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pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZgp60XZH5AkF7nIdtLQi8qIEaoshuLpQuBX



Joe Entwistle

I don't get how you can be so apathetic to the gangers, saying they're not real, that they're just copies, or that they "don't have souls" (ignore the fact that souls aren't real). They're identical to the originals - same bodies, same minds, same memories. That's all humans are. Flesh, thoughts, and memories. So how were the gangers "not real"? They're as real as anyone else. I actually find it sort of disturbing how dismissive you were of them, calling the Doctor naive for wanting to treat them like real human beings, saying they should be killed. "They don't deserve to live" - why? They weren't being hostile until the ORIGINAL Cleaves KILLED one of them. Your mentality is really fucked up. Don't say this often but you were just objectively wrong in literally every way with the things you were saying. They never intended to kill the originals, they just didn't want to be killed themselves. Then you're all like "I can't stand when the Doctor's like that" like fucking hell, give me a break. I don't think I've ever been more annoyed by a reaction video in my life lol


You should then be equally disturbed by the Doctor killing the ganger Amy. You just said that gangers are “Flesh, thoughts, and memories” and that’s all humans are. That means the Doctor murdered Amy, but I don’t see you criticizing him. Kinda hypocritical🤷🏽‍♂️ First of all I do believe in souls. If you don’t then that explains our disagreement. Also I explained that the gangers wanted the lives of the real factory workers. That makes them a threat. If you had an exact copy of yourself and that ganger believed that your parents, partner, or child was theirs I seriously doubt you would share with that ganger. They believe they are the real you and don’t want to share. That makes them dangerous. If they were to agree to give up the people in your life and go live somewhere else as someone totally new that is a different story, but that’s not what the gangers wanted. 🤷🏽‍♂️.

Ian Smith

I'm glad you enjoyed this. It's one of my favourite Doctor #11 stories - dark, suspenseful,blackly comic. Yeah,the cliffhanger can be seen from quite a long way off;but it's a good, traditional 'Base under siege' story. Oddly,much of Who fandom seems to have written it off - I've never understood why.


Very poor episode. I've never really liked this two parter. I just find so outdated, dull and boring. None of the supporting characters in this episode really stand out either especially Jennifer who came across as more annoying than sympathetic. She was really awful. The direction and editing for this story also isn't good. The setting is very bland too. Yeah, I don't have anything positive to say about this one.


Only just finished part one. Interested to see how your take on things develops during the next episode. Interestingly prejudism can take all forms. The duplicates are of course all the same. It's not relevant at all that they didn't ask to be created or given the memories of their creators. Or that they now share those experiences that make them who they are. But as they are now an inconvenience and surplus to requirements as a work force. They all should be put to death. Really very fascinating.