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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Kansas- Yay!!! Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time. I really love this overall episode, mostly for the present day storyline, and not quite as much for Zelena's backstory in Oz, which I do love as well. But I will get back to that in a bit... First... I know that you and I disagree with Hook's efforts to try to help the heroes, and probably always will. And that's fine. We don't have to agree for me to still enjoy your overall reactions. But with this being said... one of my absolute favorite scenes is when Hook continues to try to convince Emma that she and Henry belong in Storybrooke with their family and friends while they're walking towards Zelena's farmhouse, and even though he doesn't say it... with him too. Sadly, because she's still being so stubborn upon denying her true feelings for him, and is holding on tight to her resentment towards him, Emma mocks him to hurt him, saying, "Let me guess... with you?" because she knows how he feels about her. And then... of course Zelena and Rumple interrupt them and because Zelena knows how Hook feels about Emma too, and how Emma feels about him in spite of Emma's denial, Zelena orders Rumple to drown Hook in the well outside of her farmhouse in order to force Emma to sacrifice her powers if she wants to save Hook's life. As cruel as her words are, I love Zelena's lines, "See, Emma, you’ve got a decision to make. You can keep your magic which makes you oh so sad, or you can save the man that you can’t wait to run away from." Such a brilliant quote. I love it!! And then... of course Emma rushes over to try to save Hook by pulling him free because she does care about him in spite of being angry with him and in spite of resenting him. Hook has done a lot to show everyone just how much he's changed and become a hero in spite of his mistakes. Unfortunately, she's unable to save Hook in this moment from being drowned because Gold is holding him under water with his dark magic. However, Gold and Zelena both disappear once they know Emma will have no choice but to put her lips to Hook's lips by giving him mouth to mouth if she wants to save him. And sadly, yet thankfully, Emma does so. The only way to save Hook is if Emma sacrifices her magic by giving him mouth to mouth and kissing his cursed lips. And what a beautiful moment it is. I absolutely love this moment!! And on top of all... when Hook awakens, his first thoughts are fear for Emma upon feeling her lips touch his, knowing that Emma just sacrificed her magic to save him. He didn't want Emma to sacrifice her magic even to save his life, and I believe it. Beautiful and perfect!! Emma may have been mad at him and has been pushing him away, but that's just more of her own insecurities. And she needed someone to take her frustrations out on. Sadly and unfairly because she's so in the wrong... Emma takes her frustrations and insecurities out on Hook, as she's been doing to him since he first arrived in New York to bring her home upon restoring her memories. Thankfully, Emma quickly snaps out of her anger towards him as she realizes just how wrong she's been the moment he's put in danger because of her and she immediately rushes to save him. Emma really does care about Hook more than she understands right now. I love it!! :) Hook may be without magic, and more of a hinderance to Emma because the villains were able to use him against Emma, allowing for Zelena to steal her magic in the end. However, this isn't Hook's fault, or David's. Despite the danger, whether a hero has magic going up against a villain with magic, a true hero always stands up against the injustice. This is part of what makes someone a hero. Just as Regina is when she stood against Zelena in the hospital in spite of knowing Zelena is much more powerful than she was while she had been wielding dark magic... not knowing she was capable of wielding light magic just then. Hook wants to prove himself a hero in spite of the dangers of being killed, and he wants to protect those he cares about. He had refused to kiss Emma to steal her magic away in spite of Zelena's threats to him. He didn't know that Zelena and Rumple would use him like they had done. Nor did David. This is why I don't feel so strongly against Hook or David like you do. And like I've said many times I understand Hook's actions and reasonings. Now, as for why Zelena is so easily able to get through everyone in the hospital in spite of Emma and Regina casting a protection spell together... Emma's light magic has been taken from her upon her saving Hook, and therefore the magic she put into the protection spell vanishes as well, leaving behind only Regina's dark magic she uses too, which Zelena is easily able to