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Ummm...no. Just. No. 😂

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And... cue the supernatural brainwash🙄😂


But how would Damon know if she is sired to him? No one even knows about sire bond existence for vampires.


Yes they do. In fact, Damon himself was the one who brought it up in 3x06 as the explanation for why Tyler had a personality transplant after being turned into a hybrid: "He's been sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus's blood created him. He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare, but maybe not so much in hybrids." So not only is the sire bond for vampires not unheard of, but Damon of ALL people should have known it was a possibility. My guess? He simply didn't want to think about it too hard, why Elena all of a sudden kept doing as he said, because finally she was choosing him and that's what he's always wanted.


But how would he know Elena is sired to him?


The same way he guessed Tyler was sired. The same way he knew about the sire bond's existence at all. As I said in my other post, he just didn't WANT to consider it.

Jay Stone

Tyler is sired to the only Hybrid that's different from a vampire.


Damon don't know about the sired bond it obvious. Did you understand it when she become a vampire she sired not when Damon give her his blood for feed

Jay Stone

Caroline is always a hater she should be the last person giving love advice. She went from Damon, Matt to Tyler who was the biggest douchbag.


No it's not. Damon figured out Tyler was sired because of the precedent set by vampire sire bonds. The vampire sire bond is rare, as opposed to hybrids that are always sired, but it's still a thing.


Why would you blame Damon if Elena is sired to him? Caroline said his blood made her a vampire but that's Meridith's fault not his. If Elena is sired, I'm pretty sure no one knew besides Klaus.


I'm not gonna comment on the sirebond because I want you to discover things on your own, but I agree with you 100% about Elena's behaviour in this episode. If she has feelings for Damon, fair enough, but I thought it was extremely inconsiderate for her to stay at the Salvatore's while Stefan is still clearly recovering from the breakup. And the fact that they slept together like 2 days after Elena broke up with him is NOT it imo lol. I will say I actually liked how Damon reacted to Stefan in the beginning of the ep. It just shows that at the end of the day, he does truly care about his brother even if he doesn't always show it. Anyways, great reaction!


So, if your best friend were shacking up with the guy who raped, abused, mind-controlled, and tried to kill you, you wouldn't be against it? You'd cheerlead their relationship? Sounds fake but okay. Caroline's relationship with Matt crumbled almost entirely because she was turned into a vampire, which he couldn't handle. As for Tyler, he hasn't been a jerk since season 1 (and even then, his jerkiness doesn't hold a candle to Damon's actions), which is long before he and Caroline got together. Now, her crushing on Klaus despite all the evil he's done is certainly wildly hypocritical, but you didn't bring him up, so.


Ok as much as I love Caroline I didn’t like what she was doing here, I know she just wants to be a good friend but she literally told Elena to stay away from Damon (who help Elena and her friends multiple times) while she’s standing next to Klaus (who killed Elena and Jenna and used Elena as a blood bag) not to mention she was talking badly about Damon to freaking Klaus who’s 10 times worst than Damon. I do love the Stefan - Caroline friendship, kinda reminds me of Stefan & Lexi and how Lexi always helped Stefan. Stefan was lashing out by turning that guy and making Jeremy kill him without telling anyone and without consulting Elena which made Jeremy more dangerous than ever which resulted in her moving out just to find the cure so she can be the girl he loved again. I do agree that Elena could’ve stayed with Caroline or Bonnie but it is what it is. I know a lot of people don’t like Tyler but he’s one of my favorite characters and I felt bad for him, he’s always thinking about the sired hybrids and wants to help them and it must of sucks to see Klaus and Caroline laughing and talking. Now.. Elena died with Damon’s blood in her (Meredith gave it to her) and since she woke up she has been sired to him. No one knew.. When she fed from him in the grill it didn’t make her more sired to him or anything. How can Damon be manipulative and sneaky if he didn’t even know the power he has over Elena? If he knew do you think he would accept it and doesn’t tell anyone just so he can have her? And if he’s the bad guy you think he is and he knew why wouldn’t he use it to his advantage? He didn’t tell her to break up with Stefan, he didn’t tell her to move to his house, he didn’t tell her to kiss him or sleep with him. Damon cleared thing with Elena about Stefan multiple times this season, when she didn’t want to talk to Stefan he told her she should and when she thought he was betraying her by working with Klaus he told it it was all for her. When Damon knew about the break up he tried to do something with Stefan but Stefan declined (rightful so) and when he and Elena were talking he asked her why they broke up and was surprised when she told him “you”. That means he wasn’t actively trying to break Stelena or win Elena. He didn’t even know that she started feeling more about him after she turned.

