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The Magicians 1x3 full.mp4



It’s not that Julia never believed in magic before, but she stopped believing sometime around college (later than most people I’d say) because she’s always been more practical than Quentin, and there was a lot of pressure on her to grow up and be normal and successful. Quentin actually said in the first ep that she was the one that got him into it all in the first place, but then she said it got them through high school but basically once they were adults it was time to give up on it. She never really wanted to give it believing but people respond differently to societal and their family’s pressures to be “normal”. Quentin’s response, since he is prone to depression was to cling harder to the fantasy stories he loved and believe that life could be different and better than the conventional life that he was being pushed to live. But I don’t think you can blame Julie for losing her belief for a while.


Yeah but she told him to grow up in the first episode. So it’s kind of hypocritical of her to ask Quentin to help her when he never gave up believing😬 But it was unfair of him to say “you knew how I felt about you” when he never said anything out loud to her. At least I haven’t seen him say anything yet. So they both have valid points and flaws to me.


Yeah I hated him trying to make her feel guilty for not returning his romantic feelings for her, like that he was entitled to something more from her or acting like she lead him on, which she didn’t do. I hated him for saying those things when first watched this ep, and I almost stopped watching the show because when you HATE the main character it’s kind of hard to keep watching something. But obviously I did keep watching and I understand where Quentin was coming from now. He was still wrong in a lot of ways, but he has some issues and I understand now that he always felt inferior to Julia and then he suddenly had something that she didn’t and that she wanted more than anything, and he it was hard for him to not hold that over her when they were both upset with each other and yeah, she had told him to grow up and let go of all the magic “crap” first. When he told her “Stop being pissed you lost for once” I felt that, because he was used to feeling like the loser in life (even though he really isn’t but depression will make you feel that way). The next episode is really something else though 🤯. I’d don’t want to spoil anything for you though.


Also, I know Penny comes off as an asshole, especially to Quentin, and I should disapprove of someone being so mean to someone with clinical depression (especially considering I’ve struggled with depression for many years as well) but I can’t help but love Penny and be entertained by his surly attitude and snide remarks. You’d think he’d have more empathy being able to hear people’s thoughts, but he hates it and most people irritate him, especially Quentin because his thoughts are so miserable, and Penny is kind of forced to hear him since neither of them have learned much about controlling their powers yet, so it’s like listening to someone whine constantly. This isn’t really a spoiler, I’m just saying Penny looks at someone like Quentin, who he sees as coming from a pretty privileged background, and he doesn’t have much sympathy or patience for him. Penny is also also really nice to look at, so I like every scene he’s in. Same with Margot. They are my favorite two characters to look at and for plenty of other reasons as well, but everyone in the main cast is pretty nice to look at. 😁


Julia is my fave too sometimes, and her SL is the most compelling, but sometimes she is a little too intense for me and I need comic relief. I think you’ll grow to appreciate Margot more for this. Back to work I go now.


Yeah but I think the responsibility is on Penny to learn to control his psychic powers rather than him telling other people to control their thoughts.


An interesting thing about the Julia and Alice plotlines in this episode is how sure Quentin is that he knows what’s best for them, in the moment. He tears into Julia about how she’s “slumming it”, and he traps Charlie in the box forever, despite her protests. Is Quentin right? I think the show comes down hard on him being wrong to make the decision for them, but simultaneously suggests that both Julia and Alice are self-destructing. Interesting then, that Quentin makes the wrong call by taking their choice away, even if the decision is right.