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Connie Kay

Chaos is the norm if you date a vampire. I would love to be loved like Damon loves Elena. Season 5 was a crappy season until the last couple episodes but most of the chaos seasons before was trying to save Elena from the fate of the doppelgƤnger mess.

Jasmine Bellucci

U have no idea how amazing is for me to find a reactor who doesn't love Delena!

Connie Kay

It is all I find lately. They are so beloved by most in the past that now the reactors have all went on a revolt of sorts. I would be thrilled to find some that loved them as much as me. So far sofiereacts is the only one.




I really hate the idea that a relationship being "messy" and "chaotic" makes it somehow more real or grounded. Elena said that in season 5 and I feel like the writers tried to make it seem as though an imperfect relationship is the ideal relationship. The truth is: relationships actually SHOULD be easy. They should be comfortable and uncomplicated. You don't have to be some sort of fiery mess to be "real". What I've learned over the years is that if a relationship is difficult, it's not worth it. Sure, fights will happen, but there IS such thing as a simple connection and it doesn't have to be messy or hot or whatever the hell they like to sell as good romance.

Connie Kay

I think the writers were just trying to say that there is no REAL perfect relationship neither between humans or vampires. It is just not reality.


Season 5 was a bit rough for Delena. They've encountered a lot of problems, but that's to be expected. Realistically, no relationship is perfect 24/7, especially one between two vampires. However, there should be more good times than bad times. I think that if they work on fixing their issues they'll be fine. A love that intense and passionate deserves to be fought for.

Connie Kay

Not sure what Stefan has to do with this post. The only difference between Stefan and Damon is that Stefan talks about his guilt and pain for the things he has done and Damon covers it with bluster snd bravado.


Another difference would be stefan doesn't kill people after breakup, jk jk xD

Connie Kay

Nah he just rips whole villages heads off for no particular reason...lol

Connie Kay

Stefan has killed plenty of times with humanity on. Andie, those girls in tennessee, the girls him and Klaus killed at the bar. He had not shut off his humanity yet. So dont even with that hypocrisy.

Christian Lemus

He did all that for a reason thoā€¦not because heā€™s a baby or cuz heā€™s a bad person like Damon has so stop lying to urself

Connie Kay

You Damon hating Stefan stans are the worst. Look up hypocrite in the dictionary.

Connie Kay

So you defend Stefan who has killed thousands of people who btw dont care why they were killed because they are still dead...so who is deranged?

Christian Lemus

Iā€™m defending that fact that Stefan is a good person at heart and would never kill unless he had to, or if he couldnā€™t turn his humanity off, like I said before Damon kills for fun when his humanity is on and when things donā€™t go his way, thatā€™s simply a bad person so yes you are deranged.

Connie Kay

What show are you watching? Damon never kills for fun with humanity on? He killed because people always told him he was a worthless monster. He was having no fun at all. I donā€™t excuse what he did like you do Stefan. Dead is dead no matter how you cry after it is over.

Christian Lemus

Lol re watch the show every time he kills he has a smile on his face if thatā€™s not having fun then idk what is. You obviously do excuse him for every bad thing he did and it shows because your on every ā€œOther Boys Reactionā€ comments defending Damon all the time. Stephen is a good person Damon is not, if u canā€™t accept that then thereā€™s no hope for you.

Connie Kay

If you are gonna be on here defending him at least spell his name right. It is S-T-E-F-A-N.

Connie Kay

As I said hypocrite. You can start a whole subject about someone that has nothing to do with the post you are commenting on and have the nerve to say I am on here defending. You are too dude. Even when it had nothing to do with him. Are you a child? I hope you are because you sure act like one.

Christian Lemus

As I said Deranged. Stefan is the better man, Stelena endgame, Iā€™ll be a child anyday, stay mad.


Well tbh, when stefan killed the entire town his emotion were off...and when he killed andy, he was under klaus's influence.... He had to do it, otherwise klaus would have hurt damon either ways....Both the examples you gave aren't exactly valid here,...not saying what he did was right, but he didnt do it because he wanted to..he did it because he had to,in the case of andy

Connie Kay

That is flat ridiculous. He did not have to kill Andie and her death changed nothing. They still looked for him. He even called Elena that night. He knew that would make her have hope and keep looking. Her death was pointless.