beat because she's stronger than Regina when she uses her dark magic. And as for Emma's magic... it most likely winds up inside Zelena's pendant, which allows for Zelena to grow that much stronger. Next... I love the moment between Regina and Henry in the hospital as Henry encourages Regina that she has the power to defeat Zelena because he believes in her so much. And tells Regina that she has light magic to defeat her. It's so nice to see Henry's unwavering faith in Regina, when he distrusted her for so long throughout seasons one and two. Rightly so of course, but still... And thankfully, Regina defeats Zelena when she finds the strength and will to fight her with light magic, not dark magic like she's always used until this point. Such a powerful moment, and I absolutely love it!! Definitely another of my favorite moments throughout this episode. Next... I love how conniving and deceitful Gold is in the end of this episode. As frustrating and angry as I feel towards him as well, the moment Gold comes to Zelena in the jail and reveals the truth about keeping the dagger after he had lied to Belle about giving it to her is fantastic. I really love that he has switched the daggers, giving Belle a fake dagger. It's rotten and terrible, and I feel so badly for Belle because she does sadly believe him capable of changing for the better, but this twist is so brilliant... proving once again that Gold is the more powerful villain and always has a plan. And I love the moment between him and Zelena just before he then kills her, all so he can get revenge for her killing his son. Rumplestiltskin is most certainly not ready to seek out redemption. Sadly... not even for Belle. And what's worse... is that he kills Zelena in his son's name, having vowed to avenge Neal's death by killing Zelena when it's really done out of vengeance. But... this is very much who Rumplestiltskin is and as frustrating as it is, what a phenomenal performance. Robert Carlyle is once again amazing. Now... I also really love the moment between Henry and Archie in the hospital too. It is short, but sweet. I love that Archie tells Henry he is happy to see him again, since Henry hadn't been to see him in their therapy sessions for quite awhile on account of Henry having no memories of Archie. I love any scenes between them. I also love the moment David hands Mary Margaret their son back once they've defeated Zelena. So sweet. And then... Emma and Henry return to the hospital room and everyone's happy. Except for Hook, who also returns with Emma too. He's happy for the Charmings because they're all happy to have a healthy newborn son. But sadly, Emma tells Hook that after everything, she's still planning on taking Henry back with her to New York, and Hook is heartbroken. You can see the pain in his eyes. It's so sad because the look in his eyes shows he's brokenhearted by her decision to leave. Hook loves Emma so much and yet he believes she doesn't care about him like he longs for her to in return. So good! Emma is definitely still resentful towards Hook for taking her away from her ignorantly blissful life in New York, and while she loves her parents, she still isn't close with them and she feels very much like and orphan in spite of their love for her. In spite of them being her mother and father, because of her insecurities. This is why Emma is still very much insistent on returning to her fake life in New York with Henry. And it's so sad. Now, as for the flashback scenes in Oz with Zelena, Glinda, Dorothy, and the other two sister witches, the Good Witch of the East and the Good Witch of the North... I like the overall storyline, especially with how Zelena fakes her death in order to get Dorothy out of the way so she could continue with her plans to discover how she can travel back in time to destroy Regina. I love the twist with the Wizard of Oz storyline as Dorothy uses water to kill the Wicked Witch, yet that it is all a ruse by Zelena so she would be able to stay in power of Oz and become the land's ruler. I think this was a very nice twist. I just love all of the nods to The Wizard of Oz. However, the rest of the overall backstory with Zelena's constant envy of Regina, as well as of Dorothy annoys me a bit, because it's just more of the same storyline we've seen from Zelena for some time at this point in the season. Zelena is always just jealous, or envious of everyone. I would have preferred to get to know Glinda and the other witches a bit more since we were getting a backstory that includes them. But with that being said... I understand the reasons why this backstory is written as it is. So we can learn about how the jeweled pendant around Zelena's neck helps Zelena to harness her magic and grow stronger, and how by its removal would result in Zelena losing her magic, as consequence