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Toby Harmon

I haven't watched the reaction yet but this is honestly one of the weakest episodes of Doctor Who, ever, so I don't blame you if you hate it. Just pretend it doesn't exist LOL.


The Tyger by William Blake - Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp, Dare its deadly terrors clasp! When the stars threw down their spears And water'd heaven with their tears: Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Daniel Reynolds

Not my favourite episode but these final two, I need them now 😂😂

silor nedercott

God, between the accidental(?) pro-life argument in Kill the Moon, and the "actually, if you have a mental illness it's immoral to medicate for it" argument in this one, I can't decide which is handled worse. At least the fairytale visuals were effective, and it's always nice to see the Doctor be sweet to children


The whole mental health debate following the abortion debate in a previous episode just didn’t work for me. It was an okay episode though. This whole Clara, Danny and Doctor thing is so annoying to me. Clara clearly wants to travel and see the universe but lies to Danny and the Doctor and for what? It’s like she’s scared of disappointing them both but all Danny wants is the truth and the Doctor gave her an out. Danny wasn’t even angry at all. Her priorities are definitely all over the place. But Maeve was a cool addition to the episode. She had some adorably sweet lines. Still not an episode I’d rewatch but it was cool!


Reeeeally clunky episode for me.. I don't personally feel the message they tried to give about mental health and medication came across right, and That Ending is so.. What? But hey, it's over with now!


I sound like a broken record, but your post-episode discussions are fantastic. This is my least favorite episode of the season, and I usually skip reactions to this episode, but I wanted to watch yours because I knew you would find insightful things to say about it. I was right! Your commentary made me appreciate things about it that hadn't come across to me before.

Mark Ward

This episode really is fucking STUPID. Frank Cottrell-Boyce is a children's book author and it really shows - for me Doctor Who is better when it's a show for adults that children can access rather than a show for children that adults can sneer at. It is completely nonsensical. The best thing about it is there's loads of Danny in it and I have a mad crush on him. And that's it. :D (I do enjoy Capaldi's performance in this one though - he's a little bit more eccentric than normal and it seems to work). (The ending really is one of the stupidest things I've EVER SEEN in Doctor Who. It makes no sense whatsoever and I knew you'd laugh at it.)


You kinda answered your own question about Clara. She is scared. Of losing them, not really disappointing them. Danny does want the truth, but he also told her that he would leave her if she wasn't honest with him about being in danger (something about not being able to stand not helping her), and choosing to travel with the Doctor is going to always put her in danger. That's why she lies. As for the Doctor, he did give her out but she realized she doesn't want it. These are all perfectly realistic feelings for Clara to have. To want to travel to with the Doctor and to want a relationship with Danny. Being with the Doctor makes her feel powerful and gives her a rush. Danny grounds her. She doesn't want to choose because she wants both lives (although a life with the Doctor is the stronger pull/"drug"), and well she's human and has flaws and lying and trying to stay in control of this double life is one of them. I appreciate this kind of tension between these very different characters (a genius alien with a new low-tolerance for humans, an ex-soldier, and a schoolteacher with a thirst for adventure), and these kind of flaws for Clara, because it leads to more complex relationships among the characters. It can't always be the rainbows between, for example, Ten and Rose for a Doctor and companion, and it can't always be the epic (?) "die in front of you multiple times for you to realize you love me and want to be with me over the Doctor" love story between Amy and Rory for a companion and their love interest.

Toby Harmon

UPDATE: I watched the reaction & you actually liked it, which in turn made me appreciate it more. So thanks! While it's flawed, it's also quite beautiful & poetic.

Toby Harmon

I think the ending was supposed to be "the tree fairies" (or whatever they were) bringing Annabelle back to her family


I quite like the scene where 12 kinda apologizes to Clara after she tells him to run away. "I walk your Earth, I breathe your air", a direct echo of Clara's blowup at him at the end of Kill the Moon. The rest is like... poorly done imo. The character stuff is pretty good but the plot is really sloppy and I hate the "don't take your medicine" message. Rewatching it this time, I kind of liked it, but it's definitely not my favorite.


I don't dislike this one as much as some. It does have a rather bizarre ending. As a complete story it is rather muddled by some of the choices made. One of which leads into those last few seconds which feels tacked on. But there are elements and moments I do like. Some of which you highlighted.