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pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZp6dDXZyv4Tj0Od57jibhEhDcau4zTSEM4X

Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wMcHOrvmzCFWWOc4y9Ngq3AGva800lu4/view?usp=drivesdk




I love that you called this a show that is seemingly about nothing, because it does seem that way at times, but by the end of two seasons it is a show about everything. Or at least about what makes us human and how we cope with love and loss. It's also interesting to think about who "we" the audience behind the fourth wall are in this story. Are we a Greek Chorus who she is hoping to witness her life? Are we an imaginary friend that she's created to replace Boo? Why does she need us? Are we a coping mechanism that she needs to help dissociate from her reality? Breaking the fourth wall can be a dangerous choice, but here it works wonderfully in making the show a very intimate experience.


You said it well. This is a show about nothing. There’s no complex storylines about murders or crimes. It’s a character piece. This and a few other watches in 2020 really taught me that you don’t need a bunch of storylines to make a beautiful and fascinating series. It’s now one of my favourite ‘genres’ lol. I also have to agree about how breaking the fourth wall works here. Before watching I was so skeptical because I hate that technique but it’s very seamless in Fleabag.


If you want to see a series seemingly about nothing check out Servant by M Night Shlayman.