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Thanks to all who gave kind wishes. I’m back so let’s watch some shows!


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Good thing he is okay for the most parts <3 Wow 100 years is awesome ! Dementia sucks ! all the best wishes for you grandpa ! I know stubborn grandparents, brought my grandpa two femoral neck fractures which had the outcome that he could not walk anymore ... He is 92 now and needs a wheelchair. He had a fracture of the base of the scull when he was really young and has epilepsy why his balance wasn't good the older he got ... Last year he had 18 epileptic seizures in the course of 24hours ... My mom and my aunt help him and he has 24/7 care. It is really hard for everyone, my uncles really neglect him and visit bearly ... On the weekend my uncle came to make his yard with my mom and my grandpa said he could not go to sleep in the night because he was thinking about what he can serve for food when he comes, that kept him up all night an ended up calling my mom in the early morning because he was afraid nothing would be prepared when they come to visit, he hasn't cooked in years and never was good at it. We are 13 grand children and when we were younger he wanted to make us pasta. He took two bags and was like okay two backs double the time. It was awful ! We know a woman that is 96 years old, she still lives alone and is totally fine, thank god. I wanna be that way when I grow old.


I'm glad your grandpa is okay! That sounds like it was a really scary fall. It's good that you were able to visit, even if there were some difficulties. I bet he has some great stories to tell! I never knew any of my grandparents (three died before I was born, and one when I was four) but I did have a great-great-aunt who we visited at Christmastime. She ended up dying at 103 IIRC — she was born in 1904 so she remembered when the Titanic sank, which always blew my mind lol — but remarkably she kept her memory and everything until the end. I don't think she was quite as stubborn as your grandpa sounds though...! I'm with you on the getting old is a double-edged sword thing. You don't want to die early but also getting *really* old doesn't sound like a lot of fun either. Somewhere in the middle, please! Presuming we don't all die in the climate wars 😄

Toby Harmon

Welcome back! So glad your grandpa is okay! ❤️


I’m glad to hear your grandpa is okay! ❤️ Seeing people suffer from dementia is incredibly hard. Last summer, I had a job at a nursing home and the elderly there all suffered from dementia. I didn’t know what to expect before I started and it was heavier than I imagined it to be. I remember that one time when I was cycling home and I just started crying because seeing it made me so emotional. Dementia is so awful :(


Glad to hear he wasn't injured really badly and is ok for the most part. It can be very difficult to see those we care about so vulnerable. My Grandparents passed quite some time ago now. Not the same thing in any way shape or form. But I work in pharmacy and its my job to provide nearly all medicine to the most vulnerable of patients. Most of which are very elderly and those I speak to regularly are very dear to me. Some I do think of like sort of Grandparents, but obviously it isn't the same at all. My contact with most is just by phone call. I do wish I had more time to talk to them, as some often appreciate someone to talk to, especially of late with these isolating conditions. So I appreciate how you feel to some small degree, as I said it's not the same. So thanks for sharing. 💛


My other grandpa fought in WW2, he was in a submarine. In his last years he and my other grandpa were talking about the war. We never took notes, but he should have this were horrible times but our history (I'm German)

Andrea Dcosta

Glad to know he’s doing fine. But 100 years Wow 🤩 I don’t think I wana live that long but also true as u said don’t wana die young either 😁 At that age they get stubborn my granny is so stubborn she’s 86 now she doesn’t drink water and doesn’t listen to us it gets very difficult at times to make her understand they act like kids. I honestly am not too close to her she always has a preference for “Sons” 😁😁 it used to bother me and make me sad when I was younger not anymore but it still sucks to see her loving her sons/ grandsons more. But none the less I love her and always will. It’s so nice and sweet that your sharing stuff like this with us 🙂🤗

Daniel Reynolds

So glad everything is okay, and welcome back!!


Oh the not drinking water thing is also a big one with my grandpa, he would not drink and get bad uterine infections ... Now sometimes when he doesn't want to drink he will take soups though hahah ! That is sad that she has a preference for sons ... My aunt is similar, she would bring my brother a birthday cake but never me ... And she always judges me so hard. She is/was a teacher . When I spend 3 month in South Africa and made her a calendar with pictures she than showed her class ... But still favors the males ...

Connie Kay

My husband’s Mom had Alzheimers and she was only in her late 60s.... and his sister has Dementia early too. It is scary how this kind of thing is running in his family. Horrible disease. Glad your grandpa is okay. Sorry he has dementia because I know that is hard on everyone involved.


So so glad to hear your grandpa is ok ❤️. It’s a good thing you were there when the accident happened. I also can relate - my grandpa still tries to act like he has the same mobile capabilities as he used to and it can be frustrating when you just want them to be safe, but they’re essentially living on the edge 😂. I guess that comes with age; he always makes offhand comments about being closer to death which REALLY freaks me out, but I think at that age you start to come to terms with it and maybe you become more reckless with your behaviour bc you have nothing else to lose? It’s interesting logic and I definitely agree with you that getting old is a very strange thing. I always wonder what more is there to do after you reach the age of, like, 70, but also how things are going to be different in the age of technology. Will we have elders running around on their phones? Lol. It’s interesting to think about!

WhoviVortex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 22:03:38 Glad to hear your grandpa is okay! 100 years is an impressive amount; wishing you and your family all the best, and know there's Never a problem with taking time off doing reactions; these things are always such a priority above videos. <3
2021-05-17 16:14:22 Glad to hear your grandpa is okay! 100 years is an impressive amount; wishing you and your family all the best, and know there's Never a problem with taking time off doing reactions; these things are always such a priority above videos. <3

Glad to hear your grandpa is okay! 100 years is an impressive amount; wishing you and your family all the best, and know there's Never a problem with taking time off doing reactions; these things are always such a priority above videos. <3

Ian Smith

Have you considered getting your grandpa one of those personal alarms? They often come in the shape of small medallions which they wear,and activate if they have a fall. The call goes through to a local emergency center. We got one for my mother a year or so back. She hasn't needed to use it yet;but she once pressed it accidentally,and they rang her within seconds! Speaking of my mother: she's 90 on Sunday. She doesn't want a party or any kind of get-together. "Why should I celebrate such an old age??" she asked me. She's generally in good spirits,and takes good care of herself;but she does get depressed every once in a while because all of her friends have passed away.


Yeah we thought about getting one of those alarms. His memory is so bad he might forget to press the button or forget that he even has it, but it’s definitely worth a try.