of Zelena seeking out growing more powerful. Which is important, since Glinda had told Snow and Charming in A Curious Thing that to defeat Zelena, a bearer of light magic would have to remove the pendant, and we see Regina do so upon overpowering her sister at last in the present day. So... the storylines in both Storybrooke and in the backstory are parallel with one another. As for Glinda... Her storyline doesn't really add all that much to the overall storyline taking place in Storybrooke, and while I like Glinda because as the Good Witch of the South, she is the bearer of love and she's fairly similar to Glinda from The Wizard of Oz, who also doesn't ever fight against the Wicked Witch... her character feels weak overall because she isn't able to tell that Zelena is still alive. I can understand her not fighting back because she is the bearer of love and because Glinda wants to do everything she can to save Zelena from her jealously and wicked ways. However, I just feel like she could have at the very least done something to prevent Zelena from banishing her to the frozen land within the Enchanted Forest where she's found by Snow and Charming in the last episode... A Curious Thing. I wish this backstory could have revealed more about Glinda. And in regards to Glinda keeping quiet about the rest of the prophecy... Glinda is hesitant about telling Zelena anything, especially about the part of the prophecy she left out, because I suspect she knew how Zelena would interpret what it meant. And rightly so, because as we do see... Zelena does misunderstand the prophecy. Glinda tells Zelena that the prophecy could mean more than just the literal translation. It states... "A sorceress from another land cannot make Oz her home until she fulfills her destiny and unseats the greatest evil Oz has ever seen." To me... this prophecy could definitely be talking about Zelena being this greatest evil. However, I believe that it could also be interpreted very differently and that Glinda truly believed it could have meant that by Zelena choosing to be good and striving to become better, in doing so it would mean Zelena would have defeated the greatest evil. The evil that was inside of her. Zelena still could have been the Good Witch of the West had she allowed Glinda to continue explaining, and had she given up her wicked ways. But Zelena didn't give herself the chance and it's so sad. I hope this makes sense. What do you think? And then... in spite of Gold truly still being evil, I do like the moment Gold proposes to Belle. Even though Rumple has sadly and depressingly deceived her when he promises her that he wouldn't go after Zelena to kill her, I still believe he is genuine in his love for Belle and that he wants to be that good man for her, despite having no intention of obeying Belle's wish. His lust for revenge is just too strong. And he certainly doesn't deserve Belle. However, this was still a beautiful moment between these True Loves. And in regards to Rumple telling Belle that not everything he did under Zelena's command was all her... Rumple is saying that he enjoyed doing some of the things she commanded him to do. And no doubt... Rumple clearly enjoyed drowning Hook given their history together. Not cool, Rumple. :( I do like Belle and Rumple as a couple throughout this show because they are cute together in spite of Robert Carlyle and Rumple being so much older than Emilie de Ravin and Belle. But because he doesn't deserve Belle's love for so long, they are most certainly my least favorite couple. And their love for one another is very wishy washy, which I hate. And lastly... Zelena is dead, but because Rumple kills her, her magic is set free from the pendant and escapes Regina's vault to open up the time portal after all. I can't wait for your reactions for the final two episodes, because they are two of my all time favorite episodes throughout the entire show, and this finale is absolutely my favorite two part finale within the entire show too!! Overall... another fabulous and beautiful episode!! Kansas is definitely another one of my favorite episodes within the Wicked Witch arc, as well as throughout all of season three. Thank you so much again like always, my friend! Until part one and part two of the upcoming two part finale... Sincerely, Heidi


Yeah the idea of Zelena having a choice to be good or bad is nice but this show has toyed with fate and destiny so often that I feel that everything that happens is supposed to happen. Zelena was always going to let her jealousy take over because it was meant to be that way. Just like the Charmings were always supposed to give Emma away so she could grow up to be the savior. The characters think they make their own choices, but like in life, they don’t really have much control over what happens to them.