Jason Todd

Ight so I don't mean to come off sounding like a dick here 😂 but if Elena is sired then it's not Damon's fault, it would be Meredith's fault because she was the one who gave Elena Damon's blood before Elena died not Damon, also considering it's rarer for Vampires to become sired I don't think Damon would believe that Elena is sired because he turned Vicky, Caroline, and Bonnie's mom and they weren’t sired, also Elena isn’t really acting that different from season 3 so Damon probably thought it’s just Elena being Elena and he even tried to help her and Stefan’s relationship this season by saying she should’ve called Stefan instead of him when Elena stabbed Jeremy and when she was clearly giving Damon the “f**k me eyes” last episode, he took the “very high annoying road” and told her that the rough patch they’ve been going through isn’t what she thinks it is and that Stefan has been actually lying so he could help Elena. Also, Damon did try to have a brother bonding moment earlier on but Stefan declined and you could see that Damon did feel a lil bit bad for Stefan, but yeah, on one hand, I’m like “Come on Damon, sleeping with your brother’s ex a day after you found out they broke up, 🤦‍♂️” and on the other, I’m just like “My man” 😂💀🤣


Damon wanted her to chose him because of love not a sire bond. Caroline has no room to talk holding hands with Klaus and also I remember when Damon got bit by Tyler while saving her ass so she needs to worry about her own relationship


I haven't seen the reaction yet but I'm going to laugh for sure :D


Remind me again why Damon got bitten by Tyler? Oh yeah, because he force-fed Elena his blood, meaning she would have turned into a vampire against her will in the sacrifice. Klaus wouldn't postpone the ceremony so Damon then deprived him of his first-choice vampire and werewolf. Damon didn't give a shit about Caroline and Tyler. He would have been perfectly content to let them be sacrificed, he only cared about Elena. Additionally, instead of getting the hell out of dodge once Tyler began to turn, Damon just stood there like a moron. It's his own fault he got bitten.


I don’t get why people complain about reactors being ‘biased’ like duhhh.. watching a tv show is a subjective experience.


