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HTGAWM 1x1 full.mp4



Glad you liked it, the show is great and full of twists!


I’ve only watched the first season of this show a few years ago, but I’m considering getting back into it. I like that the main characters operate in a moral gray area, because I’m kind of tired of main characters that always strive to “do the right thing” and even though they mess up sometimes, their “heart is always in the right place”. Maybe I’m just cynical, but I think most people aren’t really that way, but that doesn’t make them “villians”, it just makes them human. Maybe I just like seeing the other side of things, because I’m usually much more interested in anti-heroes, and morally ambiguous characters (and even straight-up criminals sometimes) than “Dudley DoRight” types. Also thanks for clarifying that you don’t think all bisexuals will “do anything”, cuz I was was about to get mad at you for a second there. 😝


I like a mix of characters. Some morally ambiguous, some good and some bad. No story works with just one kind of person. I’m actually tired of shows with mostly morally ambiguous characters because then they’re all doing questionable things. It also depends on what they’re doing. I have no tolerance for the intentional killing of innocent people. That does make someone a villain to me, especially if they’re not sorry and don’t try to change later on. But I love damaged characters that have had a hard life but are trying to change. Sharp Objects on HBO is an amazing example. But I’m tired of shows where main characters are villains. I don’t want to feel like I’m being manipulated into feeling sorry for someone who is constantly murdering people. I don’t think that’s the case with this show though...hopefully😄


I love Killing Eve but Villanelle is a clear villain to me. She’s fun to watch but I don’t feel like the show is trying to make me sympathize with her. Plus Sandra Oh’s character balances it out. I don’t think that show would work with just Villanelle or just Sandra Oh. Both are needed. No I didn’t assume Stan was innocent in this show. I don’t know anything about him yet. There could be a variety of reasons he was killed. But I’m also watching Vampire Diaries and I’m tired of being told a certain character on there is complicated when he hasn’t shown anything like it yet. Characters that kill people for the fun of it is not interesting to me.


Eh...sometimes people just want to believe a character has more good in them than is shown, or even intended by the writers, simply because they find that character pretty to look at. I’m afraid I’m guilty of this sometimes, more so with female characters than male characters, but I’m not a fool. If a character is a total asshole, I recognize that, even if I find them extremely attractive (and like I said before, I would never go for someone like that in real life)