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TB 4x4 full.mp4



It’s so interesting to be watching Fiona Shaw in True Blood and in Killing Eve side by side (I just watched S3E3 last night). The characters of Marnie and Carolyn could not be more different. She’s such a great actress. And yes I also loved the flashback to the Spanish witch that has been possessing Marnie, but I don’t want to say too much about that and spoil something. And I said before that Jason’s storyline with the werepanthers is one of my least favorite storylines, but Jessica healing Jason with her blood is something that I like about it. Again, I am trying to say very little here. And Lafayette, Tara, and Jesus just want to be the ones to fix Eric, because they are afraid if the spell is reversed by someone else without their help, or if the spell wears off, then they will be the ones he comes after, but if they are the ones who fix him, they think he will be more likely to grant them mercy. Basically they just can’t relax and trust that Eric’s current condition is permanent and he will not be a threat to them again, and they don’t really know what his condition is anyways, because Sookie is lying to Tara and being very secretive about it. *Edit-They do know it was a memory spell, but only because of the book the witch’s spirit dropped, unless I’m forgetting something. It wasn’t easy for them to figure out what exactly is going on with Eric because Sookie isn’t telling them anything.


And remember, Jessica glamored Hoyt into forgetting why he was mad at her in the last ep, so yeah...


Btw, I think Sookie is being a terrible friend to Tara and Lafayette. Her priority has been protecting Eric over being truthful with them, and even after Tara told her Eric attacked her at the circle she still lied to protect him. To her best friend. And the funny thing is while she is lying and keeping Eric hidden, Tara and Lafayette are actually trying to reverse the spell, and Sookie’s secrecy is only serving to hinder their efforts.


Great reaction! I forgot about Pam's face melting off this episode. lol Looking forward to the next episode!