Yeah, I don't get Caroline's sudden memory loss regarding Elena having feelings for Damon. She was the one going on about it in S3. Just because Stefan and Elena have split up doesn't mean he can go around turning people for Jeremy to kill so he can make her human and she might want to get back together with her. Has Stefan even asked Elena whether she would want the cure? He's already compelled Jeremy, which is 3 steps from a neck snap. Forcing him to kill vampires and lose his humanity in the process is even worse. Klaus gets one date and he's already whipped. Damon is frequently right. I don't want to start making a list, but he has been right about a lot of things over the past 3 seasons. I understand why Caroline doesn't like him, but it is none of her business who Elena dates. Does Elena dictate to Caroline who she should be with? I'm fine with Caroline giving advice, but I think she went overboard with her intervention. Did Stefan not learn anything from Connor? Damon warned him before he he left the house that Jeremy would turn into Connor. Stefan has no excuse to say he didn't know. He was told and he saw what happened to Connor. Damon was right, if Jeremy started killing vampires, he would turn into Connor. That was why Damon wanted to find another hunter to make sure Jeremy wouldn't turn into Connor. Damon was also right to be suspicious of Hayley and Professor Shane. Hayley is 19 at this point. I thought she was older. Elena couldn't move in with Caroline after the massive argument they had and Bonnie is too busy concentrating on her magic to get involved with the whole mess. I think she'd had enough of the love triangle. But I agree with the part about Elena moving into the Salvatore house. She could have stayed at Matt's house if Caroline and Bonnie weren't available. How would Damon know Elena was sired? She has gone against his will during S4. He has made other vampires and they weren't sired. His blood turned Caroline, she most definitely isn't sired. Klaus was told that the hybrids would be sired to him, otherwise he wouldn't have known, and probably wouldn't have bothered trying to make them in the first place if he hadn't have known they would be sired to him. There have been clues, but red herrings regarding Elena being sired. Siring happens when a vampire turns. Him giving Elena his blood in the bathroom at the Grill had nothing to do with it. She was already sired which is why she agreed to do it. Damon didn't know that at the time. He would have put it down to hunger as she had just refused his suggestions for food. Damon never gave Elena his blood to facilitate the transition, Meredith did. He didn't turn Elena into a vampire. He had nothing to do with her transition whatsoever. Also you have to question why is a hybrid sired to Klaus? Because the hybrid is grateful to Klaus and it was Klaus's blood that turned them. Klaus never forced them to be loyal. It was nature that was made them that way. Nobody knows why a vampire sirebond happens. Is it random? Can it be predicted? Right now, we have no idea. It has only just occurred to me that they had to have Stefan end the relationship because Elena possibly couldn't do it after her chat with Damon. Not sure if the sirebond would have had that much of an influence on her. Damon has always wanted his relationship with Elena to be real, in whatever capacity. Right down to them going to Atlanta. If he knew she was sired, he would be devastated because he doesn't want it to be for any other reason than Elena genuinely loving him. Damon has always wanted someone to love him for him. He would never have let things go that far with Elena had he have known she was sired to him. I'm not going to hate on your opinion as you don't know anything about vampire siring at this point. Matt in S3 & S4 is great, I agree with you on that part. What I don't like is the fact that there is a sirebond. Although I know why they included it. Also I don't like that Damon and Elena had sex so soon after she broke up with Stefan. I understand why. The reveal of the sirebond would have been much less dramatic if we were watching Damon and Elena playing monopoly. It wouldn't have had the same impact. I think 2 days is unrealistic. Maybe 2 weeks as vampires have a heightened sex drive. Caroline told Tyler about Klaus in 3x19. In the scene before Delena kissed in the motel. Caroline and Tyler haven't broken up. They just had an argument. Tyler mentioned to Hayley that Caroline had bought them another day to help with the hybrids. He took Hayley to make it look like there was something going on between them. An Original is a vampire, so there is no reason why they can't be cured. But, if they cured Klaus, he wouldn't be able to become a vampire again because only his hybrid blood and the blood of the doppelganger can change a werewolf. He would be a regular werewolf. There would be no point in killing him as pretty much everyone in the show would be stronger than him. In fact, it would be better to let him live and make him suffer having to turn every month as a wolf. Making someone live and suffer is sometimes a far better revenge than killing them. I suspect the sire-line would also break. Wow I sound evil, but it's Klaus, he deserves to suffer. There are a lot of things in this episode which are unexplained. Once clarified, things will make far more sense. I think Jeremy went to Denver to buff up. He looked hot in this episode. Matt looked ill. Great reaction. I'm looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


she would not be sired from drinking his blood AFTER becoming a vampire. it was from BEFORE when she was human. His blood made her INTO a vampire who may or may not be sired.


if she is sired Damon did not know. I think he thought she just chose him


At this point in the show even considering the fact that Damon would want to take advantage over a girl he loves more than his life is already speaking a lot, you don't know Damon's character. Damon might be a Dick, but he would never do something like that. Even in season 1 when Elena asked him why he didn't compel her when he had a chance, and he replied "I didn't compel you in Atlanta because we were having fun, I wanted it to be real". You always assume the worst with Damon, and I completely understand why, but Damon is a character, not a villian. Characters have boundaries, have their story and reasons.


