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Paul Fisher

The revelation of Emma's magic when Cora tried to take her heart surprised me but it was actually foreshadowed by the writers in the first season, all the way back in the pilot episode. When Emma and Henry first drove into Storybrooke in the pilot, there was a scene where Emma gets out of the car and slams the door in anger because Henry won't tell her his address. When she slams the door, there is a short circuit on the power line behind her and sparks fly. So even though neither she nor the audience knew it at the time, we were seeing that Emma's emotions can manifest themselves in the physical world - which is basically the show's explanation of how magic works: a way for emotions to affect reality. The first time I saw the pilot, I knew that power line scene had to be important - they wouldn't have gone to the expense of putting in the special effects otherwise, but it wasn't until this episode that I realized what it really meant.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction, for another of my all time favorite episodes within season two!!! :) I love, love, love this episode so much! It is so exciting and beautiful from beginning to end. First, in regards to your qualms with Hook... I understand why you hate Hook still at this point and that's okay. You don't have to like the same characters I do for me to enjoy your reactions. For me... I feel differently about Hook. Granted... I know this show in and out and its characters because I've seen the entire series and have watched every episode dozens of times. So I understand by this point who these characters are and what they're thinking. Without giving away any spoilers... Hook is complex, intriguing, flirty, smug, charming, and so much more. However, Hook is a villain, and he has been for over two hundred years thanks to his time spent in Neverland while seeking revenge against Rumplestiltskin. Time in which his hatred for his enemy and his darkness has only grown and festered. So I understand why Hook does all he does. However, even when I watched these last few episodes for the first time, I got a sense that there was a good man buried deep down inside of him that we saw throughout most of the previous episode... Tallahassee, where Hook and Emma climb the beanstalk and seek out the compass. In his eyes, as Hook spoke with Emma to plead with her not to leave him locked inside the giants' lair, there is genuine affection for Emma in them. Like I said before, I certainly understand why Emma betrayed Hook first because he is a villain she couldn't risked trusting after they met only a short time earlier. However, there is more to Hook than meets the eye and I do believe him when he says there is some honor inside of him, even though he hasn't shown it since their adventure in Tallahassee. I hope all of this makes sense to you. Now as for Queen of Hearts... I love that this episode answers so many open questions... How Hook was able to rip out Aurora's heart in Into the Deep, how Hook wasn't taken by the curse as was explained by Smee back in The Crocodile, how Regina believed her mother to be dead, and how a small part of the Enchanted Forest was left untouched by the curse, leaving Hook, Cora, Mulan, Aurora, Phillip, etc... still there while they all remained frozen in time. Absolutely brilliant!! I really enjoy the scene between Emma, Hook, and Cora within Rumple's cell. And like I said in my comments from the last episode, I truly do believe Hook meant what he said to Emma before inside the giants' castle about wanting to help her, because I do believe he liked her and saw something special in her. However, he was deeply angry with Emma for betraying him, and leaving him behind with the giant, to very possibly be killed, not just by the giant, but possibly by Cora too if the giant really did allow him to live like Emma told Hook he would, because Hook knows he had betrayed Cora when he stole the magical cuff so he could climb the beanstalk with Emma instead of with Cora, and knew she would be angry with him. His life was definitely at risk, and he hates being betrayed, no matter who betrays him. So, his anger towards Emma for me is understandable. Also... Hook has been seeking revenge against Rumplestiltskin for centuries. He would have a difficult time letting his lust for revenge go. So of course Hook is angry with Emma. And I love that Hook stays very true to his character, especially here in this scene. I just love how Hook talks to Emma. It's harsh, but true. Emma shouldn't have abandoned him. If she hadn't, I do fully believe he would still be working with them instead of with Cora. Yes... he may have an ulterior motive that would ultimately help himself to gain his revenge, but he doesn't like Cora at all. He's simply working with her, and using her because she's currently helping him gain his revenge. I absolutely love the battle between everyone in the end. Emma's swordfight against Hook was so much fun. He is so snarky and smooth. I also love how in the middle of it, Hook reaches out with his hook to snatch Aurora's heart before it falls through the portal. And how he showed that he isn't completely evil, as he stated he couldn't let a woman lose her heart, unless of course it were to him, which he said to Emma jokingly. I adore Hook's cheekiness. :) Hook may have played this act off as him simply being smug and as a way to show off, but I also