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golam rabbi

Ok, let's see how Rebbeca's "happiness" looks like, She fell in love with a hunter that almost got the whole originals family wiped, if it wasn't for Klaus, they would be all dead. Then she fell for no humanity Stefen, who never cared for her, and she chooses that over her family. She fell in love with the governor's son and wanted to turn him, which the governor asked not to do. She falls in love with Marcel, Klaus adopted son. She recently got attacked by the wolf because she fell for a wolf boy. How is that not considered Protection? It's Eazy to blame Klaus for all the problems, because you know he was introduced as the impulsive one. Rebecca calling Mikeal is the worst betrayal, even when Klaus daggered her, he never wanted her dead. What Rebecca did was to Get rid of Klaus for good. Hopefully the next two Episodes you can see the other side of the story.


It doesn’t matter if it was protection, Rebekah still was traumatized by all of the things you listed. If you were dating someone who you didn’t know was a danger to you and your brother came and killed them I think you’d be a little upset to say the least. Also, Marcel shouldn’t be in the list since no bad would’ve come from he and Rebekah’s union. He would’ve been the best choice for Rebekah but Klaus couldn’t even give her that, proving that he’s not just about “protecting” his sister or family. He is unhappy and wants everyone else to be just as unhappy. So what if Marcel was his ward? He was in love with Rebekah and she with him and she would’ve turned him into a vampire so he could live beyond a time when he would have to be a slave or be discriminated against. But Klaus couldn’t let him go. That’s not love. If you only see it from Klaus’s POV then yes Rebekah summoning Mikael was a betrayal, but if you also look at Rebekah’s POV and see that Klaus has ruined her BEST chance at happiness (Marcel) then you could understand that summoning Mikael seemed like her only option at that point. She was desperate because Klaus pushed her too far over the years. And even though this is a show where no one is completely good, it is still a show about actions having consequences. And that goes both ways for Klaus and Rebekah. So I do see both sides. But I didn’t hear any defending of Rebekah, only Klaus so... Also you said that Klaus daggering her wasn’t reason enough for her to want him dead. It’s not any different than Klaus wanting Mikael dead for abusing him.

golam rabbi

yes, I agree with you that we need to look at both POVs. I was just defending Klaus's side as it seems like you have some disdain towards his character, which is understandable as we all have different views in life. But your reaction is awesome! Keep it up


I think the only reason that klaus was angry at Rebekah and marcel was because the called the man who beated him when he was a boy abused him and bullied him and he was the only who experienced that from mikeal his brother and sister never had that treatment that he had


I like Klaus and all. Him and Elijah are really interesting characters to me. But he does deserve all this. It is fucked to bring his abuser back I understand that. But how many times has he essentially abused Rebekah. He’s taken decades of her life and acts a lot like the man he hates. We know it’s because of abuse cycles and him not dealing with his trauma but it doesn’t justify his actions towards her. I like that Elijah put the dagger through Klaus. It was sad because Klaus didn’t expect it but it was also beautiful how he chose Rebekah after so long. I’m happy you’re starting to enjoy the show now! As flawed as everyone is, it really is entertaining. All the witch drama is a breath of fresh air from hybrids and vampire and hunters. I like they didn’t do more of the same stories for this show as when the originals were on TVD.


Rebekah is my favorite character. However, what she did was insane and stupid. Klaus was tormented and abused so badly by Mikael his entire life; you can’t really blame him for being furious at her. Can you imagine growing up with the man you think is your father, who always hated you. Who regularly beat you mercilessly, and nearly beat you to death several times. Who has chased you around your entire life, so you live in constant fear. Who hasn't killed you yet, because he wants to dehumanize, degrade and humiliate you first. Then when you finally escape him, your sister tells him where you are. I honestly can’t think of a bigger betrayal. As for why he didn’t want Rebekah and marcel to be together, Marcel may not be blood related to them, but he is family and Klaus loves him. And One could argue that Klaus loves Rebekah the most out of all of his siblings. and those two being together would mean they wouldn't have enough time/love for him anymore (in his warped mind). This doesn’t excuse what he did but I really think Rebekah and Marcel went about this the wrong way. That being said, it's this level of morally questionable behavior that makes me love this show lol

Kyla B.