We’ll have to agree to disagree. Everyone has their “reasons” for what they do but that doesn’t mean they’re good reasons or right. He already has taken advantage of her by having her feed from him and telling her to not tell Stefan, her boyfriend at the time. He has a history of taking advantage of women: Caroline, Andie, Jessica. And he has no problem pursuing his brother’s girlfriend and never questions why she’s all of a sudden so devoted to him. He sees what he wants to see and takes what he wants even if it’s not by physical force. He has no boundaries. And no, I don’t know everything about Damon’s character. Why would I? I’m only on season 4. You have seen the entire series, I have not. But from what I have seen, Damon is everything Caroline said he was in this episode. Just because he does a few nice things doesn’t make up for what he has done to Elena’s loved ones or what he continues to do by being manipulative. That’s how I feel. You obviously disagree but that doesn’t mean either one of us is wrong. It’s a show which means it’s art, which means it’s subjective and up for interpretation.


I am just saying that he didn't ask her to live with him, he didn't ask her to break up with Stefan in fact he was actually trying to get them together again at one point in this season, and at last he didn't ask her to sleep with him and doing things she willingly did. He doesn't want Elena to be his puppet, because Damon want her to really love him.


Why would you hate Damon more ? He doesn't know that he sired her and didn't do it on purpose ? Meredith gave her Damons blood which turned her so it is 100% not his fault ! The blood sharing thing is just personal but it is not conected to the sirebond ! And for Damon he want's to be in real love with Elena he never manipulated her into the way for her to like him so him being her sire would be actually really bad for him because he than he can't be sure if it is the bond or it is love. (even though he know you can hate your sire) And the sire bond is not happening all the time otherwise all the vampires that turned by his blood would be sired to him .... Caroline had his blood in her system when she died same like Elena and Elena only got it injected bei Meredith so Damon was not involved in the process. Also he turned Isobel, Vicky and Abby and neither of them were sired to him so 1 in 5 vampires this does not seem to me like a strategy or so ... So the sirebond isn't his fault And yeah Tyler knows it and also would Caroline, Stefan, Damon and Elena die if they kill Klaus ... Yeah Klaus is bad and he is a really good villain in my opinion and I like him the way he is otherwise he wouldn't be Klaus. I really like that this show has room for you to like different people and I like to discuss the different angels to it


I just want to rave about Elena's dress. I spent years trying to find it. The neckline is so perfect. 17 year old me practiced the fishtail braid for hours trying to emulate her look (even though I would never be able to be that beautiful). Everyone looked great in this episode but man she really blew me away.


My daughter, who is named Elena, loves that fishtail braid too... lol at least she did til she decided to cut her hair off on her own last month. (she's five)


Thank you for your well thought out and calm responses in the midst of all the insanity. You are always a voice of reason and compassion, that is completely lost on some. I admire your continued commitment to rational thought despite the irrationality that gets spewed back at you. You never sink to their level and still post in an attempt to share your love of the show with others. I always enjoy conversing with you... elsewhere. See you on the other side!


Because Damon obviously knows about vampire sire bonds and how they work because he’s mentioned them before. I figured since everyone has told me how smart he is that he would wonder why Elena was so agreeable with him on almost everything when as a human she never agreed with him and felt controlled by him. Now all of a sudden she does and agrees with what he says. If he didn’t figure it out, with his knowledge of sire bonds then I guess he’s not only not as smart as I’ve been told but he didn’t want to know that Elena was only with him because she was sired to him.


