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Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pmwhkcDohzuMB6U6x9yWS2nwRGqLCOHF/view?usp=drivesdk



Henry from CO

Oh cool, good series. This should be interesting.


I think this is how people would really be if they had superpowers. Money and power corrupts. I think that this show is a great commentary on that. Celebrities, musicians, athletes get away with so much because they make so much money for so many people/higher ups. And the public turns a blind eye b/c they love them. Another aspect I think is interesting is how the superheroes are compared with cops when Hughie mentions that neither can be charged for damages on the job. If you think about it superheroes do kinda do what cops are supposed to. They fight crime. But some cops abuse their power. So, I think that superheroes absolutely would too if they were real. Also, the writer of the comics apparently dislikes superheroes and wrote "the boys" as a satire on them. Maeve and Homelander are total wonder woman and superman/Captain America combo stand ins. A-Train/the Flash, Black Noir/Batman, and "the deep" is a play off of aquaman lol. And the seven are a play on the justice league. I think.


This should be interesting. lol I can't watch it yet, but looking forward to it.


I’m very curious what people thought of my reaction especially to the Chace Crawford scene. Someone has just told me that they believe my comments were “the definition of rape culture”. I disagree. I never said “he’s attractive so she should want to sleep with him”. I basically said it was confusing because I MYSELF find him very attractive and yet his behavior is awful because he’s doing it to someone who doesn’t want it. I also said that men and women think very differently about sex. I am a gay man and have been in similar situations that Annie was. Sometimes it was a man in power and sometimes not. The difference was I was attracted to the men. That changes the entire situation for me at least. It’s only harassment if the person isn’t interested or attracted. Annie wasn’t interested obviously and I clearly said what The Deep did was wrong, but I was being honest when I said that he was attractive and that since I was a viewer I can simultaneously chastise him and fantasize about him. The same way many viewers do about Damon or Klaus in The Vampire Diaries.


The only reason I decided to watch this video was to see your reaction to the scene in question. After reading your comments, I’m even more eager to watch it. The Deep is definitely an eye-magnet and the uncomfortable eroticism is undeniable. I had a lot of mixed emotions watching it the first time. I think the Deep and I could have worked something out. But it’s still a deeply disturbing scene.


I think you made it very clear when the scene happened that it was sexual harassment. What you would’ve done in their situation is different because it’s not like you were speaking for Starlight herself. I think feeling conflicted or ‘shocked’ is what the directors were going for. Chace Crawford is attractive and having him portray this character is important and shows that anyone can be an abuser. So often we have an image in our head of the type of person, physically, who does these terrible things. So I don’t see what you could’ve said that would be considered offensive. You made it clear when you were talking about the actor or the character.


I like this show, but I’m not emotionally invested in it because it’s just so damn cynical. It’s almost too much for me.