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TVD 2x7 full.mp4



Damn it, i want to watch but I am still at work. Looks like it is going to be a long day...😪


Love this episode. Great reaction. It's not unusual in this show for vampires who want revenge to inflict torture on other vampires as opposed to killing them. It seems to be a running theme, so locking her in the tomb is not out of character. That was Damon's closure on Katherine. It was hard for him, but now he's over her. Until he got some type of revenge on her, she had a hold on him. Now he can look forward, and maybe try to be a bit of a better person. Clearly Katherine wasn't lying about Elena being in danger. She is the doppelganger, so either someone has mistaken her for Katherine, or someone else knows about her. Elena's existence would have been revealed as soon as the tomb was opened. Even if Stefan and Damon weren't around, Anna would have opened it. So Stefan and Damon have helped keep the death count down as the tomb vampires would have wreaked havoc on the town if Stefan and Damon hadn't killed Frederick & co. Damon telling Stefan that Amy's death was collateral damage was to ease Stefan's conscience. Damon was a soldier and his thinking is the death of one to save the lives of many can be justified, and he knows Stefan would agree with that. Giving up after Amy died would have made her death even more pointless. Katherine killed Amy, not Stefan, so he had no reason to feel guilty. Jeremy gets the hot guy of the episode award. Katherine gets the hot chick award, but Lucy gets best hair of the entire series from this episode. Bonnie and Jeremy, flirting. She's an improvement of Vicki and Anna. Bonnie is only 8 months older than Jeremy so there isn't much in it. Looking forward to the next few episodes. We meet some very interesting characters. Can't wait for the next one.


I still think Damon was being heartless yet again by saying Amy was collateral damage. Because Stefan cares about human life. He doesn’t want anyone to get hurt and Damon saying that it’s just another body and it’s bound to happen doesn’t make Stefan feel any better. He wouldn’t give up because of it. He’s just more angry. I hope to see Damon change from now on, but I won’t hold my breath

Jess The Fox

"...I hate Elena's life..." LOL ❤❤