God THIS is one of me favorite episodes of the whole series for so many reasons. The main being how dark it goes. I loved the horror aspects of it because at the time that's how it set itself apart from TVD and I loved that it FELT like a "grown" show. But, and I admit from this point it's gonna be hard for me to point things out without halfway giving things away. But I'm gonna try. The reason Rebekah calling Mikael is seen as such a huge betrayal to Klaus is, again multiple layers of reasons. Rebekah didn't intend for Klaus to die! She just knew that if Mikael came, Klaus would run and she’d be free to be with Marcel. But in doing that, she gambled all their lives over love. Which, let’s be honest good for her! Because she was choosing the love she deserved and we have to admit, Marcel LOVED her and he was right for her. But, from Klaus’ POV it's seen as such a huge betrayal because of the fact that she knew Klaus beat him as a boy. The knife she stole and kept hidden for who knows how long is basically the nail in the coffin of Klaus’ revelation that she actually set out to hurt him like that. But, ultimately because Rebekah was so determined to choose another man over him she sought out the man he hated most. Just to be free of him. We know that Klaus has obvious abandonment issues. He just couldn’t accept his siblings being happy if he wasn’t. The way that he was the reason Celeste died in the first place. He didn’t care that Elijah was happy. He just knew that he wasn’t. The way he stood in Rebekah’s way every single time she fell for someone. Claiming none of them were good enough for her. Sir, you never give her TIME to find that out! The way Klaus daggered Finn for almost a thousand years because he fell in love and turned Sage so that he could be with her. YET he always claims he dagger Finn because he was boring. I can’t explain Kol without giving things away. But Klaus knew that if his siblings fell in love, they’d eventually leave him. And he hated the idea of being alone with his thoughts and his misery. So he did anything and everything he could to keep them. Even using their oath of always and forever against them, to guilt them into staying. Elijah is so blinded by that oath that he’s bending over backwards to stay by Klaus’ side. Constantly sacrificing any hope of love or happiness for himself, instead of realizing that Klaus gaslights them any time they get close to finding independence. I did NOT mean to rant this hard. Can you tell I love this episode? I can’’t wait for the next few episodes because it’s so good!! Your reactions are so good! Seeing your mounting panic, while they’re dancing around the revelation.


What I got from this was Klaus is SO upset because even though all of the originals have hurt each other (ESPECIALLY Klaus hurting his siblings) they have never tried to permanently kill one another. So even though Klaus makes everyone miserable and daggers them he is so shocked because Rebekah planned to actually kill him, like for real lol


Kinda funny watching it now in a pandemic, where they talk about the pandemic in 1919 I don't know if all people feel sympathetic to him ? I just really like the character the way he is. For me I don't see him as a good guy or so. He deserves als of this !!!


Well he shouldn’t be shocked😂 Him daggering his sister repeatedly and killing the men in her life and ruining her happiness repeatedly is the equivalent of the abuse of his father and he killed him so he shouldn’t be surprised that Rebekah would try to kill him for abusing her. And it should also tell him something that both she and Marcel plotted against him😂


Yeah I totally agree but we are rational people this character is not lol it’s like he is so damaged he can’t even understand why people hate him. And then when we catch glimpses of him understanding it’s so brief and then bam he lashes out AGAIN

Abhi Subedi

Funny how you ask people to see both sides yet totally ignore the fact that it wasn't just Rebekah calling on Klaus' abuser, but also the one who ruined Elijah's happiness because he loved New Orleans and that very decision was the reason they all lost Marcel.


@Abhi Subedi Funny how you miss the point I was trying to make. Of course there were consequences to Rebekah calling Mikael but my point was that she wouldn’t have done it if Klaus hadn’t treated her so badly. Actions have consequences. Rebekah was desperate and trapped and when people are desperate and trapped they lash out and try to find any way to be free. I do see “both sides” and I’ve said it many times. Klaus is the way he is because of Mikael’s abuse. But Klaus can’t use that as an excuse every time he treats others badly. He can’t use it as an excuse and expect Rebekah or anyone to give him a pass just because he was abused. Mikael abused Klaus and caused him to be cruel yes, but people can be abused and not abuse others. The cycle has to stop. Klaus is also an adult. If there was a grown man abusing or mistreating me I wouldn’t care that he was only abusing me because he had a rough childhood and was abused himself. I would only care that I was being abused and I’d try to find a way to make the abuse stop. And that’s what Rebekah did. It just didn’t turn out the way she expected.


Hi! For some reason the link for either isn’t quite working, one it says is deleted and the other says it’s unplayable.


Hi Loki. Sorry about that. I’ll have to re-upload when I get home. I’m out of town until next week😅