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David Murray

The search the niffin and the war The settings and stories get enough time to build without getting boring I enjoy Margo roo, this actress does it well. Again loving the writing of the rest of season with you so good.


I can tell you don't completely hate Margo anymore lol, but I do notice that you're not completely sold on her yet and tend to judge her more harshly than the other characters. You always seem so surprised when she has a sweet or selfless moment but she's been selfless multiple times, even if it sometimes comes with a bitchy quip, she's continuously demonstrated that she's stand up kinda gal and is loyal to her friends. She also is the first in the entire group to admit and own her faults. On the flip side, whenever she does have a jerk moment I feel like you hold it against her more than you do the others who, as I pointed out in another comment, are also all assholes to each other. In this review, I do agree with you that Elliot bottles up his emotions and never expresses his truth to Margo, but I disagree that she does the same. We've seen her keep it real with Elliot multiple times before this, like in season 1 when she was checking him for his substance abuse or when she expressed disappointment in him for not having her back when they discovered her gollum. Sorry, I didn't want to rant at you it's just something I noticed while binging your reactions and wanted to comment on.