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Dr Who 5x9 full.mp4


Ian Smith

I love the last few minutes of this story! No surprise that that was the part that Moffat wrote :)

Samuel Coghlan-White

This is one of those doctor who episodes where it all goes crazy in the last five/ten minutes


Despite the well-done back half that really doesn't have much to do with the overall story of the two-parter besides being part of the arc, I think I like the first part of this story better than the second part. Overall though I enjoyed this two-parter watching it here with you a lot more than the first time around. Nasreen is obviously a standout character here, and Ambrose is certainly memorable (for being incredibly infuriating and generally not likeable). I wish the Silurians were more interesting in this story, but still found them quite boring. The ending though is chef's kiss, I wish Rory featured more in the story and had an actual arc in the story to really bring it home. Looking forward to next week's. :)


We barely got to know Rory, and now he’s dead. Amy doesn’t even remember him; and if Amy doesn’t grieve for Rory, if she’s unaffected by this sudden, last-second, un-foreshadowed turn of events, why should we? It cancels out the whole point of Amy’s Choice. Since the Crack erased Rory from time, then that episode never happened. It feels like Moffat simply changed his mind about retaining Rory as a companion. Waste of a good character, I say.

Ian Smith

I still haven't forgiven Moffat for that. Rory was a lovely character. He deserved more. :(


This two parter for me is just very below average. I used to like it when it first aired but nowadays I don't really see much worth in it other than the final minutes which was the most interesting part. Part of me sees what they were trying to do with Ambrose but another part of me doesn't find her believable. I feel like the family needed more characterisation. There's just too much running around, sudden personality changes and lack of threat with the Silurians. It's just dull and boring tbh. The idea of them integrating with humans would have made a much more interesting episode than this. The only positive I can say is that Nasreen was the best supporting character and is an example of a character who would have made a great companion arguably even more so than Amy.

Toby Harmon

I think these are great episodes, and your reactions made me enjoy them more! Great things are to come!

Henry from CO

"Now, as my people awaken from their thousand year sleep ready to rise to the surface, my thoughts turn back to the Doctor. The losses he suffered then and the greater loses that were still to come."

Dani C

Just watching this reaction and had to pause to post: I love that you catch the smaller moments. But I did have to chuckle to myself at how moved you were by Nasreen's choice - knowing what was about to happen :P

Dani C

All these years and it never struck me before that the violence all came from women and the greatest voices for peace were male. Thank you! Gotta love it when someone draws your attention to something you havent spotted in a much loved show.

Mark Ward

Really loved your reaction to the last 10 minutes or so - Nasreen's decision (which has never really worked for me before, but watching you react to it it finally clicked for me) and of course... THAT moment. Glad you liked that part. The rest of the episode is good talking point, but not actually that entertaining as a two-parter.