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TVD 3x11 full.mp4


Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

this is where Stelena was over for me. its so funny to have a real/not supernatural murder hahahaha! The sire bond just happens if Klaus turn you into a hybrid, giving his blood to Caroline doesn't have that affect (their coming scenes are one of the best things on this season)


I won't lie, as someone who's been struggling with depression for a long time, that scene between Klaus and Caroline gets me everytime. Caroline feeling like her life has no meaning or purpose and Klaus telling her that there is a whole world out there and she could have all of it.. goosebumps :D


To be honest I don’t get the scene between Klaus and Caroline, I feel like he wanted to look as the hero when he’s the one who caused the problem. Poor Tyler. Stefan has gone too far this time idk how him and Elena are gonna recover from that. Damon in the other hand has been so sweet.


It's not the blood of any hybrid that can cure a werewolf bite. It's the blood of Klaus, the original hybrid


I wanted to address what Matt was saying about how their lives were before all the vampire craziness ensued when Damon and Stefan came to town. and what you were saying about Elena's life not being what her parents would have wanted and even if she left Klaus would just find her. The fact is that Elena's (and Bonnie's and Caroline's) parents knew about Vampires. This stuff has been going on in Mystic Falls for pretty much forever, the parents kept it from them. The only difference is that they all know about it now. As for Caroline and Klaus, she doesn't really owe him anything. I don't actually think he meant to hold something over Caroline's head. The price for Caroline getting cured was Liz's loyalty/acceptance.


love your hair!


And btw even if Elena turned into a vampire so she can be free from being a blood bag Klaus wouldn’t just leave her. Katherine did the same thing and she’s still running from him 500+ years later so if Elena turned Klaus would get so mad he might kill all of them just like he did with Katherine’s family.


Yes Elena’s parents knew about vampires. I was referring to the fact that Elena is intimately involved with vampires like she said in the episode. Her parents wouldn’t have wanted that for her but she is in love and feels like she can’t help it plus she’s the doppelgänger and is basically cursed as long as Klaus is around. And Klaus doesn’t do anything for nothing which is why he said he wanted Liz’s support in exchange for “curing” Caroline when it was his fault she was bit in the first place


So much to cover with this episode. Firstly, the humanity switch. One of the ways to turn it back on and keep it on a dimmer is to obsess and focus on one thing. Stefan is trying to destroy Klaus. Back in S1, Damon was obsessed with getting Katherine out of the tomb. He didn't start to let emotions in until after that and they were gradual. However, the longer the switch is off, the longer it takes to get the person they used to be back. Stefan is where Damon was in S1, albeit his humanity hasn't been off for very long. This is the consequence of turning off the humanity switch. Even the nicest vampire will turn bad while it is off and would possibly struggle once it is turned back on. This Stefan's 3rd time with his humanity off. When he first became a vampire, in the 20's and now. Damon has only done it once. I'm not judging Stefan as he had no choice this time, the first time he didn't know any better and the second time, was probably linked to the most common reason, emotional overload. When vampires get overwhelmed with emotions, guilt, grief, etc... They can't cope as it is worse than anything we could imagine. They flip the switch as their only way out. It isn't because they're evil, it is usually because something has happened which they can't emotionally cope with. Anti-depressants don't work on vampires. It is either the humanity switch or suicide. Every question you asked will at some point be answered. There are 2 sides to Klaus. There is the power-hungry monster, who I don't like. Then there is another side to him, the one I really do like. He loves and truly appreciates beauty in everything. He loves being a vampire because he can enjoy those things more. He looks at a painting and he can see more than a human can. He can look at a flower and appreciate the colours more than humans as they look more magnificent to a vampire. If Klaus was a more Stefan/Damon level vampire, he'd be very different. If he was human, he'd be an art gallery curator. Bonnie is judgemental, but she is pragmatic and this was her dilemma with the Jeremy situation. She knew Jeremy had to leave, but he'd never do it on his own. She hated that his choice was taken away, but she understood Elena was left with no choice either. Bonnie is the most practical and pragmatic character on the show. She gets that as much as she doesn't like certain things being done, there are times and places for bad things having to happen, and that she herself may do or agree with doing bad things for the greater good. I do feel for Tyler. Being a werewolf was like having an illness. Then Klaus came along with the medication for his illness, however Tyler is a slave to the side-effects of the medication (the sire-bond). However, those side-effects are too dangerous for his friends, at least he now knows that and he's not going to get himself into a situation where he can be of danger to them again (hopefully). The bad things tied to the group is very accurate. Elena and Bonnie were born with the problems of being supernatural, so they were always destined to be affected by Klaus, regardless of whether or not the Salvatore's came to town. Katherine knew Elena was her doppelganger before Stefan and Damon returned to Mystic Falls as she was dating Mason, getting his trust and preparing him to trigger his werewolf gene. She was clearly already planning to hand Elena over to Klaus at that point. She just needed to get hold of the moonstone. Katherine would have known about Elena through Isobel. She wanted the tomb vamps dead to make sure nobody else (like Rose) got to use Elena as a bargaining chip with Klaus. Speaking of Isobel, I have a theory about her, which I can explain after the next episode. She isn't mentioned, but there is a revelation in the next episode which is what I think led to Isobel's decision in regards to becoming a vampire. We do have some insight in how Elena's father would have reacted to Elena and Stefan. Stefan said Grayson was still alive when he got to the car. Grayson would have known what Stefan was as no human would have been able to save her. Grayson entrusted Stefan with Elena's life, despite knowing what he was and that he was handing her over to a someone who would potentially kill her anyway. In my eyes, that was her father giving his blessing to his daughter mixing with a vampire as his last act, despite him being a vampire hunter (we saw the weapons at the lake house). The only time Damon would have genuinely turned Elena was to save her from Klaus. He was bluffing the time before. But Elena forgave Damon for killing Jeremy and for trying to turn her. She is compassionate. That conversation with Elena and Matt on the bridge is very telling. She met Stefan while she was still that girl who went off the bridge. She was just turned 17, young, naive and innocent. Fast forward just over a year later and she's changed. She's changed a lot, especially since her and Stefan broke up. She's become a fighter, slightly more cynical. That innocence has gone. Her dreams for the future have changed from graduation and college, to survival and protecting the ones she loves. She's far more mature, no longer the naive teenager with a romantic view on life, but slowly turning into a woman with a more realistic one. I think Stelena's biggest problem is not Stefan's humanity issues, but Elena outgrowing him. Unless Elena turns, she has no future with Stefan, she will age and he won't. I think she knows that, but she's holding on to the last vestiges of that innocent girl when it comes to Stefan. At the end of S2 she said she didn't know what love was, despite knowing she loved Stefan. I think she has come to realise that she is in a teenage relationship which will never be an adult relationship with adult responsibilities. She can to some extent have that with Damon, but once she hits her thirties, the same issue is going to arise. Sorry for the essay. Fantastic reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Huge revelations abound. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


Who else got triggered when he kept hating on klaroline?lmao