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The biphobia in this episode reeks like fuck no I have no idea why they had to make his bisexuality the problem when in reality the problem is obviously his cheating. I'm bisexual myself but you don't even have to be to know their argument makes no freakin sense. This episode just reinforced the whole 'bisexuals are cheaters' argument, which sucks. I'm blaming the entire Ian-Caleb situation on a weird decision in the writing room and putting it out of my mind lol. I agree that Ian did grow during the relationship but otherwise yeah it turned out to be pointless. They could have ended it in so many other (better) different ways. Btw, I don't think Mickey is bisexual at all he was (sadly) just so freakin repressed that he constantly had to let everyone know he has had sex with girls in early seasons. Also, I really enjoy Fiona just doing her shit this season and (for once) having a storyline that doesn't have anything to do with being with a guy. Like yes please. Great reaction and I can't wait for the rest of the season :)


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I've been following your videos for a while and I love your analysis of each of the characters in each episode. Yeah the show handles bisexuality poorly and it seemed kind of left field to throw this between the Ian-Caleb story arc. I definitely feel the same way regarding the way they focused on a lot of these two trying to get together only for this to break them up. I can get behind Ian wanting to break up because Caleb is being a dick and trying to justify and excuse his cheating, but it seems really weird that they're tying this to his bisexuality. Also, about the Mickey comment, I think it's interesting you bring that up because I feel like Caleb and Mickey are similar in that they both don't consider hooking up with women as cheating. Back in S5, Mickey hooked up with that one lady when he was sad over Ian running off with Monica during one one of his manic phases, but then right after he hooked up with that one guy after he couldn't finish. Obviously we know Caleb doesn't see it as cheating based on how hard he tries to convince Ian and himself that him hooking up with a high school friend who identifies as a woman isn't him cheating. The difference between Caleb and Mickey is that Caleb actually seems to enjoy having sex with women while I feel like Mickey's reactions whenever he was having sex with women is similar to Ian's; he doesn't appear to really enjoy it like when he was depressed over Ian leaving the Army, he hooked up with that one lady who also was a redhead and he also didn't finish then. I find it funny how Debbie almost stole a baby in this episode when she already had stolen a baby way back in S1. To be honest, I'm not surprised Debbie resorts to stealing strollers and reselling them as her main way of getting income considering a lot of the recent questionable things she's done. I feel like the earlier seasons of Fiona usually involved her hooking up with someone but then she quickly got attached to them. After the whole wedding incident traumatizing her, I feel like she's scared of getting into relationships, so now she's enticed by the idea of just having meaningless sex with random men through Tinder. This season's Fiona is different from the earlier seasons in that she seems more cognizant of her tendency to get quickly attached to the men she hooks up with.