do believe he saved her heart, not to be smug, but because deep down, Hook knew it would be wrong to allow Aurora to lose her heart permanently, and to fall into the hands of whoever might find it wherever her heart were to wind up had he not saved her heart. Also... A part of me feels that Hook threw the fight with Emma on purpose, even though he was struck over the head by the compass. Yes... the impact could have rendered him unconscious as it appeared to have done, but even if it did, it wasn't for very long. Hook was toying with Emma because I sense that a part of him is still impressed by her drive to make it back home to her son, and that he wanted to see her succeed even more so than Cora. He might have been angry with Emma for leaving him in the giants' castle locked up, but if he really wanted to, he could have killed Emma at any time during their fight and he didn't. Hook is a two hundred year old pirate with lots and lots of experience in swordfighting and battle. Whereas Emma's new to battling against villains and magic. And it was quite clear by how easily he was able to knock her off her feet a number of times that she is inexperienced. Besides, Hook also had the magic bean and knew he could use it if they failed through Cora's way. So Hook stayed down. That's just my opinion. You can absolutely judge it for yourself. I also love that Hook had a backup pan. He's definitely one to play on both sides, and he's conniving. :) Now, as for Cora... she also could have easily killed Mary Margaret too, as well as Mulan despite them using Mulan's sword enchanted to deflect dark magic. And while Hook toyed with Emma a little because it's the smug kind of guy he is, Cora did so with Mary Margaret to be cruel. That's the big difference between Cora and Hook. They're both villains and do terrible things, but Hook still has a sense of fairness and a moral code. Whereas Cora is evil through and through. I really love the fight between Cora, Mary Margaret, and Mulan too. I love that Mulan's sword has been enchanted to deflect magic, even magic as powerful as Cora's. As for the end of the battle when Cora attempts to finally rip out Snow's heart... I love how Emma steps between her and her mother to protect her mother, not knowing Cora wouldn't be able to rip out her heart. How Emma was willing to sacrifice her life to save Mary Margaret. So powerful and such an amazing scene. And what a reveal to show that Emma has magic inside of her just like we saw when Emma touched Regina's arm back in Broken, allowing for Regina to get her own magic kickstarted back in this season's premiere. And Emma's magic is certainly powerful enough to blast Cora back long enough for Emma and Mary Margaret to finally jump into the portal with the compass in hand. Brilliant!! There is so much to Emma and her being the Savior, and a product of True Love. And yay!!!! They are finally home!!! Emma and Mary Margaret are reunited with Henry, and Mary Margaret is happily able to give David True Love's Kiss to wake him from his sleeping curse!! Such a beautiful moment between the Charming family and all of their friends. Also... there's a parallel between what David tells her in this moment, as he states that the burning room gave him pause after saying he never doubted her... to when Snow awakens in the beginning of the Pilot episode and tells him she never doubted he'd find her either, although her glass coffin gave her pause. So sweet. I absolutely love this moment. So beautiful. :) Next... I love Emma's talk with Gold in the end. I love how Gold explains to her that he was exactly where he wanted to be at the time of the Dark Curse being casted by Regina. But mostly, I love how Gold tells Emma that she has light magic within her that is separate from her parents' True Love and what he helped her to become in all of his years in planning. It shows just how powerful Emma as the Savior truly is. As for Emma's name written on squid ink over and over found within his cell... this is why Rumplestiltskin was so adamant on getting the name of Snow's and Charming's child when they came to visit him in his cell back in the Pilot episode too. And there's not only one reason for learning Emma's name as is revealed in this episode. So that Rumplestiltskin could be awakened from the curse and his own false memories so early on from the moment he hears Emma introduce herself to Granny's in the Pilot, but also so that Emma would later be able to discover just how powerful she really is so that she can strengthen her resolve to be the Savior she was born to be. This all is absolutely phenomenal!! I feel that perhaps this was Gold's true intention for the squid ink all along. So Emma could find her strength within herself and to see just how powerful she truly is, just like Gold told her inside his shop in the end. Just like Emma had, once they used the ink to free themselves. Not by using it against Cora. Now... I also absolutely love a second parallel throughout this episode too, beginning with Hook's first meeting first with Regina who asked him to kill her mother, then with Hook and Cora who asked him to help her to kill her daughter, even though her plans changed. Absolutely brilliant! And all of their scenes together were so good too! As for everyone walking away from Regina at Gold's in the end without asking her to join them. I really don't believe it was meant to be cruel towards Regina. You ought to understand... they're still