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TVD 3x12 full.mp4


Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

PD: the actor that plays Klaus and the actress that plays Abby are married irl and how you dont think they look alike...I was surprise how much they looked alike, way better than other parents...Meredith is so underrated, I liked her a lot! and yes Elena is better than a lot of them still people hater her cause she's "whiny" and ELIJAH is back bitchessssss


Finally Stefan is feeling something I really hope he gets back to his normal self. And Damon is a genius for waking up Elijah (my fav original) because he knew that Klaus betrayed him and that he will be against him, and I think he didn’t wake up the other two because he doesn’t know their situation so who says they’re not gonna side up with Klaus? Damon only knew Elijah. I’m loving Elena this season and I don’t understand why she’s getting so much hate, and even though I loved Stefan and Elena together I’m all in for some Delena content. And yes Stefan and Elena didn’t officially break up but Elena doesn’t own him anything and everyone knows that Damon loves Elena including Stefan. And btw Damon and Elena’s kiss was before the kidnapping and bridge situation. I can’t say it enough but I feel so bad for Tyler he’s doing so much because he loves Caroline, I didn’t really care about him in the last two seasons but I really like him now. Same with Bonnie, didn’t really like her at first but she’s so understanding and helping now. I don’t trust Meredith I have a bad feeling about her but I like that she’s helping people, Alaric deserves so much and I LOVE that Damon went to see her to make sure she’s good for Ric, their friendship is the best. Looking forward for next episode.


I know this is so off topic but your curls are beautiful!!!


What I don't understand is how could Abby be compelled ? She is a witch witches can't be compelled ... even if she doesn't have her magic she can't be compelled ... Or was she just threatened by them hurting Jamie otherwise ? Never fully understood this :) And to not waking the other two up I'm with Sara fahad, he doens't know them so it would not make sense to wake them because he doesn't know what they would be up to do ... I'm catching up with your previous reactions and in 2x14 (just watchting it) you asked if her parents knew she was the Doppelgänger and yes they did as seen in this episode. But than at least the Gilberts have to have know that the Benetts are witches and left the council clueless.


Lots of reveals in this episode. Firstly I'll address the Bonnie reaction, finally a normal teenage reaction. There is more to it than that. Like I said in the previous episode, Bonnie is pragmatic. Damon is more under control when he's around Elena, so them being together is good for everyone except Stefan. He's less dangerous and far more helpful towards their cause. He's even nice to Bonnie. Bonnie also knows that there are feelings between the two and has suspected it for a long time, in fact, judging by a previous comment by Bonnie in early S1, I think she's been expecting it. My next point is something which may seem completely off topic, but there is a comment in this episode which gives an explanation to prior events. Abbie said that Mikael was looking for the doppelganger, meaning he knew who Elena was when she was only 3 years old. John and Isobel were still in touch. John told Isobel all about vampires, I would be certain this is what triggered him to tell her, that their daughter was in danger because she was the doppelganger. I think this is what triggered Isobel to research Mystic Falls and all about the doppelganger, Klaus and Katherine. I think it got to the point where it was too dangerous for Isobel to be asking questions as a human, therefore she decided to become a vampire to find out more to help keep Elena alive. I just don't think she realised how much it would change her. Thus, my belief is that Isobel had the purest reason to become a vampire, to protect her daughter. Because of that, I can never dislike Isobel as her reasons for becoming a vampire were born out of the love for her daughter, despite not knowing her. I love that Damon is vetting Ric's women to make sure they are good for him. Damon does love Ric as a friend and he's quite protective over him. Damon hasn't killed an innocent since Rose died (an entire season as that was 2x12). He said to Jessica (the girl he killed) that she was his existential crisis. Could he continue killing like he did, or was the guilt too much for him. He likes killing, but he can't kill innocent humans anymore. Instead, he targets bad guys as that gives him an even bigger killing buzz, because it makes him feel good about himself. For Elena, Damon has been there for her. He has encouraged her to become a stronger person. Stefan was happy to protect her and allow her to be the damsel in distress. Damon thinks she needs to empower herself, even if she can't really do much. He pushes her to be the best she can be. I think this is one of the reasons Bonnie doesn't have a problem with Delena. Damon might be a bad person in general, but he's not bad for Elena. The only issue is like I mentioned in the last episode and you mentioned in this one, she will grow older and Damon won't. So whichever Salvatore she chooses, she has the same problem. Elena had feelings for Damon in S2. You can see it, the sly looks she was giving Andie, the way she was looking at his lips (apparently when a person wants to kiss someone, that is what they do). So the Tyler situation. To me, he is really going that extra mile for love. He also knows he can't control himself and that he has to fight for his freedom, no matter the price. Bill put himself in too much danger, he should have listened to Tyler sooner. Why would Damon fans have an issue with Meredith bloodjacking him? It's an awesome idea. Make him give a bit back to society for the things he has done. Make him save lives as opposed to taking lives! Damon couldn't undagger Rebekah as she would try to kill Elena. He has no idea what the other Originals are like, and he can't ask Klaus. They might be more dangerous or unstable than Klaus. The only way to find out is to undagger an Original he can have a reasonable conversation with. It was extremely smart to do that. I don't like Abbie for what she did to Bonnie. Especially taking in someone else's kid and ignoring her own. Isobel was only 16 so she had an excuse. Plus she was leaving Elena with John's family. But as married woman deserting her 3yo child, husband, mother and best friend, that does not scream out to me as a nice person. I have no sympathy with her at all. Bonnie deserves better! Stelena broke up in Chicago, so she has nothing to feel guilty about, however the kiss was before Stefan tried to run her off the bridge. I understand Stefan punching Damon, but it's not the first time they've fought over the same woman. They shared Katherine (not that Elena would ever go that far). Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x p.s Sorry for the essay.


I think Caroline and Liz look very much alike. There is also a mother/son combo later in the show who look alike. But I think Bonnie looks like her mum. Jeremy looks like Miranda and Grayson.


What I am thinking about Mikael coming to town to get the doppelgänger, how could be possibly know she is the doppelgänger ? For that someone must have seen Katherine as a child so see that they look alike or is this implying that the doppelgänger never really change their apperience ? I really love your comments you are bringing so much knowledge into this so maybe you have an explaination for this one ?


Yes, Abby was never compelled just threatened.