I’ll say this: If Damon didn’t know that Elena was sired he should have. He should have questioned why Elena would agree with him constantly, do what he says and break up with her boyfriend that she chose when she could have chosen Damon last season. Yes her emotions are heightened but that wouldn’t make her a completely different person. Her characteristics would be amplified not opposite. As a human Elena rarely agreed with Damon and frequently felt controlled by him and kept resisting him. Now as a vamp she completely gives in? When Damon and Stefan turned into vamps they were essentially the same people. Even 50 years into their transition they had their original personalities. Elena “has never been more free” according to Damon and he didn’t find that strange at all. But even if he believed that she is now willing to breakup with his brother because she now loves him more he was willing to let Elena move right in essentially forcing his brother to move out. He didn’t care that Stefan was heartbroken and he didn’t care that they had just broken up. He had been waiting for this and he was going to believe that Elena had all of a sudden become the person he wanted her to be. Someone who all of a sudden is willing to jump into bed with him not caring if she’s just kicked out her ex. Elena would never do that if she wasn’t sired. She may have had feelings for Damon and may have eventually broken up with Stefan at some point in the centuries they would all live, but she always had tact and both she and Damon were tactless as hell in this episode. But Damon only saw what he wanted to see and that’s why I don’t like him. The fact that so many of you feel the need to tell me that he had no idea is a spoiler. But even if he didn’t know he should have and his presence has caused Elena to leave her boyfriend and he still forced his brother to leave his home and didn’t care.


btw it was cuuute when klaus and caroline were having their moment and you smiled :)


He did care though. He wanted to spend some time with Stefan when he knew about the break up


I wasn’t smiling because it was cute. I was smiling because I could see what the writers were trying to do. Nice try tho😂


Uff the comment section :D But yeah, was to be expected since these episodes have been very heavy on the shipping drama side of things...

Jason Todd

Oh just ya wait for next week episode, I can’t wait to see people, including myself, argue about what a certain character says...


I was wondering, until now I understand that you don't like Damon, he didn't give much reasons for but I wanted to know, if he got respectful, that he avoided killing people (which he hasn't done it for a long time I have to say) would you consider the possibility that he could be a good person? Damon will always be sarcastic, direct and impulsive, it's still in this way of being we cannot change what we are so deeply, we can evolve but we do not change certain traits, with that said, even being all that, for you would you consider the possibility that it is not that bad, in the future of course if you see it improving? Because as a reminder, Stefan started out as a Vampire being worse than Damon, he was a serial killer and massacred an entire village but with Lexi's help he improved, so I think we can give everyone a chance. I'm not going to try to make you change your mind about Damon now because he didn't give any reasons but I hope that eventually in the seasons you will appreciate the character more if he comes to change.


I only give characters a chance when they change. Damon hadn’t changed to me because he’s been pursuing Elena even though she had chosen his brother. I still feel that he should have left when he said he was going to. After Elena chose Stefan. People make the excuse that only Damon can protect all of them because he was a soldier and only Damon can help Elena deal with her transition. It’s an excuse because there will always be a threat to the town and the group will always be in danger because they live in a supernatural world. If Damon left then that would force Stefan, Caroline, Tyler and now Elena to learn how to be better fighters and it would allow Elena to be less confused all the time about who to choose. Damon’s presence is constantly confusing her and ruining her relationship with Stefan who she already chose and now the sire bond has made it worse and has broken she and Stefan up. Would she have broken up with him if she wasn’t sired to Damon? I don’t think so. Damon may not be killing people but he is still passive aggressive and manipulative and was willing to kill Matt at the beginning of this season which shows that he is the one that can’t control himself. Stefan has never attacked Elena’s friends or family. Damon has and continues to when he loses his temper. Also as a reminder, Stefan was not a part of Elena’s life when he was bad and Damon was. Damon killed and attacked people in Elena’s life while flirting with her at the same time. Stefan had already changed when he got with Elena. We are still witnessing Damon’s “change” so he gets the most criticism because he’s still on a journey to being a better person. Stefan is pretty much done with that. Maybe Stefan will have another bad period I don’t know and if he does I will criticize him as well.


We’ll have to agree to disagree. Also rudeness will get you nowhere with me.

Mara Smith

How do we watch it? It keeps giving me an error 😟


Both links? Might have to wait til tomorrow if it’s at capacity limit