struggling to look past Regina having been the Evil Queen, even though they can see her trying to change. However, I also think it has to do with the fact that Emma and Mary Margaret have spent so much time in the Enchanted Forest trying to fight against Cora. And while Regina isn't Cora, as the Evil Queen, Regina was just like her and neither Emma nor Mary Margaret have really seen Regina's change of heart in spite of them being told that Regina had saved them. With all this in mind, the women probably didn't want to be around Regina for a time until they understand better that she's trying hard to change, and after spending so much time with Cora. I hope that makes sense. And then... I also love the parallel between Cora casting the spell over the part of the land where she and Hook were to protect themselves from Regina's curse, which in turn protects those within that area of Cora's protection such as Mulan, Phillip, and Aurora, etc..., to Regina and Gold casting their curse over the portal in Storybrooke to try to prevent Cora from coming over from the Enchanted Forest. But what's even more amazing was seeing Regina break it in order to save Emma and Mary Margaret for Henry despite Gold's warning, believing in Henry like he pleaded her to do. It shows just how much she loves her son. So beautiful. I love the interactions between Regina and Gold throughout this episode. And even though Hook's cruelty towards Belle does make me mad at him too, it shows he's still willing to do whatever it takes to gain his revenge against Rumplestiltskin, and I do love the scene in the very beginning with Hook killing Regina's black knights outside of Belle's prison and him coming to Belle for information about the Dark One's dagger by pretending to want to help her. And clearly Hook doesn't take too kindly to being called a slave like he was when the guard called him such, after which Hook swiftly killed him with his hook. And lastly... I love seeing the end shot with the Jolly Roger suddenly appearing through the fog out on the ocean, with Hook and Cora above after Hook regenerates the magic bean through the waters of Lake Nostos. Amazing shot. And I love that it's because of Hook's ingenuity that allows him and Cora to get to Storybrooke, and not Cora's plan after everything. Oh... and in regards to the portals with Emma and Mary Margaret needing the compass to pass through their portal in Lake Nostos, while Hook and Cora no longer had the compass for their portal with the magic bean... Portals from different ways of magic have different ways of working. We've seen multiple versions of portals before... In season one's Pilot when Emma is transported through the wardrobe as a baby after her father puts her inside the wardrobe and when Geppetto does the same with Pinocchio in season one's episode, The Stranger. We've seen another portal when Bae fell through the portal after Rumple let his son go shown in season one's... The Return, again through Jefferson's hat that allows the Mad Hatter to portal jump in multiple episodes, as well as through the looking glass that forced Cora through a portal that brought her to Wonderland where she then becomes the Queen of Hearts... shown back in season two's episode... We Are Both, when Regina forces Cora through the mirror Rumplestiltskin gives to her. In this episode, along with thinking of Storybrooke, the compass makes it possible for Emma and Mary Margaret to return to Storybrooke because I believe that the magic of the wardrobe collected from the wardrobe's ash after the wardrobe had been destroyed, caused the portal to become unsteady unlike it had been when Emma passed through the wardrobe to our world as a baby. The compass acts as a way to guide them to their destination they are thinking of and keeps them on their path so they don't wind up in some random world. However, with magic beans... all one has to do to wind up where they wish to go, is for them to be thinking of the place in their minds, as both Hook and Cora had been in order to find their own way to Storybrooke. Again... I hope this explanation makes sense. At last... Captain Hook and Cora have arrived in Storybrooke and Hook is ready to confront his Crocodile at last!!! Fabulous!! I love this episode so much!! And I can't wait for more!! Thank you again for another reaction for Once Upon a Time!! Until next time...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... Hook had no reason to betray Emma inside the giants' castle because Emma agreed with him to take him along with them to Storybrooke, which is exactly what he wants. And he knows very well that Cora could turn on him at the drop of a hat for any reason. Hook didn't see Emma's betrayal coming at all, because she's a hero. In spite of him being a villain who doesn't trust easily just as Emma doesn't trust easily either, Hook trusted her. This is why her betrayal made him so angry, and why he's acting so cold towards her. I'm not saying he's in the right, because he's definitely wrong. But this is why I understand him.


But there was no way for Emma to know that. You know that because you’re the viewer and able to see everything that’s going on. Emma can’t do that and has to rely on her instincts. If he really was honorable he would’ve understood where Emma was coming from, but he is blinded by revenge and unable to trust anyone. Snow attacked the Huntsman to get away and he didn’t hold it against her because he was honorable.