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TB 5x6 full.mp4



It won’t let me watch this. ☹️




The fairy burlesque club is kind of cheap and cheesy 😆

Hazel Angus

It's incredibly cheesy, but they were dancing before as well, just in a different way. They're much more uninhibited now though, possibly because they escaped the Queen? Or whatever Mab is.

Hazel Angus

I love the way you come up with different ideas to try and figure this stuff out! Always very intelligent thoughts from you whether you end up being right or not. Poor Hoyt. Jessica's right, he was coming across so pathetic... but in such a heartbreaking way. He can't just turn his feelings off. It sucks for both of them because it's not Jessica's fault she fell out of love and couldn't carry on in the relationship. It would be unusual enough for a 17 year old girl to be able to stay in a relationship with a 28 year old man. And she stuck it out for over a year, far longer than I'd have expected. And then she's vampire as well, so she's growing up as not only a former human who hadn't figured herself out yet, but this completely different thing as well.