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Lloyd B

To answer a couple of your questions - The Zygons initially invaded the 16th Century in the 50th anniversary special, and put themselves into suspended animation until the 21st, which was when the 3 Doctor's got them to negotiate the treaty. As the Osgoods said at the start, their shape shifting is more a defence mechanism, and they are probably comfortable posing as other species. It's only occasionally you get a small faction wanting not to appear as something else. I think the Doctor only wanted to know if Osgood was human or Zygon while there was only one of her, because that is a risk. When there are two, they cancel each other out and protect the interests of both species. The 15 times I feel were a.l on the same day, and the Doctor kept retrying to convince Bonnie/Zygella until finally he got tge rezult he wanted. Truth or Consequences by the way is a real town in New Mexico - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_or_Consequences,_New_Mexico . It changed it's name to that as part of a competition in 1950 in order to host a popular radio game show of the same name. The shows host had a patter that included tbe phrase "and I mean that most sincerely", and that explains the Doctor switching to a faux American accent, playing the game show host, during his monologue. That speech of the Doctor's, where Capaldi holds the scene entirely on his own for something like 10 minutes is now quite iconic, and demonstrates just what an outstanding performer he is. It has to be one of the best monologues in the history of the show. Also, Jenna Coleman is great as the villian in this, and shows some of her range as an actor as well. Kate's line "Five rounds rapid" is a nod to the character's father, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart from Classic Who, as it's a famous quote of his. And finally, the dream sequence with Clara and the toothpaste is a nod to the 1988 John Carpenter film They Live, about aliens who were living disguised amongst us. Great film and worth watching. I really liked this two parter, especially for Capaldi's speech in the second part. The themes about paranoia and fear of be other, and terrorist splinter groups tainting the rest of their people are highly relevant. The more you marginalise minorities the greater the chance of radicalising a few, which can then snowball into escalating violence. We see that happen over and over.

Ian Smith

Again,I agree fully with your review. Superb acting from the two leads (this was probably the turning point for the 'Capaldi sceptics' - assuming they were still watching,that is); but a plot that didn't so much resolve all the questions,as just paper over them via the Doctors speech.


This episode holds a special place in my heart. It aired when the tensions between isis and the rest of the world were at their worst. The incredible speech the doctor made, especially after he says "Because its not a game Kate!" hit the UK audience quite a bit. Im glad this story was told; not everyone wants war, most people just want to live and be happy, those who dont are short sighted. The story itself wasnt the greatest but massive props to Jenna and Peter for their preformances, both were stellar.

Sufyaan Kazi

That Speech! Looking forward to watching your reaction 😀

Gary Marshall

The character of Osgood was written as a homage to the Dr Who fandom and so we see her cosplaying various iterations of the Doctor. We have seen her sporting the 4th Doctors scarf, 6's question marks on the collar, 7's question mark jumper and of course 11's bow tie. Her speech at the beginning of the episode where she states that if she was going to take over the world the first thing she would do is kill the Doctor, giving him no chance to speak. This kinda echoes all of us at some stage where, instead of killing the Doctor, the enemy of the week will explain all their plans in detail and leave the Doctor to die is some extravagent way which allows him to escape and foil the baddie. When the Doctor tells Osgood(s) at the end of the episode that he is a big fan, it is literally saying a thank you to the Dr Who fans.

Henry from CO

"The only way anyone can live in peace, is if they're prepared to forgive".


I think there's a lot wrong with the politics of the episode, but I think above all else the episode is really trying to drive home how difficult peace is and how much work it takes to maintain it. Like, I have a lot of criticisms of how it goes, but the episode definitely posits such an event will always happen again and that they need to be constantly working for that peace. I think that's a good and beautiful message, though I think the specifics kind of get lost in the weeds. Still makes me cry and the appeals of "war is hell" really work for me. An actual favorite that I lose estimation in every time I revisit it unfortunately. It's also feels icky for the Doctor to constantly ask whether Osgood is the Zygon or Human and constantly call Bonnie by her birth name instead of her preferred name like... yikes. I don't like that.


Bonnie didn’t yet deserve respect at that point so I support deadnaming her.😂

Mark Ward

I totally agree with the analogy to gay people and the way they are forced to live through a lie. It's true of lots of other things too though... people with certain religious beliefs in certain countries as well. And being forced to live that way eventually results in insurgences. Love this episode - definitely one of my favourites of this season.


I love the city, but "London! What a dump." made me laugh out loud.