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Now while I didn’t like the scene last episode, this one was perfect for me! In your own words it was sad, hot and beautiful at the same time ahah. It was nice hearing the Priest say what he needed to about his faith and love. He said in episode 3 that he’s been in this place many times and it never brought any good. So hearing him just accept instead of deny that they would eventually have sex was so sad. I’m not a Christian so I really didn’t know priests couldn’t have sex ever or get married so this was all a revelation (if that is correct). Its interesting how him and Fleabag are so similar but have chosen completely different paths/commitments. Another tidbit I loved was Fleabag pushing us (the camera) away which she has never done with other partners. It really showed how intimate and meaningful it was for her. Oh Claire’s husband. Is he one of the characters without a name I can’t remember? He’s such a narcissist. Like an emotional abuser Fleabag is a threat to his control over Claire. Fleabag is so completely herself and I agree everyone treats her like a problem. She’s the black sheep of her family and secretly they envy her personality. I love Claire calling Fleabag her hero though it felt so genuine and like progress.


So good. I love that Fleabag shuts us out when she's finally connecting with another person. The whole hair storyline is fucking brilliant. It is so true that women particularly will try to change their lives with a change of hairstyle. I think it's something that was indoctrinated into us by movies and tv in which a makeover turns someone's life around. I have definitely changed my hair color when in a rut in life. Maybe to not actually fix my life, but just to shake up my own view of myself a bit. Priest...I don't claim to be any kind of expert on Catholicism because I'm pretty agnostic myself but I was raised in a very Catholic family. My mother is one of ten children and I had two great aunts who were nuns. I think that a calling into a life in the church (for those not trying to escape something be it their own sexuality back in the day, being pressured to marry at a young age, or other personal demons like Priest) has a lot to do with what Priest said about being called to love people like a parent would. As much as he was definitely running from things in his past when he entered the priesthood, I get the impression that he was also running to something, and that it was a big commitment to make. And I do believe him when he says it's not so much the sex that's the problem but the falling in love. A priest, in theory, could break his vows by having sex, confess that, gain forgiveness, and continue to move forward in his vocation. If he falls in love and wants to be with someone long term, he has to leave his profession and become a layperson in the church again. So, just sex is bad, but falling in love really fucks his life up. I think that's why he seems so resigned and almost melancholy when he says, "we're going to have sex, aren't we?" From another perspective, when was the last time you got to watch a love triangle in which one of the parties involved was God? Love this show for taking such an unusual path in storytelling. Godmother and Martin are the worst, but OMG do I love both of those actors. From the moment Priest bails until she starts yelling, "Cunt!" Colman is pitch perfectly horrible and hysterically funny. And poor Brett Gelman I can only assume to be the sweetest human being alive IRL because nobody plays a complete bastard better than he does.