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Andrea Dcosta

2 episodes of TVD wow yehh 😻💃🏻💃🏻 This was unexpected but what a pleasant surprise!! Thank you 😊

Chris Hanley

Shamless steroline shipper here

Connie Kay

Confused as how you can like Enzo and not Damon. They are very similar. Is it because you wanted Stelena? Hoping the last couple episodes of this season and season 6 change your mind a little bit. I love season 6 so much. Caroline and Stefan are very cute together and Enzo is a great addition.

Connie Kay

You will probably love the next episode btw.

Andrea Dcosta

Caroline and Stefan are so adorable together they always get a huge smile on my face also I liked that Damon let Elena go without forcing her to stay. Poor Tom his death always gets me really sad :(((


He probably finds Enzo very attractive 😄 and who can blame him, he is a very charming actor. ❤️

Andrea Dcosta

I think you missed the part where Tyler Matt and Jeremy went to Luke to make the deal with them to stop the travellers. Luke asks them now who are you guys and they start saying we are Caroline’s, Elena’s friend etc and Tyler says even Damon’s friend sometimes. I always find that very weird yes Damon saved him once from that klaus sacrifice but I’ve never seen them bonding as such infact Damon never did like him much 😅 so that coming from Tyler was a little strange to me.


That part where damon pushed elena into the locker wasn't in the script that's why nina looked over to the director


Poor Tom! I like that Caroline had a conversation with him before he died. I like the ambiguity of not knowing his life story, him being a great paramedic was enough for me. I would be pissed if my last meal was waffles though😂 Stefan and Caroline were so cute this episode. They have such a healthy strong bond. Enzo is basically Damon-lite but he’s cool. I feel quite neutral to him right now.


Yes that was markos at the end

Connie Kay

Yah, I could see Matt saying that but not Tyler. Tyler and Damon have zero history of any nice moments at all.

Connie Kay

Oh, thanks for the reminder. I remember them talking about Ian improvising this. 🔥




aw i love Caroline and Stefan. they're easily the best characters in TVD right now

Darius. (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-18 16:05:50 Stefan & Caroline - great to see.
2021-11-09 19:22:25 Stefan & Caroline - great to see.

Stefan & Caroline - great to see.