Christian Lemus

Actually he did it so that Damon can stop looking for him therefore both Elena AND DAMON, would be safe from Klaus, please tell me you at least understand about protecting your precious ā€œDamonā€. Her death did change Damonā€™s mind about saving Stefan, and yea Elena did convince him to keep looking for him but that was Stefans plan for them to stop looking for him so they wonā€™t get killed by Klaus.

Connie Kay

He did not stop looking so it was pointless. Her death was pointless if he was gonna call and stir things back up like he did by calling. She died for nothing.

Connie Kay

Your hatred of Damon means nothing to me because you defend Stefan for everything. Sorry it is hypocritical as hell. I like Stefan. I just used him to show you what hypocrites you are for hating on Damon for doing the literal same damn things. You think his reasons excuse him. I do not. Stefan is a blood lusting ripper and not one iota different than Damon except Stefan boo boos about it and Damon owns it but covers with humor and bluster. They have both done awful things they regret. Whatever the reasonsā€¦ those people still died. They do not care if you like ones reasons more than the other. They donā€™t care if you hate one and love the other for killing them. They are still dead.

Christian Lemus

Like I said at first he did stop but Elena convinced him to keep looking, so her death did mean something to Damon watch the episode again when Damon was yelling at Elena, I never said I hated Damon I said that heā€™s a bad person so idk why your coming at me for that, your defending Damon for everything so whoā€™s the one whoā€™s the hypocrite here? I like Damon sometimes, it wouldnā€™t be The Vampire Diaries without him and Iā€™m using him to show that your the hypocrite here, and no Damon and Stefan did not do the same thing your way off hun, Iā€™m saying the facts excuse him for not being his true self when he kills and his decision when he kills, Like I said before Damon kills for fun while he has his humanity 100% on that makes them different.

Connie Kay

You need to stop commenting to me with your ridiculous self. I never defended Damon killing anyone. You are the one defending Stefanā€™s murders and calling him a good freaking person. You are flat ridiculous and hateful.

Christian Lemus

Your the one who commented on my comment first lmao back up a taste, and you can say whatever you want but you defend damon like if he was a real person sis so stop lying to us and yourself your the one who has hate your heart and who is also deranged asf so u can stop replying to me thx šŸ˜Š

Connie Kay

You put Stefanā€™s name on a comment that did not even involve him just to stir shit up. You are an ass!

Connie Kay

ā€¦yes, you defend Stefan the same even into the point of denial about his character being a killer just like all vampires are.

Connie Kay

Since that comment was deleted I guessed you just realized the hypocrisy of that comment.

Christian Lemus

So Stefan isnā€™t in The Vampire Diaries? Lol you really are deranged. And you Defend Damon for genuinely being a bad person, not just on this post but in 99% of all the TVD posts but ok delusional ass. And what comment? I didnā€™t delete anything lmao stop making shit up

Connie Kay

You posted that I defended Damon like he was realā€¦and then that post magically disappeared when you realized you were the one doing that with Stefanā€¦.lolā€¦now you gonna lie about it. Stefan had zero to do with this post. Like literally zero.

Christian Lemus

I didnā€™t delete anything idk if ā€œOther boy reactionsā€ deleted it or if Patreon is glitching but yeah I didnā€™t delete shit and I stand by what I said, and are you legally dumb? The whole TVD Revolves around Stefan and Damon and this post is about Delena being toxic because of Damon so yes Stefan is the better man

Connie Kay

How old are you? My guess is early teens. You cannot be a grownup.

Connie Kay

ā€¦lol..right I am a grown ass personā€¦and you are a snot nosed brat kid with a lot to learn in life. Grow up.

Christian Lemus

Yeah a grown ass person who sees the world with so much hate and cannot connect to their inner child once in a while, itā€™s healthy you should try it sometime. You are a diaper wearing old hag with a lot to learn in a life, Lighten up.

Connie Kay

You are literally arguing ā€œ I know I am but what are youā€ lmao! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤£ as I said child. Smh.

Christian Lemus

And you are literally arguing that a bad person is not a bad person lmao!šŸ„³šŸ¤“ like I said Deranged smfh

Connie Kay

Nope that would be what you are arguing because I never once defended one single murder. That was you.

Christian Lemus

Yep like I said keep lying to yourself but your in everyoneā€™s replies on this post and on others when they share their opinions on Damon, you canā€™t stand it when they talk smack about your precious Murderer, lol and you call me the child


Both of you please stop. It is literally just a show. There is no reason to insult each other over characters who are not real and donā€™t care who we are cheering for. Please enjoy your weekends.