes I searched the line up), to telling Kai “don’t ever lay a hand on her”. And I think that’s wonderful to see.


Back in season 1 Stefan explained that he came back to mystic falls because he likes to comes home every so many years to check on the Zach and the house, etc