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Léa Dos Santos

This episode was so good, I cry every time I watch it. And nothing to do with Fleabag but the other day I was wondering if you saw the show Dark Angel. If would be cool if you react to it.


Haven’t seen Dark Angel but have heard of it. Jessica Alba’s start.


You seem to have a lot less sympathy for the priest than I do, or that I’ve seen many other people have, which is obviously fine. I’m not religious at all but I’ve always found religious characters and especially crises of faith really compelling in fiction. So I find the priest’s struggle with his faith and his love for Fleabag very interesting and I ultimately find him sympathetic, because no matter how silly his conflict may seem to me as a non-religious person, he is genuinely grappling with huge things and basically his whole purpose in life. Even though it makes me sad for Fleabag, I can't bring myself to hate the priest, he was going through something very big and was very clear with Fleabag in the end, when he’d had the final realization about what he wanted to do. It’s very sad for both of them, and the scene at the bus stop is heartbreaking, but as you also mentioned, Fleabag will be all right. To me, the ending is hopeful. Fleabag has fully embraced the memory of her mother as an integral part of herself that she needs to hold on to, and she’s in a good place with Claire and, to an extent, her father. It’s bittersweet, but the fact that she can say goodbye to us means that she’s finally going to be ok, at least that’s my reading of it. Enjoyed seeing you react to this great series!


Yeah the priest was clear with Fleabag in the END, but up until then he didn’t know what he wanted and Fleabag paid the consequences of getting her heart broken. Yes that’s life but he is supposed to be someone people can trust and he should’ve stayed away from her if he was tempted instead of basically using her as an experiment to see if he could handle a relationship. It’s hard for me to have respect for him since he is deluding himself in my book. He will be tempted again and again and every few years some other poor woman will get her heart broken (But I know it’s not real😂) Also if I heard that the local priest gave my friend hope several times, then slept with her and then left her I’d be upset at him.


This episode made me feel things. I cried so bad at the end. Fleabag has completed her arc and didn’t need us anymore. She learnt to love and be loved. She learnt how to manage and live her life. She rebuilt her bond with her sister and sort of with the father. She’s grown but remained the same at heart. I felt so connected to her through the fourth wall break I was not ready. Not sure if you know this already but the fox represents the Priests desire/temptation. In his stories and now it always seems to follow him during moments with lovers. So yeah you’re right, he will be tested again and again. Fun fact, the reason I watched this show was that I saw the final scene between Fleabag and the Priest and was shocked that could be an ending scene to a show. But it pieced together quite well for me. Some similar shows in the UK/Irish scene that I just have to recommend for you to watch (in your own time at least) is Normal People and Lovesick.


I’ve seen Normal People and it was fucking AMAZING!!!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


I'm doing something odd and commenting before listening to your post show thoughts. (I plan to do so but I have to work out a thought here first.) I've watched this season through a few times over the past year and have found more layers in each viewing. I've come to the conclusion that Fleabag fell for the priest because she knew she'd never actually get him in the end. She was at a place where she had to practice falling in love and being vulnerable again and, as the therapist told her, we all know what we're going to do already. By giving in to her initial attraction to a Catholic priest it was almost "safe". A little part of her would never get her "hopes" fully high for it to work out, so the heartbreak, while real, would not be unexpected and she'd still have a some measure of control. I also realized this time around that Priest was telling her that he'd chosen God in the "sermon" he gave at the wedding. You can actually see it register with her at one point. That's why she doesn't need him to say it, she already knows. "It's God, isn't it?" Priest's wedding speech encapsulates pretty much every love story this season. He and Fleabag. He and God. Fleabag and Claire. Claire and Clare. Claire and Martin. Claire and the stepson. Fleabag and Dad. Dad and Godmother. And it even harkens back to Fleabag and Boo. He says it's about choosing the right place to put love. Fleabag has been struggling with that since her mother died. I think both Fleabag and Priest know that the "right place" for him is with God. But he respects her for the strength it takes to allow herself to be a romantic. "But when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope." Fleabag knows that this love was always hopeless and she likely never fully let herself hope (see above). And that's her answer. Phoebe Waller Bridge is a fucking genius and a poet for the ages with that one, btw. I highly recommend looking up the full text of that speech. It's worthy of all the awards and hype that she received. Anyway, I'm looking forward to listening to your thoughts now.


I agree that it's really sad to have to say goodbye to our friend in the end. I think I was never as angry at Priest as you were because I never thought that Fleabag was looking for a fairytale there. I think, in the end, she got what she needed from the relationship even if it was painful. As far as Dad and the almost 'othering' he does of Fleabag, I think it's interesting that although he may "like" down to earth, grounded Claire, his great loves have all been people who, in their repressed cultural norms have, like you said, not been afraid to state their needs, be it Fleabag, her mother, or even Godmother. Say what we all will about her, she and Fleabag stand out in that world for their forthright natures and willingness to go for what they want. And Dad seems to find love always come with a bit of discomfort. He's expressed that envy or resentment for both Fleabag and her mother, and although he never expresses it openly, I think it's clear that he has those moments with Godmother as well. I liked your comments about Fleabag finding her mother to love again. I think that could even be expanded to being that the right place for her to put at least some of that love is to herself. As the late great Whitney Houston told us, "it is the greatest love of all." And perhaps for Fleabag, in the end, it was the most healing love. It's been a neat little journey to share with you. I'm hoping that you pick some new ones that I am into because I do enjoy your reactions. For short easy reactions I'd throw out Derry Girls and Good Omens (which I think I mentioned to you before). Both have elements that I could see you enjoying. Take care of yourself.


Yeah, that guy was a bit of a crappy priest. Not suitable for the role. I agree with you that the Roman Catholic thing where priests aren't allowed to have a relationship is pretty messed up, in my opinion, but he chose the bloody job. Incidentally, I attended an Anglo-Catholic church when I was growing up, which was an Anglican church but with a kind of Catholic 'aesthetic'. Lots of burning of incense, etc, but I remember that the priest was married! It's a real shame that 'Fleabag' fell for a Catholic priest, but she must have known that she was betting on a long shot with him. But it would have meant something to her that he told her that he loved her. She would have forgiven him for messing up and treasured the reciprocation. But yes, fuck that guy anyway. :D Loads of foxes in the city! Foxes are adorable, though prey animals must obviously feel differently about them... It's kind of sad that she didn't get a 'fairytail ending', but yes, she mended her relationship with Claire (which was so beautiful, yes, I loved that so much) and to some extent her father. But she's *not* alone, she's got her people who care about her. Including the stupid, selfish priest. :D I found the ending nice in that she's learning to cope with the less than perfect aspects of her life. Life is messy and annoyingly imperfect, but she's making progress. I think she really will be OK.