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Such an important film! This is haunting🤭

*Also, to any Doctor Who fans, this is the continuing journey of Sally Sparrow in my head once she turned 30😅

pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZVsMhXZDnsmrYq6T77sAwlT5GJE8yLHj1XX

Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZMTF374pR610Lpzc92hCFdI6zbnAMrou/view?usp=drivesdk




Damn you were in a roll!!

Kyla B.

So we're just being FED today!!! Thank you for bestowing these gifts upon us!!


I'm sorry this is looooonnggg! I watched it with you. I was really looking forward to seeing it too so I'm glad I did. What you were saying about the most disappointing one being Adam Brody. I completely agree because I look at him and see Dave from Gilmore girls and Seth from the O.C. And the second guy was Christopher Mintz, who played Fogell or "Mclovin" in Superbad. I think that was done on purpose. I mean Mintz is an idiot in Superbad but over all he's a very non-threatening character. Choosing those two specific actors, to me, seems intended. Its the guys that seem like "good" guys. Men that everyone loves, or is maybe popular and seen as innocent. It's not always some creepy looking person. It's sometimes the Seth's, and Dave's of the world. And that was shown with Cassie's boyfriend Ryan too. Actually the actor was kind of reminded me of Dave/Seth a little😂 (Adam pretty much plays the same character in the O.C, which is why I keep referencing both characters). Also what you said at the end about how really no one can be trusted. I'm not sure if you were joking, but that's really how it is. I mean I always carry my mace and taser 👀, for protection. I'm always looking behind me when I walk, whether I'm alone or not, and make sure to keep the music on my headphones low enough so that I can hear if someone is running up on me. When I do go to parties I always watch if there is someone making my drink, and I always try to be super viligent. It's because of my own personal stuff as well, but whenever men I don't know walk up to me I get super tense. I wouldn't say I'm scared, but I'm definitely paranoid all the time (but again that could just be because I watch a bunch of horror movies and true crime😂😬). So you can probably guess I'm not usually in positions where I'm alone with men, just in case. Especially being a black women, my concern for my safety is on high alert, always. Its exhausting. And I know that's no way to live. I don't know how I'm gonna find a man like this😂 when a guy can't even walk up to me without me immediately feeling uncomfortable, or like their trying to take something from me. I'm still working out how not to be that way, but I just don't wanna be caught off guard. But of course, like I just heard in a True Crime story, if there is more than one guy or he's big enough, he could just snatch me. No conversation, or grooming or whatever, just straight snatch. I was walking from a BLM matter protest actually this summer and a HUGE guy, I'm talking a Thor looking guy, long hair and all, starting following me and my friend. He was yelling at us and when I stopped walking so he could pass us, he just stopped right in front of us and wouldn't let us go by. So we turned the other direction and he kept following us. There were A BUNCH of cops around (of course, because ya know it was a BLM peaceful protest🙄). And we crossed the street in front of a cop who was posted at the light. We looked at him...he looked at us...he saw the guy. And nothing. The guy was screaming and damn there chasing us, and we kept crossing the street and going different directions, so it was pretty obvious. But maybe the cop thought he was with us.🤷🏾‍♀️ But that's my point. I wasn't protected in that moment, IN PUBLIC. So honestly why wouldn't I be paranoid. I have so many stories like that and my friend has much worse, just like other women. Its unfortunate that I'm 21 and already so exhausted 😶 and that's not just on the women front, but the black front as well. It's just never ending. There's nothing about me I would change, just everyone else. And although I shouldn't have to, I do try to keep myself out of harmful situations as much as I can. Anyways😂😂😂 that was a super long rant, sorry about that. I practically wrote an essay. Suffice to say I enjoyed the movie too!


So sorry that happened to you. Yeah I can only imagine what it must be like to be not only a woman, but a woman of color. I feel like staying vigilant and staying in groups is all anyone can do until men learn to treat others with respect and parents teach their boys to treat others with respect.