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David Murray

Not Especially Bright will be my epitaph.

David Murray

You are absolutely correct. The classic master was not crazy. In fact thats why personally I throw all this out the window. As I am sure you wanted/expected his beef was with the Doctor not accepting their roles as dominate over the universe. Atleast in the classic series. I was really disappointed with the psycho trope


Yeah I wanted to know what their relationship was like and why they hated each other


The Master’s been around since 1971. The character has a long history. You’re not the only one to have found this version too campy. Personally, it takes a lot before I find anything too campy 😄 But there’s definitely more to The Master than "he simply went insane". Loving your reactions 😊

Adam C Turek

The Doctor has thwarted him in the past so the Master already has a grudge at this point. NOT A SPOILER: there's a deleted piece of audio from classic Who that revealed the Master and Doctor were Brothers, but the writers were hesitant to go through with it and cancelled the idea, so when Martha suggest they were Brothers i think that was a reference to that.

Henry from CO

Side note; Poor Freema Agyeman, both Tennant and Barrowman are healthy men over six feet tall. So when they run, they run with so much authority. Meanwhile, 5'3" Freema has to run flat out just to try and keep up .....


Oh wow I didn’t realize they were that tall and she was that short!

Melinda Barr

The best Master in NuWho is Sir Derek Jacobi. John Simms performance didn't have that "menacing" quality.