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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Save Henry- Thank you so much for another reaction! I enjoy this episode. It's not as good as those I feel are my favorites this season of course, or even a number of other episodes either. However, it's still done really well by everyone around, especially by Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, and Robbie Kay too. One of my favorite moments in this episode is easily when Regina steals back Henry's heart from Pan, upon admitting to Pan, as well as to Emma and Mary Margaret that she has no regrets for all the pain she has caused in the past because her casting the curse and bringing them to Storybrooke allowed for her to adopt Henry. I really appreciate the overall idea just to be able to see how strong Regina's love for Henry really is. However, it also saddens me a little that Regina has no regret even for killing her father, or for casting the curse that has hurt so many people. Not to mention for killing so many people in her past as the Evil Queen. It's a little unsettling. But... c'est la vie. I also really love the group scene when everyone works together to get themselves out of Neverland as they cast Pan's shadow into the Jolly Roger's sail, then seeing Hook finally begin to sail them all home at last, along with Tinker Bell, Wendy, and the Lost Boys too. As for the whole backstory with Regina adopting Henry... I really love it all for the most part. I think it's sweet. However, a small part of me feels a slight bit of dislike for it as well because at the time, Regina is still the Evil Queen, who still relishes in the pleasure of making everyone else miserable. Therefore, I almost didn't want to see her find happiness. So I really appreciated that the creators and writers had baby Henry cry whenever Regina held him, as a way of showing us that Henry sensed Regina was evil and that he didn't trust Regina to love him for awhile. Showing us that baby Henry needed to feel a mother's love from Regina before he could feel her as his mother. And in the end, Regina proves to him as much as she was able to that she did in fact love him. And while she casts a forgetting spell so she could love her son and not worry about the future and threat to her happiness, which as we all know Emma was the threat... I like the cute story she told to baby Henry as she brews the potion. Now... I also love that Hook offers Henry his quarters aboard the Jolly Roger once they all get back to his ship. It is a sweet little moment and as you know... I love and appreciate all scenes with Hook, no matter how small they are. I have to admit... a part of me feels this episode isn't as good as it could have been, had they included Hook more, but then I also see that his character isn't necessary to be a part of this episode any more than the few moments we see of him. I just miss him is all. I really enjoy the moments with Tinker Bell as well, especially when she receives the pixie dust from Wendy, then as Regina comes over and tells her that it's begun to glow because Tink has begun to believe in herself. I love it. I love, love, love the scenes between Regina and Rumplestiltskin/Gold like always. They are my other favorite scenes throughout this episode. I love how Gold still acts impish and smug with Regina when she comes to him seeking to adopt a child, then complains to him about how he came to do so and who the child's mother was, even though Gold never was actually awake until Emma first arrived in Storybrooke and spoke her name to Granny when she's checking in at Granny's Bed and Breakfast. While Regina suspects Gold knew more than he was letting on... he really didn't, even though he has always acted just as smug when he was cursed, as when he's his true self. He's so brilliant. Also... I love that Regina comes to learn that Henry's birth mother is quite possibly a threat to her upon Sidney finding out for her that she was found as a baby just outside of Storybrooke the very day the curse was cast and Storybrooke was created. This is a brilliant twist to the storyline revealed way back in the Pilot episode when Emma first arrives in Storybrooke. I absolutely love this! And it's great how this episode reveals that Regina didn't know Emma was the Savior destined to break her curse for quite awhile throughout season one because she had taken the forgetting potion in order to make herself forget about the truth as to who Henry's birth mother really was once she figures it out. I also like that we get to see Storybrooke again for a bit and characters like Archie and Granny, as well as hear Sidney's voice too. Also... I always love the beautiful moments between Emma and her parents, whether they be just between Emma and Mary Margaret, Emma and David, or Emma with both of her parents. They're so sweet and quite beautiful. In regards to your question about how David is able to leave Neverland... Emma discussed with Hook, Rumple, and Neal back in Think Lovely Thoughts, that they could bring some of the waters from the magical spring with them to help keep David alive long enough in Storybrooke for Rumple to create the cure that would save him from the dreamshade's poison. And while Emma, Regina, Rumple, and Neal went to deal with Pan at Skull Rock, David and Mary Margaret returned to the magical spring up on Dead Man's Peak to collect some of the waters they can bring back with them. I hope this answers your questions. Now... I didn't really like that Neal is so suddenly on his father's side again and that they're so loving the moment Neal releases his father from Pandora's Box. I know Rumple has proven to Neal he loves him and will do anything for Henry too, but their relationship has been so strained and so full of distrust for so long, that to see them suddenly act as though everything is completely fine between them now has thrown me a bit. And I don't trust it. It's not that I don't like this sweet moment between them because it's a beautiful father/son moment. But it's just weird to me more than anything else. And it's mostly because Neal has been so wishy washy towards his feelings for his father in the wrong kind of way that's a lot more than him struggling to love Rumple again after Rumple did so much to hurt him, and I really don't like it. I hope that makes sense. And lastly... of course Pan isn't through yet. He and Henry have now switched bodies and Pan is pretending to be Henry, while Henry is trapped inside Pan's body that is now trapped inside Pandora's Box. Not good, but what a great twist. It's interesting seeing Jared Gilmore acting as Pan and to see him act evil. Because we've seen Jared acting as a sweet boy for two and a half seasons now, so this is different in a really good way. As to how Pan is able to switch bodies with Henry... Pan switched with him when their eyes glowed while he was still holding onto Henry's shadow, just before Henry in Pan's body is pulled into Pandora's Box. You see Pan's eyes light up as he is staring coldly at Henry to enact the body switch, then Henry's eyes light up as Pan enters his body, and finally Pan's eyes light up again upon Henry entering Pan's body. I really love this moment! And lastly... the heroes can't kill Pan because it's been foretold that only Rumple can do so, so long as he is willing to die himself too. However, Regina, Emma, and Mary Margaret believed they had left Pan to die because he was severely weakened after Regina stole back Henry's heart. I suspect that Regina might have attempted to kill Pan, but I doubt that Emma and Mary Margaret would have allowed her to outright murder him, and they did believe they left him for dead. They all have underestimated Pan for sure. Overall... a good episode and I am so happy to have watched your reaction for it, so thank you again! I look forward to more like always. Until next time... Heidi


I watched this show years ago and now I'm watching your reactions -- I love it. I think I remember baby Henry being Colin's (he plays Hook) son. I am not completely sure though, but I believe I read that a couple of years ago!