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What is his name????!!!


Dr Who 4x9 full.mp4


Mark Ward

I think this is one of the best pieces of sci-fi storytelling ever - it is such a great two-part story in itself, but it plants so many seeds of many many things, so it works on multiple levels. I think the three leads (I'm counting Alex Kingston as River Song as a lead because she basically plays her like one here) are astonishing in this episode. I'm glad you really felt for the moment where Donna's 'husband' tried to call to her - what a genius heartbreaking moment. If I were to write it, I think I'd have just left River (and her companions) all dead to be honest, but I can understand why they didn't as well - I think it would have worked either way. Catherine Tate's devastation when the two kids disappeared in the room kills me too... :o Oh I love it so much. And yes that is Luke from The Handmaid's Tale - man... he is one of my biggest crushes ever. Finally... these last 6 episodes of Season 4, to me, are ALL 10/10 episodes (maybe I'd go to 9.5 for one of them!).... that's how I feel about this section. I don't think I have ever said that about another section of the show.

Henry from CO

"Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call ... everybody lives."

Henry from CO

Wonderful two-parter written by Steven Moffat who also wrote series one "The Empty Child" (are you my mummy?), series two "Girl in the Fireplace" (Madame De Pompadour), and his worse effort that no one likes from series three, "Blink" (the Angels have the phone box).


River: “If you die here, it’ll mean I’ve never met you.” Doctor: “Time can be rewritten.” River: “Not those times. Not one line. Don’t you dare. It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s not over for you. You’ll see me again. You’ve got all of that to come. You and me, time and space. You watch us run!” Other Boy, these two episodes are the main reason I started watching Doctor Who with you from the very beginning. Not to see you react to Daleks, Sontarans, or giant wasps, but to see you react to River Song. Who is she? There was a potential clue, but if you overlooked it (and you don’t miss much), I’m not going to bring it up. As for Miss Evangelista, it was stated she was Mr. Lux’s personal secretary, obviously hired for her looks and Lux seemed quite fond of her. Lastly, if you’re Other Boy, is there a Proper Boy?


Yeah I was thinking that it wasn’t necessary to do the whole River and her friends have been saved scenes, but it was nice to have a somewhat happy ending😭 Poor Donna.


Oh wow he wrote Blink?! That makes total sense. His episodes have a very different feel than the rest of the show. The details he writes make such an impact: the last thoughts being recorded and looping over and over, Lee MacAvoy seeing Donna leave, but not being able to speak. So good.


Re: the Doctor's name. Especially at this point, 40-ish years into the show, we don't really know why he doesn't tell anyone his name, but this episode sort of hints at a possible reason. He says "There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could." Maybe he just can't?


Haha! There are many proper boys but I’ll never be them. Hmm I’m not sure who River is. I’ll have to wait and see

Henry from CO

Kinda reminds of Nine's "everybody lives!" speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhklrve5xmw


These are the benchmark episodes we really look forward to a reactor getting to. Others... Many of us may have very differing opinions on. But when they are this good we are all just about unified. Glad to see you enjoyed this as much as you did. So many comments rushing around in my head 🤐 But I must not do "Spoilers!" 😁

John Smith

One of my all time favourites, love this two parter, love that final scene between River and The Doctor. Can't wait for the rest of Series 4, Gem after Gem all the way through.


The scene with Donna and her virtual kids was heartbreaking. I don't have children myself, but I can imagine that scene would have been nightmarish for any parents watching! "Well, Mummy promises to never close her eyes again..."


No, patent is pronounced 'pay-tunt'. 😋

David Murray

Still in hindsight, Moffat being a life time fan makes his time insanely brilliant compared to any other. I know what what your thinking, Davies. I still feel deeply that Moffat conveyed that sci fi ideal of Doctor Who wonderment like no other. An earlier generation love of mystery and "twilight zone". He captured something in a bottle; I have yet to see anywhere else. (Except maybe Whedons Dollhouse) but I am blubbering now.

Ian Smith

Planet of the Ood. "Your song will be over soon" I'm not quite as enamoured of this episode as others. Part One is really good;but I find Part Two to be a "Steven Moffat box of tricks" story;full to the brim with ideas and paradoxes. Fun,but somewhat exhausting!


Oh wow I didn’t think of that from the Ood episode. I thought it meant the Doctor was going to die soon. Interesting.

Toby Harmon

So many comments alluding at what's to come or pointing out hints... frustrating :(

Toby Harmon

But I loved your reaction to this story, I cried along with you😂😂😂😂I'm SO excited for your reactions to the remaining 4 episodes


One of the best episodes of Series 4. I enjoy every episode in this series but this one takes to a really greater level with the mystery of CAL, the computer integration, the story being told out of sequence. The computer and library scenes are great. There was so much emotion with Donna especially when she was with Lee and refused to believe her children weren't real. The scene where they disappear is so heartbreaking. Donna missing Lee was also sad as hell. The music is great, the creepy factor of the killer shadows is great and I love the emotional climax. The Doctor and Donna facing their futures while also losing people who mean so much to them is sad. But the ending makes it even more bittersweet with the dead living in the data core. The "Everybody lives" moment is like a callback to Christopher Eccleston's Doctor in the Doctor Dances episode. I love the combination of a library planet, killer shadows, virtual reality taking over and the Doctor and Donna facing losses and the premise of a fairytale like adventure of a dying child. I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is definitely something special. But the best of Series 4 has yet to come IMO. :D


Thanks for uploading both parts at the same time. We do appreciate it. Tennant and Tate are effortlessly flawless as the Doctor and Donna. I could watch them forever. Perfect casting.


For me, these are the best two episodes Steven Moffat's ever written, followed by the best two episodes Russell T Davies has ever written, followed by the best finale of Modern Who. So, fair to say I think this is a great stretch of the show. Hope you like them all as much as I do (not EVERYONE loves the next episode, but I think it's incredibly cleverly done).

Adam C Turek

From what we know at this point once you become a Timelord you choose your name/title, he chose the Doctor so thats who he is, maybe a Timelords real name is meant to be sacred known only to family or loved ones, or perhaps The Doctors real name is kept secret for a more important reason. Everything about him is a Mystery other than the fact he chose to be a Doctor to discover/learn/help while other Timelords had other ambitions like say, the Master.