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Daniel Reynolds

Fun episode imo up until that last ‘skirt too tight’ line, always cringe at that part💀 it’s all good stuff from here on in now tho, excited for you to react to the 50th celebrations!!!


Yeah, this one is a bit clunky. Bit of a waste of Warwick Davis, and the Cybermen are made a bit.. boring? Not a great streak, but I think this is harmless enough overall

Henry from CO

Nice reaction Brandon to another ok episode. It was written by "American Gods" writer Neil Gaimen who also wrote the series 6 episode "The Doctor's Wife". He really liked how that turned out, but not so much this one. Still I did like the Cybermen upgrade and Porridge was lots of fun but time to move on. Because now we're coming to the finale. And just to remind you this series took place the year of the 50th Anniversary so you also have 2 minisodes and 3 full length episodes to react to AFTER the finale. Do not forget. There's too much fun to be had.


The Doctor's Wife, Neil Gaiman's other episode, was one that he heavily collaborated and rewrote with Steven Moffat, so when that episode did well, there was a demand for another Gaiman-penned episode. Because he was tied up with the 50th, Moffat did not have time to go through the same rigorous process of collaborating with the script for this one, and so this one is almost completely Gaiman-drafted and penned and is clunky because of it.

Toby Harmon

I like this episode. But now it's gonna get interesting... 🔥

Toby Harmon

Next episode is obviously the finale, and then there's the 50th anniversary special, and then there's a Christmas special, with Series 8 following. Also, there's a really sweet Doctor Who biopic about the origins of the show, set in the 60s... if you want to watch it, it comes in between the finale and the 50th. It's so good.

Toby Harmon

I think right now all we need to know about Clara is that she's a young woman who is filling in as nanny to a family friend, but she also craves adventure. But there's definitely more there, and you'll see that unfold soon!

Ian Smith

It would also be extremely useful to watch the TVMovie - but I'm not sure where to find it online.

Vanessa J McNamara

This one has a little controversy, but I’ll spare you. The next one more than makes up for it, in my opinion. I think someone has mentioned the extras. An Adventure in Space and Time is a drama (I say that as opposed to a documentary, because it runs more like a movie) that I would really recommend. It tells a pretty close portrayal of the origins of the show, and I think you’d enjoy it.

Mark Ward

I second, or third, or fourth, the other people suggesting that you watch a few extra little things (if you haven't done it already). Ideally... 7x13 'Name of the Doctor', 1996 TV Movie, Adventure in Time and Space, Minisodes 'Night of the Doctor' and 'The Last Day', 50th Anniversary Special 'Day of the Doctor' and then finally Christmas special 'Time of the Doctor'. The only other thing I would MAYBE add in is watching 'An Unearthly Child' (just Episode 1, only 25 mins long) - the very first episode of Doctor Who, before the 50th anniversary too...

Mark Ward

And other than that, well done for getting through those difficult episodes...!!!