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Oh yes, 2011, the year of the 'when the hell was Amy taken?!' question. I remember it well. 😀


The ganger Amy isn't a separate person, unlike all the other gangers we meet in the story. The ganger Amy that's been traveling with the Doctor and Rory is being piloted by our Amy without her knowledge. Our Amy thinks she's doing what the ganger is, when in actuality she's trapped in a room and pregnant. The other gangers are people because of the freak accident that occurs in the episode that make the gangers sentient, but our ganger Amy isn't sentient, she's a non-sentient robot being piloted by the real Amy. The real Amy thinks the ganger-body is her body but instead she's just been piloting that body around for the entire half of the season. (Edit: and people wonder why casual fans stopped watching because the show was "getting too confusing")


Think this two-parter is quite bad but has a good cliffhanger. Looking forward to next week!


Yes but Ganger Jennifer showed Rory the pile of previous gangers that had been dumped. They were also not sentient but we were made to feel sympathy for them. Rory certainly did.


I think it's OK, but it's not one I've re-watched very often, if at all. This might be the first time in fact!

Henry from CO

I always enjoyed this two-parter with its multiple plots and surprise ending. So to be continued then .....

Adam C Turek

Next Episode... is a Big one!

Ian Smith

Me too! Many fans seem to view it poorly,but I've never understood why.

Toby Harmon

Just ignore those who are being idiots in the comments just cause they disagree with you :)

Toby Harmon

Steven Moffat confirmed that Amy was taken after "A Christmas Carol" and before "The Impossible Astronaut"


The Doctor broke the connection between Amy and her avatar. This is was demonstrated in two ways. The avatar was feeling the contractions and Amy woke in her actual location when he liquefied the avatar. This is a semantic argument but still a valid distinction. This element of this second part does draw away from the theme. The avatar could of been accidentally killed, revealing the truth in another way. So as to not give the appearance of conflicting with The Doctor's ethical arguement. But I imagine this was chosen because it made for a better reveal at the end. If we were to take the position that The Doctor was killing a sentient duplicate of Amy. Not a view I personally share. But a valid supposition based on limited information thrown at the viewer rather abruptly. You might say that he was sacrificing one life to try and save two. It's a loose defence but another interesting ethical arguement. But with all that said. Your original stance on who lives and dies based on who are real people and those who are classified as less than. Those who came first. Who is a collective threat based on the actions of a few or one. Some of those arguements to varrying degrees have sadly been used throughout history and continue today. Yet another brilliantly fascinating glimpse into the human psyche I get from these reactions. 🤷‍♂️


Well that was a little passive aggressive. The arguments that you mentioned are not the same as what’s happening here. “Those who came first” has been used in history by people who believed that others were going to take what’s theirs. A delusion that continues today with one race believing other races are coming to take what’s theirs, like potential jobs for example, except they are assuming those jobs belong to them to begin with. The gangers believe they are the same as the original workers and would then feel just as strong a connection to their families and lives which do belong to the originals. There is no room for two of the same person as this episode demonstrated by not bringing back home any pairs. A human and two gangers survived, but no pairs. It would’ve been too complicated and the pairs of doubles would never have been able to co-exist even if they felt empathy like ganger Jimmy did with his original. And their families would’ve never been able to accept two of the same person. So who gets to be with the family or little Adam? It comes down to who came first. Or in this case who’s left. Ganger Jimmy was the only dad Adam had left but if both had survived it would’ve been a problem. Everyone keeps saying that they are real and deserve to live but no one came back home with their ganger. There’s no way to share with them and they wouldn’t be able to share with their original and the writers knew that.


Can we all just be honest? I seriously doubt that anyone here would let their ganger have sex with their wife or husband, raise your kids and take your job. It would be amazing if they offered to do this when you didn’t feel like it like a robot that doesn’t think for themselves and only does what they’re told, but that is not what’s happening here. They want to be full time spouses, full time parents to your kids and would feel YOUR job, which actually is your job, is theirs. Someone said that he would want his ganger to be a part of his life in some way. The gangers feel they are you, they aren’t pets so why would they want to share? There’s no way to co-exist with them unless someone gives something up. Are you going to give up your family? If not then the gangers need to give them up. The only way for both of you to live is if they go somewhere else and become someone else. If they refuse to do that then yes you would have to fight for survival and kill them. This is not the same as people coming in from other countries who are just trying to make new lives for themselves. The gangers want your life because they believe they are you. There is only one you. Anything else is a copy and should accept that. They are not you because they haven’t experienced what you’ve experienced. They haven’t experienced anything they just believe they have. You have physically done things. The gangers were born 5 minutes ago. Also if they commit a crime YOU will be blamed for it. Again, would you be okay with your ganger having sex with your spouse?

Ian Smith

I fully agree. In the very first scene of The Rebel Flesh,it is clearly shown that the gangers are created in order to be nothing more than 'short-term expendable'. Disposable copies,created to perform dangerous jobs. They only came to be more than that when things (as so often happens in Dr Who) went wrong. The gangers were never created to be legitimate people with legitimate rights - it would have been quite impossible for a human and his/her ganger to have co-existed within society.


This has been a fun debate. My passive aggressive approach to have my point seen from a larger picture, should obviously been seen as a mistake. Partly because it failed to deliver home my larger argument. The value of any life and how we value one another. Once we devalue one group, it makes it easier to extend that philosophy. I unfortunately value those who are a perceived potential threat to me. Although, like you, I stand by my position. Which is down to our own individual perspectives. The way I see it is thus. No I wouldn't be overjoyed with a duplicate wanting to have relations with my spouse or wanting to take or share my life. I perhaps would have had the foresight to not create that life in the first place, knowing the potential implications it could have to them and me. I'd never be able to take the decision to kill someone who's existence was the result of my own actions. I guess that is the most baffling part of your perspective for me to share. Whether the result of said action was my original intention.


The judgment is what I’m having a difficult time understanding. Of course no one wants to kill the gangers. My point is what choice do you have if they want your life? Of course none of us would create them to begin with but the hypothetical situation is what if you did create them for whatever reason and then they feel they are you and want your life? Now what do you do? They’re here now so what do you do? You can sit back and say that you would never kill them but then you’d have to give up your life and loved ones. You can hate the fact that it would be killing someone but if you want to keep the people in your life then you have to fight. It’s either fight them or leave because the gangers are just as determined as you are.

Henry from CO

EYE PATCH LADY: Well, dear, you're ready to pop, aren't you? Little one's on its way. Here it comes. Push!

Vanessa J McNamara

It’s only the American version. I guess they assumed we didn’t know anything about Doctor Who. They could have just put it at the start of the series; it does get a little annoying.

Mark Ward

This has been a bsolutely fascinating to watch as I watched your reaction live alongside SeeJaneGoTV reacting to the same two-parter. It made for some fascinating viewing as you had completely different views to Jane and JV throughout and they kept telling Amy to be quiet when you were telling the Doctor to be quiet... :D They were very empathetic with the gangers. Very interesting to see and helped me get through this section that I really don't enjoy of this season very much. :D